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Snow's Nog Needs Good Thoughts **UPDATED** it's NOT cancer!


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Thanks guys, I'm sorry but I'm an emotional wreck at the moment, this is my worst nightmare coming true. Nog hasn't been kept in at the vets he's home here with us, he's high as a kite on opiate and painkillers, his leg is immobilised in heavy bandaging which has by necessity had to be stuck directly onto his skin and can only be removed under a full GA tomorrow. We have been desperately trying to get him to have a wee and a drink but he won't/can't go at the moment, most of the time he's been laying on his bed panting hard with either myself or Rob alongside him.


The news isn't brilliant, we have several possible scenarios the best we can hope for is that it is a fracture at the very tip of the tibia just on the hock of his left hind leg, next best is a fracture of the hock itself which will require surgery, the worst case scenario is that this is a bone tumor which has collapsed - i.e. osteosarcoma.


6 years ago we lost our 8 yr old lurcher Olaf to the same thing in almost identical circumstances, so oesteo is something I know a great deal about and which I have said I never ever EVER wanted to have to go through again ... and here we are .... Nog is himself only 8 years old. Jane our vet is the same vet who treated Olaf, she knows I know what the prognosis's are, she also knows how I dreaded this ever happening again, tomorrow morning both she and the other vet at the partnership will both have a look under GA and see what is going on, they will both interpret the xrays and they will come to a joint recommendation, we have been told that we need to discuss this evening what we think we will do if the news is that it's oesteo as if we decide to pts they'll keep him under the GA until we can get there.


I will be sleeping on the floor tonight alongside Nog - not that I expect to sleep. I am struggling to keep from falling apart and the tears won't stop whenever I try and think about what we will do if the news is bad. Rob is telling me not to give up, but I strongly suspect Jane let him come home with us because she fears the worst. I hope and pray thats not the case.


We are unlikely to have any news before mid morning tomorrow, and I'll be praying hard that I will be able to kick myself for being such a worry wart over nothing.


We don't know what happened, one moment he was running hard like he always does the next he was holding the leg high and crying in pain, for once Rob had not taken his mobile with him - sods law that - and so my poor Nog and Rob had to struggle home as best they could - including navigating a valley and a stream at the bottom. Nog has been so so good honest to god my dog is bombproof and if anything proved it - then its been tonight, he was in tremendous pain, and I had to extend the leg and hold it while it was examined, he didn't cry, he didn't struggle, god if he'd gone to bite it would have been perfectly understandable, instead he licked my arm and my face and merely whimpered when it got a bit too much when the opiate was given, so much for wimpy greyhounds! Not this one! The hock has a swelling the size of an orange - it looks pretty bad and Jane says she could feel grating so it seems likely there is a fracture at the very least. He didn't fall, and was on the straight, possibly he's put his foot in a hole but we just don't know.


Please think don't be osteo thoughts as hard as you can - of all the possible cancers this one is amongst the worst, we will give Nog every chance - he's my soul dog and I can't lose him!! mecry.gif mecry.gif

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