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I shop in tesco and I agree not as cheap as Aldi or Netto, but what I save on buying things with their clubcard vouchers more than makes up for this. The clubcard vouchers are worth 4x as much if you use them on deals rather than spend in store as they are only worth face value then. A few years ago we had a holiday on a narrowboat, worth over £1000, it didn't cost us a penny as we used clubcard vouchers! We have our car serviced & MOT'd each year at no cost as we use the vouchers. We have used them for meals out, Alton Towers, Drayton Manor, National Trust properties, hotels, etc, etc. The list is endless. Definitely worth it in my opinion. :)

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I shop in tesco and I agree not as cheap as Aldi or Netto, but what I save on buying things with their clubcard vouchers more than makes up for this. The clubcard vouchers are worth 4x as much if you use them on deals rather than spend in store as they are only worth face value then. A few years ago we had a holiday on a narrowboat, worth over £1000, it didn't cost us a penny as we used clubcard vouchers! We have our car serviced & MOT'd each year at no cost as we use the vouchers. We have used them for meals out, Alton Towers, Drayton Manor, National Trust properties, hotels, etc, etc. The list is endless. Definitely worth it in my opinion. :)


I second this, we sailed to the Isle of Wight and back last month courtesy of Clubcard Deals - saved us almost £100. Have also had lots of nice day trips with them.


Just to add, Tesco have just reduced the length of service before you get your discount card to 6 months - I had to wait 12 :rolleyes: Worth it for the 10% off everything they sell (including all the non food on Tesco Direct)

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I have always found Morrisons much cheaper


we don't shop at morrisons any more - on account of the fact i have no idea where the nearest one is!


only thing i miss is the deli counter: they sell the end pieces of the cooked meats - all mixed up - at a fab price. and cheeses too. they were brilliant for the dogs.

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Just the thought of loose tea makes me break out in a cold sweat :sick01: Goes back to my childhood & getting a gobful of tealeaves at the end of a cuppa :sick01:


Same here. I cant drink tea to this day and never drink the bottom of any drink from a cup. Too many cups of sugar/milky tea with tealeaves at the bottom that I was made to swallow. :sick01:


Drink water out of the tap. Its cheaper and nicer :laugh:

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You can use little wire mesh balls to hold the tea in so you don't have the problem. Tea leaves are the nicer part of the tea then the stuff that gets put into the tea bags! Although watching tea bags being made was very interesting!

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Never buy ready meals - I have saved so much money since I stopped buying them, plus the amount of salt and other shite they put in is horrendous in some cases. I cook in bulk whenever I'm making stuff like lasagne, bolognese, fish pie, stews, etc and freeze it in portions. Not only is it much cheaper, it saves on energy and it's convenient for when I come in from work (just have to bung it in the oven) and is much nicer tasting than the ready meals.


I buy a huge tub of Kirklands (Costco own brand) industrial washing powder for about a tenner. You only need a tiny bit and the tub does up to 400 washes! I have got some ecoballs but they don't work very well. I did a test where I washed something with ecoballs and then washed an identical item with nothing added to the wash and the result was the same.


I rarely buy fresh veg any more (because it ends up being thrown away a lot of the time) unless I buy it for a specific meal and then I buy loose veg so I can measure precisely what I need. I buy frozen veggies now so I can use as needed and no waste.


Buy the 'smart price' fruit and veg if pos - it's the same stuff just smaller or odd shapes.


Before you go shopping, check what's in your freezer/cupboards. Make a meal plan for the week (try to incorporate what you've already got in order to use it up), then make a shopping list before you go shopping. I still end up buying one or two things extra, but usually the stuff that's on offer.


Don't stick too stringently to sell by dates. I have used the last of the milk this morning that I bought over two weeks ago and it was still fine! With meat I tend to freeze it anyway so it doesn't get a chance to go off. Tinned food doesn't go off for years and years anyway, so I never chuck that out.


Cheese can be frozen so no need to chuck that away.


If you are using bread just take out half a loaf at a time (freeze the rest) so that none gets binned.


Energy saving lightbulbs cost as little as 99p from Asda and they really do make a difference to your bill, even if you just put them in the lights you use most frequently.

Edited by merledogs
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I use eco balls, and also the eco wash tablets. As neither are fab, I use the balls with one tablet, which cuts my costs and I am still being enviromentally friendly :)


I wish someone would sell a loaf of bread that was half white/half wholemeal. I hate white bread, but end up throwing half loaves away as it never gets all eaten. I suppose I should get some loaf size bags and freeze half but not sure we would have room in our freezer. :rolleyes:

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