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  • 2 months later...

Hello Everyone,


I am Denise and part of the Gray Matter team!




Gray Matter is a new community based rescue, working with elderly people and elderly dogs. We do bring in younger dogs from elderly people that have gone into nursing homes or hospitals or that quite simly are just "too young" for their elderly owner. We are also available for talks within clubs or groups, and are training our own "Gray Matter" pat dog.


Our work covers the lower part of Bucks, Berkshire and part of Surrey.


Age or disability always feature with every dog we have.



Personally, apart from my huge love of dogs generally, I have a passion for Dobermanns and have four. Three from Rescue, and one who is now 13, who has been my constant friend and companion since she was eight weeks old.


I also show rare variety Guinea Pigs


I have a love of the British Countryside and our natural wildlife and am immensly privelaged to live on the river and see the constant changing life that lives there.


I look forward to participating in the Refuge in what ever way I can

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


I am finally starting to find my way around here!

My name is Su or Sue I don't mind.

I live on the Norfolk/Suffolk border in a little town called Beccles.

My teenage daughter Sami and I share our home with;


Harry a springer x dachshund, 16 years old and top dog but a secret mummys boy , he is sponsor dog from Friends of the Animals RCT who I am also a fostering co-ordinator for

Fergus a black lab, 9 years old and the soppiest dog, he is a sponsor dog from the Cinnamon Trust

Izzy an black and white moggy who adopted us a couple of years ago rolleyes.gif


We had the pleasure of looking after Boycie for a short holiday last year and recently fostered Bella, a beautiful and sweet little wheaten terrier cross.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello I'm Julie


I have;


Abigale (Shetland Sheepdog) 10 years old, we have had her almost a year

Brodie (Shetland Sheepdog) 5 years old, we have had her around 8 months

Casper - (Black and White cat) 9 yrs old - he was a rescue

Rockstar (tabby cat) 4 years old

Barney (tabby cat) 4 years old


I have been trying to upload a photo but it says file to large. Am not very technical unfortunately. I am an 'at home Mum' and have two teenage children. I live in the North West of England.


smile.gif rolleyes.gif tongue.gif

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone


I'm Julie and am the Joint Fundraising Co-ordinator for Rudozem Street Dog Rescue which is a tiny charity based in southern Bulgaria. To give you a very brief history, Diane and Tony Rowles moved to Bulgaria in 2007 in search of a new peaceful life....Ha!! Little did they realise the plight of the local 'street dogs' in their town and surrounding area who were living on the streets or often dumped in the forest or at the local landfill site to fend for themselves. Despite telling themselves that they were not going to bring any dogs home - they began feeding the dogs on the streets or in the forest - one by one, they ended up with more than they could accommodate.


So, with links to some people in Holland, they began an adoption scheme and to date have managed to rehome 61 dogs to loving new families. But, as many of you know, running a rescue isn't easy - either on the pocket or the heartstrings! It would be great if any of you could visit their website to find out more and see some of the dogs they currently have for rehoming. Each dog is available for sponsorship until they find their forever home for a monthly donation of 9 euros; this goes towards the ever increasing food costs and if your dog is adopted, then you have the option of transferring your support to one of the other dogs still waiting to be picked.


There are many other ways to help too, just visit the 'Donate/Help' page to find out more.


I am new to these kind of forums, so forgive me if I get in a tizz trying to find my way around for a little while!! A little about me, I live in Derby with my hubby Colin and we have a mad collie cross called Finn - or Findus Finnegan and a huge tabby and white cat called Samson who unfortunately has FIV but is doing fine at present.


hope to chat to lots of you soon!





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  • 1 year later...

Hi Im Lynda


Always had dogs in my family from Fox Terriers to Poodles to Great Danes to Airedales to Westies - spanning several generations! I 'lost' my two Westies of 12 and 13 years approx 5/6 years ago. I miss the company of a loyal 4-legged friend dearly but needs must, so work full-time at the moment, recognising how unfair it can be to leave pets alone for too long. Im counting the days to retirement (my original plans having been scuppered by about 5 years) so I can adopt two more friends. In the meatime I help out, at weekends, with dog walking at a local rescue centre in Leics, whilst exploring various 'plans' whereby I can adopt sooner.


I think the best solution would be to adopt an 'Oldie' and would welcome any advice/suggestions from anyone who has faced a similar predicament and found a solution. In the meantime I would like to offer any voluntary assistance where I am able with any animals in need. :rolleyes:

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Hello Lynda :wavey:


We adopted our first dog when we were both working full time, we found an older dog who was used to being left all day then made sure someone spent an hour with him at lunchtime.


Hope that you find your new friend(s) in due course :)

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Hello Lynda :flowers: I home visit for lots of rescues and there are many will rehome to working owners provided they are either able to go home at lunchtime or arrange for someone to come in and let the dog/s out - not necessarily for a walk,just as long as they get a toilet break and a bit of comapany.Obviously this won't suit all dogs but there are plenty who will be very happy with this arrangement,especially older dogs.I work and leave mine longer than most would find acceptable but do ensure they get long walks before I leave and soon as I get home.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone, I'm starting my new years resolutions early, (except the diet one!) so thought it was about time I said hello! I am a long time reader of this forum, and as you can probably tell, i'm a bit shy of writing on forums lol! I have 2 lovely dogs and a cat that rules over us all! Looking forward to joining in with all of your 'chats' :wavey:

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