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I hope this doesnt sound too silly but I wonder if putting him out with a few nice mares might perk him up a little?


Haven't tried it but he eats most things so should be ok :laugh:


Had horrible ride on him last night, as it was a typical British summer evening :rolleyes: I decided to go in the school for a walk. Now being in the school I was more tempted to try and improve the walk a bit, as he is so far on his forehand I feel like I am going over his shoulder.


Couldn't do it :mecry: No matter what I tried there is no give in his middle either to bend or lift his back. I had a half hearted attempted at a little pony club kick and the only response I got was a grunt. This didn't feel like lethergy but like he is in pain and physically can not connect front and back end. But it doesn't feel like a back or lameness problem it just feels very wrong :mecry:


Vet back out on Thursday for bloods so will just have to wait until then as no point calling him as what can he say. It says a lot that my best hope is that I have an animal communicator "talking" to him tomorrow.

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Horse Agility...:)


I had an image of Banner flying down the A frame and doing the weave, ooo, I wish I could draw. :biggrin:


Clare, Wanda suffers really badly from post viral depression and she is seriously good at getting viruses! Couple this with her pollen allegies and I have a horse flat enough to be posted! Last year I gave her a course of Aloe Vera juice and one of Visorbin although Visorbin has been a bit debunked as it's mostly sugar. I now use Red Cell (rocket fuel) instead. I do have to manage her carefully, we start the garlic in March, she can't have it all the time as it makes her anaemic, :rolleyes: plus the Pollenex, steroid the hocks in April and have in ready the steroid inhaler which she just loves!


It seems a lot but she is bopping and looks superb, she is a lot older then Loki but a virus is a virus, I was also wondering if he does have any pollen allergies, just thinking about his breathing etc? So glad you do not have to box rest, I think this causes even more depression!


YO Sam has two insulin resistant horses and they are very difficult to manage, this year has been easier as we have no grass to speak of and its helped enormously!

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I hope this doesnt sound too silly but I wonder if putting him out with a few nice mares might perk him up a little?

Knowing my luck he would get beaten up :laugh:


He does love his boys they are typical lads together :wub: Which is why I didn't want to box rest him as it seems his only enjoyment at the moment poor thing.



Of my life, Loki would have a fit :laugh: But I think its a great idea for Banner PW :D

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I think blue would have a fit as well Clare!!


I love owning the boss pony of the field. Despite being the smallest in the field, he is in charge. Last night I went to see him, when one of the others came up to try and mug me for polos. This horse can be nasty sometimes, but Blue saw him coming, turned around and pulled the meanest face at him, and the other horse turned round and went away. Then Blue followed me all the way to the gate, again pulling faces at all the others, so I had a clear run to the gate! Sometimes I wonder if he thinks he's in charge of me, but he never pulls faces to me :wub: :wub:

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Aw Loki, what on earth is wrong? Clare, has scintigraphy been suggested at all? From what you are saying there it does sound as though there is something unsual going. This was how Obe's kissing spines were diagnosed after the specialist insisting his problems were behavioural.


I had a communicator talk to my JRT and it was fairly amazing stuff. My Dobbin horse also came through to her and said 'I am what I am' which was very Dobbin.


I'm even more of a believer in it since the darned horse on the yard 'spoke' to me. He still does occasionally and at times is very rude, he called the shetlands worms today!


I had a look at the horse agility, it's a bit trec on a lead rein, Banner may just fancy it though!

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Clare I really hope you get some answers soon, let us know how the animal communicator gets on :flowers:


Had a lesson today, havnt had one for ages so got told off for letting my flatwork slip :rolleyes: I guess since he's been jumping so well recently ive forgotten about schooling :laugh: I talked to my instructor today about trying to work on getting his back end activated and getting some impulsion, as he's getting really lazy with it and he looks like hes dragging his back end along behind at the moment. I really struggle to contain the energy when I ask for more impulsion, the energy tends to disappear out the front :laugh: Im sure he's never been taught to do this so im starting from scratch really. Ive been doing raised trotting poles, luneging, lots of transitions in his ridden work, uphill hacking. What else can I be doing to help him?


Got my show on Sunday, looking forward to it. I was very brave in the week, at the end of a schooling session I let him pop a jump I later measured at 3ft, getting brave now :laugh:

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You could try the Half Halt (see link) its old fashioned but works well


Clare I really hope you get some answers soon, let us know how the animal communicator gets on :flowers:


Had a lesson today, havnt had one for ages so got told off for letting my flatwork slip :rolleyes: I guess since he's been jumping so well recently ive forgotten about schooling :laugh: I talked to my instructor today about trying to work on getting his back end activated and getting some impulsion, as he's getting really lazy with it and he looks like hes dragging his back end along behind at the moment. I really struggle to contain the energy when I ask for more impulsion, the energy tends to disappear out the front :laugh: Im sure he's never been taught to do this so im starting from scratch really. Ive been doing raised trotting poles, luneging, lots of transitions in his ridden work, uphill hacking. What else can I be doing to help him?


Got my show on Sunday, looking forward to it. I was very brave in the week, at the end of a schooling session I let him pop a jump I later measured at 3ft, getting brave now :laugh:

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Oh... I have put off writing this message, been trying to talk myself out of it...but I desperatly miss not having my own horse, its been about ten years, though I have broken, re scholed other peoples, but after the last one whos owner was a right 'lady dog' I vowed never again!!!! so I made a promise... unless it was mine, my very own I wasnt going to ride it....


There are still massive hurdles to get over.... I need to find a nice livery yard....with nice hacking and good facilities...

I need to get myself a little van (just a car type one) for lugging stuff about in....and last but not least...decide what sort of horse Id like.... and oh my god have I thought about them all...eveything from an ex race horse to a draft.....


but have sort of settled though this could change on an unbroken pref unspoiled... Quarter Horse or Pref ...Quarter Horse X Andulisian (which I found out today is called an Aztec!)


Now this may be a long way off...lots to arrange and sort out... top priority is getting a pay rise from this lousy place....then we can begin!!!

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Ooh how exciting :partytime: of course don't forget horse will need to be suitable to partake in horse agility too :laughingsmiley:


McTimmoney lady came out to see Loki last night, she found him very sore around his ribs and abdominals, she did lots of work and hopes he will feel better for it. Fingers crossed he will feel more comfortable under saddle now


Ermm Loki wouldn't talk to the animal communicator, she felt he was completely shut down mentally and didn't want to "share his burden" :unsure:


Poor boy was starved over night for his bloods this morning. The vet found his heart rate back down to normal, but although hopefully thats good news we have never taken his heart rate in the morning, so the true test will be when I take it tonight, got everything crossed for a small breakthrough.


He is off games again until bloods are back, tomorrow or Monday, which is a relief as I don't like riding him when he feels so out of sorts.

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Fingers crossed for Loki!! Hope his heart rate was still ok tonight :flowers:


Grace, I used to have a Renault kangoo, and it was absolutely fab. Loads of room for dog crates and all my horsey stuff! It wasn't too expensive to buy or insure either.


I had planned to ride tonight, but when I got to the farm the menage was booked up. So I decided to sort my rugs out instead. Have brought some home to see if they will fit in my washing machine, which most of them have. I love having a 5'6 rug sized pony!!

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Poor Loki.... is anything happening on the yard when you are not there? something or someone upsetting him?

Not that I know of, I am there first and last thing every day but it is possible something has happened, in the past he has got very jumpy and stressed if something like that has happened.


About five years ago a lady used to come out to see him who was training as an animal communicator and she also did Reikki, I know he used to communicate with her as he used to pull a certain face when they were relaying information, sounds crazy but it was a very distinctive face that I have never seen him do at any other time than in her company. After the communication on Wednesday I looked this lady up and left a message to see if she still did visits, she is going to come out and see him on Monday evening, if anyone can get him to open up it will be her and if he still doesn't want to hopefully he will be open to some Reikki.


Heart rate was higher than the morning but still better I think, I have to put a heart rate monitor on him as useless at finding a pulse, for the last month it has flicked from 40 - 46 and last night it was between 39 - 42 so still high but fingers crossed the start of recovery :)


I piled all my rugs in the shed ready to take to be cleaned, they are still sitting in there :rolleyes: Im not sure 6.9ft rugs would fit in my washing machine :laugh:

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