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Gooster, hope they can find an affordable solution, they must be angry that it went undiagnosed for so long :GroupHug:


Thank you for Duke, I'll treat it like lami and ask the farrier to come and have a look. Vet out again next week for a re-visit.

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Hope your friends can get something sorted for their horse Gooster :flowers: I can understand how it could cost so much, Loki's hospital bill came to nearly £3,500 and he didn't have any actual surgery :ohmy:


Had interesting time today, decided to longrein and it was going well, when we came to pass a couple of horses coming in from the field, went past them and one of them suddenly decided to whip round pull away from his owner and bolt in our direction, he does have a reputation for pulling away in hand, he is over 17.3hh! So don't think we were totally to blame for his actions especially as we had passed him and he pulled away and came back at us and away from home :rolleyes:


Thankfully after initial scary moment I kept hold of Loki and he stood quietly whilst said horse did a runner into the forest and away, finding his way onto next door golf course :ohmy: After about 30 mins horse was recaptured no harm done and we carried on, thankfully Loki was such a good boy or it could have been a lot worse :wub:


As Loki seems very well and full of himself I think tomorrow I might do his 20 min walking under saddle, so can't be held responsible for any stampedes :laugh:


Lots of get well wishes for Duke :GroupHug:

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Hi all,


Just been catching up on everyone, loads going on that I've missed. No excitement here at the moment, Wanda is working well though still a bit hyper. I think she can tell that spring is round the corner!


Obe has done another silly trick, Sam was walking him in the arena for the physio and was having to make great efforts to stop him hitting the deck for a roll. He seemed to give the idea up and then suddenly went down, he was too near the wall and got himself cast! :wacko: Being Obe he just lay there and and waited for assistance, Sam flipped lead ropes round his legs and they pulled him over. He then stood up, shook himself and was fine. I don't think he has the least idea of his size or any idea of self preservation, he's 16.2, built like a concrete commode and behaves like a silly shetland! Daft horse!


Get well thought for Duke. :GroupHug:

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:rolleyes: daft Obe :wacko:

Spring is definately coming, my two have become bouncing twerps :rolleyes:

Wish i had a camera with me the other day as we had synchronised [sp?] rolling with Bumble[pony] and Izzie [collie]. Bumble was on his back rolling around and Iz decided to join in right by him :wacko: If Bumble had done a full roll as he is capable of doing then Iz would have been flattened :ohmy: Was very funny though to see both of them on their backs with legs in the air side by side :laugh:

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:laugh: I nearly did that with Cornish but as I was planning to ride I was a bad Mommy and baulked at the thought of a plastered wet mudded horse :laugh:


Bumble and Iz :wub: - definitley would have been a fabulous picture!!


Sounds like Loki was a bit of star Clare, glad the other horse was safely collected, my heart would have been in my mouth. My worst horse accident was when I was leading them in from the field and they all spooked at a tractor in the next field and galloped off leaving me with a horse shoe in the face and quite literally broken and bent. Extra treats for him I think :wub: :wub: :wub:


Obe :wub: at least his owner will be used to his many big little ways by now!


Rode C both days this weekend and it was wonderful to be out in sunshine and with warm toes. Just need to find an arena and an instructor locally so we can start schooling properly.

I had a bit of an outrage at one particularly idiotic driver on Saturday though. An older guy so lack of experience is no excuse, decided that he could not possibly wait all of a few minutes whilst I rode through the 'traffic calming' chicane on the road where the road is narrowed both sides to allow only one vehicle through at a time. Nope, he decided that it would be perfectly acceptable to PASS ME WHILST going through said narrow chicane. There was about one inch between my foot and his car with nowhere to go for either of us if anything happened. Even with me telling him not to pass he still tried to get through and looked in that 'man' way at me. Complete idiot driver. Then you get those who actually drive like life is valuable, and you wish they could all be like that.


Anyway, had a fabulous weekend and I think Duke is improved and he seems content so keep fingers and hooves crossed please for the next few days. Oh and C of course has kept his vigil by the field gate as he can't possibly move more than 6 feet away from Duke's stable or even think about going down the field to eat, all on his own :wub:

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Awww Cornish being a good mate and watching over his friend :wub:


It really saddens me riding on the roads now, 15 years ago (ouch I feel old!) it was the minority wouldn't have the consideration and now I find its the other way round :( Saying that I also go spare at riders who don't say thank you when I slow down, I think its just the world in general that is suffering from lack of consideration to others :rolleyes:


I rode yesterday first time in months :biggrin: He was a star, can't help still worrying he isn't right, but other than being very crocked he felt great. I am going to get the vet out next week to check him again just in case and also the physio, then in the meantime do 20 mins walking each day and see if I can encourage him to take an even feel in the reins.


Now where is that SarahH with her photos from the clinic :happy:

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He's not right :mecry:


Rode him three times (only 15 mins down the track), he was better the second time, and then not quite as good third time, I left sharer to ride him yesterday, I didn't mention any of my concerns, and she texted me to say she felt he was still pottering at times. I have noticed other subtle things in general only a mum would notice, so I know he is going downhill again :(


Spoke to farrier he hasn't come across a horse coming sound and then getting worse on bar shoes so quickly, if they work they generally keep working especially over such a short time span. He thinks give it a bit longer but he is now concerned something more sinister is going on.


Have ordered some herbs for feet and lower leg problems from the company that actually seems to have stopped his scouring after four years. Vet was already booked for Monday to come out and tell me how wonderfully sound he was looking :rolleyes:

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Clare :GroupHug: :GroupHug: :GroupHug:


I can understand the worry! Will be thinking very good thoughts for Monday's visit and at least you can have the weekend to spend more (daylight)time with him in your sight.


Duke seems sound and the lameness of the other week has cleared but there is still heat in his white foot, mainly around the coronet. This is after 2 butes and rest so I'm still thinking it must be the ringbone but trying (very hard) not to worry about it. Vet back tomorrow to reasses and then farrier. The foot was all hot before but now the very bottom of his foot is normal hence the focus on the coronet band. His foot would be completely hot before, even after the snow and frost. We'll be waiting and seeing with you Clare!

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Thank you! We're joining the Monday club with Loki. Was in London today so again missed being there :( and might have to plea for Monday afternoon off when I get in on Monday morning!


Vet is back Monday lunchtime to xray his foot to check for any internal damage, or worsening of the ringbone. His last xray was about 4/5 years ago when he was diagnosed so hope they've still got it.


She ruled out Cushings based on his appearance and also didn't think it was lami. Her reason being was that she said lami in one foot normally only occurs if they've had repeat attacks and as last year's was the first time she didn't think it probable. I hate not being there to ask questions! She thinks it could be the ringbone but mostly suspects internal bruising and that the laminae has come away after something like twisting his foot in the field on hard ground. Because of his unbalanced feet, especially this white one, and thin soles, she thinks that's made it worse. (relaying what my Dad said!). More box rest to avoid further damage if it is that. Am really worried for him, I just have that horrible niggling feeling that it's not something simple or transitory. He's not badly lame, it's more the future prognosis that worries. He's my very precious baby.


May Monday bring positive news all round!

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:laugh: Yeehaa go C and Reds, what a great day for it :elefant:


I went over to WEC today to sort out paperwork ready for our moce in two weeks, it was lovely to catch up with some old friends over a cuppa, can't wait to go back. Had a dilemna over which stable to pick, there was a line of three and two gave views out of the yard down the fields and busy footpath, one was in the corner but view enclosed within yard, i was a bit worried about the corner being cramped but think its the best option as the more he sees the more he worries :rolleyes:


Good luck tomorrow Reds, hope we both have good news to report :flowers:

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Golly, the amount of broken horses is awful so serious good and healing thoughts to all of them and their owners. :GroupHug:


Our yard is not much better, YO Sam has three and a half broken ones, Kim her super showing/dressage horse is struggling with EMS as is her mummy April. Obe is still in recovery from kissing spines surgery and hock fusion, now he's lame again. I suppose it may help if he didn't fling himself into muck heaps etc. His latests escapade was to ramraid the gate into the field so it fell flat but suspended in mid air so he jumped it and belted off bucking and leaping which he is not supposed to do. Monty shetland has another attack of something, the reason cannot be found. He goes into what would look like lammi but isn't, he is just so reluctant to move but then it just goes off, he also has to have some serious work on his teeth again, they grow wrong and his jaw starts to get locked up. AND one of the other liveries has a horse with unexplained lameness, x rays and nerve blocks have shown nothing so she has to take her to Leahurst for Gamma!


I almost feel guilty in reporting that Wanda is just superb, all the work with the Ho has paid off big style and she just gets better and better. She is less explosive lately which is a relief, hacking a horse that is doing airs above ground and various ballet movements is tiring to say the least! :laugh:

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Its great to hear Wanda is firing on all cylinders, no coincidence she is a girl so much tougher than the wimpy boys :biggrin:


I am really not sure how the vet visit went today :huh: The vet said he looked the same on the lunge, as when he thought he was much improved. He thought I shouldn't be displeased with where he was at the moment.


But that doesn't help with the change in behaviour I am seeing that indicates he is uncomfortable. He thinks he should be ridden to build up his shoulder muscles as its a catch 22 situation between his feet and shoulders causing him problems. He suggested a low level course of bute to get him working through the next few shoeings. I am not sure I am comfortable with this :(


I have finally managed to get hold of the physio who is coming out on Saturday, he is a blunt and opinionated so-and-so and I think I actually trust his advise more, and it was after his last visit Loki was much much better, which at the time I put down to the shoes but perhaps it was the physio.


My farrier is back out next Wednesday too so will see what he thinks, but for now I will not be giving him any bute and I won't be riding!


Hope Duke is getting on okay :flowers:

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