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Everything posted by Katiebob

  1. Congratulations Jacky He's absolutely gorgeous and I'm really glad he's settled in so well.
  2. I'm so sorry Sleep tight, beautiful Mollie
  3. from me. I can't help you decide your dilemma because every single case is different but I can tell you about one case that I know. I rehomed (via a rescue) a collie dog a couple of years ago. He had been dominantly aggressive while he was here on foster but hadn't done any damage to us (i.e. not broken skin) although he did have a very controlled bite! He used it whenever we wanted him to move somewhere that he didn't fancy going He'd come from Ireland as a stray so no history with him. The rescue listened to me and he was eventually rehomed to people who had rescued difficult dogs previously and they had no children. I explained exactly my experiences with him and they took him on. In all honesty, I asked them to buy him a muzzle before I rehomed him to them so that they were able to muzzle him in any situations where they might have a problem. He bit the new owners' father on the first day (needing hospital treatment) but she said it was her fault because obviously she hadn't explained clearly enough to her father that he wasn't a dog to be cuddled They had HUGE problems with him (which weren't at all obvious here) when out walking with other dogs when he used to lunge and bark but they got a behaviourist in to help and took him to training classes and were just about overcoming all their previous difficulties when this particular dog decided to challenge the wife over something it had found in the garden. As a result, the wife had a bite on her face and hands and I had the husband on the phone. The rescue were happy to take the dog back but I did explain to the owners that as the dog had bitten (1) we would have to re-assess the dog via a behaviourist (reputable) to see what the likelihood of it happening again was and (2) that there weren't thousands of homes who could cope with a dog like theirs. They'd already taken him to a vet to check regarding possible medical problems so that was discounted. These owners were exceptional (in terms of rescue homes) and decided not to bring the dog back because they talked to a local behaviourist who (whilst explaining to them that the path wasn't straightforward and that it would take years and years and probably alienate most of their family!!) they could probably help them. They chose that path. To be honest, I haven't heard from them for over 12 months now so I'm assuming all is well but I don't really know. I'd hope they'd have told me if anything had happened but they may have decided not to because of the potential PTS situation. I'm not saying you should do what they did. I'm not really saying anything at all. Just giving you another side of the coin BUT it isn't for everyone and I truly admire the home. This dog is sooooo amazingly lucky You must do what you personally can cope with. My sister had a dog pts who was truly aggressive because it was so fearful of everything and was getting worse. You can't save all of them.
  4. Kathy, I'm so sorry for you and all your family Sleep tight, Seth
  5. Melp - have you been tested for under/over active thyroid? My sister has that (one of those) and she used to fall asleep at traffic lights
  6. I'm so very sorry, Sarah and even more for Jacob. Sleep tight handsome Kevin.
  7. Finn is on straw but Frant is on shavings because he has COPD. Shavings are really expensive everywhere at the moment (there's a shortage due to the credit crisis - they are a bi-product of furniture making and now that furniture isn't selling, there's less being made, or so I'm told!) He has peviously been on Easibed and that's lovely stuff and really breaks down quickly as compost too. From my perspective, I don't have a supplier who will deliver Easibed which is why I've reverted to shavings. From a price point of view, there's very little difference in cost locally between shavings and easibed. Personally I wouldn't use shredded paper - it's unbelievably heavy to muck out once it's wet - back breaking stuff
  8. What a handsome boy Will be thinking of you all today
  9. They love pasta - especially spaghetti - it's hilarious watching them running around with strands of spaghetti Because I need to get my chooks in before I let the dogs out, every day around 4 pm either Sue or I will go into the yard with soemthing for them - cooked potato peelings, spaghetti, rice, bread - something - and they crowd around us and follow us to their pen to get whatever we have. They are very happy chooks (and I now have 27 ) including a Bluebell, several Brown Lehmans, 6 Black Rocks, a couple of Light Sussex, a Buff Sussex, 3 White Stars, loads of bantams and my absolute favourite, a Barnevelder who is the most beautifully marked hen I've ever seen. I promise I'll post a pic soon. Have to admit Cheryl, I want something that lays blue/green eggs too but they look a bit flighty to me (my chicken supplier has explained to me that the more 'pheasant' like they are in appearance, the less tame they are likely to be!) Doesn't stop me wanting them though I like the sound of your special mash, Cheryl, I might have to try that too I do offer layers pellets but my chooks prefer mixed corn so they get lots of that.
  10. Kathy I truly understand what you are going through. I have a similar situation.
  11. Thinking lots of good thoughts and hoping for a positive outcome for Joyce.
  12. They are boootiful kitties and I'm happy to have whichever one no-one else wants
  13. I am now an official member of Muppet's fan club He is too gorgeous for his own good If he chooses to leave rather large poos in reception, so what??? His blog is my regular entertainment
  14. Everything crossed that the improvement continues
  15. Beenzie - hope all goes well tomorrow
  16. Brilliant news I couldn't do what you do with the really young kittens, Cheryl - you are an angel So glad that they might deign to allow you some sleep in between feeds now
  17. I am truly happy tonight. My horse is now back at home (he came back this afternoon and has settled in again like he never went away), all my dogs and cats are relaxed and happy; Sue's horse is happy because mine is back. Sue's dogs and cats are relaxed and happy. I rehomed a Bengal today too so everything is well in my little world (apart from one major thing but nothing I can do anything about: namely a very good friend remains in the Canary Islands in hospital but hopefully she is getting better as she is now off a ventilator and breathing for herself. God willing, she will be home soon). I haven't read back at all so to everyone who is in need. I wish you all a day like mine today.
  18. So sorry Sleep tight Benji
  19. Oh Minnie Mo, please get better soon for your worried Mum Really hope it's nothing more serious than a strain or something
  20. So sorry Sleep tight, Stanley
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