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Everything posted by gremlin22

  1. wakefield road in huddersfield near my mums now has about ten cameras in a 2 mile stretch (that's not an exagerration), varying from 30,40 and to 50mph..this i believe it's excessive and clearly a cash making thing, i totally see the need for cameras on that road and usually support their use, anything to try slow down lunatics, but i think average speed check cameras would be more use in small village type locations where you don't want people slamming on the breaks you just want the ars*s to slow down the entire length of the village so they don't mow people over. i do think cameras are a good idea in some places, but i do prefer the average speed check ones from a safety point of view. i don't agree all cameras are a cash making thing and nothing more, if people didn't speed they would be a very innefective cash making idea, i just thing their not the best thought out idea ever.
  2. that's brilliant. where were they found?
  3. fingers crossed all goes ok and this boy gets a bit of help.
  4. i would do what the heathrow vet person suggested and fax them everything, the stuff you have now when you get the report back from the lab and then get them to reply to you in writing and if necessary forward their reply to an official defra person and get written confirmation your dog is allowed in. Possibly get them to contact RCVS too.Just get as much as they can in writing and make sure they take all this with them when they travel
  5. wow! fantastic news! so glad the old boy is getting back home. Doglost team you are amazing!
  6. aww way to go jasper! it'll be worth losing your bits for the comfy home
  7. don't beat yourslf up about not vaccinating him, i think cats can carry the virus for years without symptoms so chances are he's had it for a long time. It's much more common in uneutered toms. The main issue with Fiv cats is they can pass it to other cats.I think it's transmitted through deep scratches and bites though, so if he isn't coming into contact with other cats then it shouldn't be an issue. The symptoms he has now might not be related to the fiv, he may just have an upset stomach and be worn out from being out in the elements, but i'm sure the vet can advise you on that and you'll soon know if he's improving or not. you might find this site useful Well done for taking the boy in, and fingers crossed he's just sick from the cold and there's plenty of happy times ahead for him yet
  8. interesting article, says it all really. did i read it right though? staffys are illegal in norfolk? that can't be right can it?
  9. if they gave you a log number, chances are you can leave cat at vets for rspca to collect.
  10. i think it was on about 6pm or maybe 5pm (i might have been on animal planet +1), i'm sure it said it's on again tomorrow, it's the first time i've seen it, and yes that is the k***cheese..sorry but he reely peed me off.
  11. gremlin22


    i know people who are really allergic to soya and dairy so fingers crossed it's neither of those for your daughter. Can't beleive it costs so much for the testing, may be worth asking the gp instead of bupa? Don't know much about IBS except there seems to be a massive difference in how badly different people suffer. i take it she has tried just cutting out the food groups one at a time for a week or so, i know it's hard on a restricted diet to cut things out and still get the vitamins you need but it might be worth a go if she hasn't tried already.
  12. Has anyone else seen this show on animal planet? some a**e of a bloke claiming to be a dog trainer. Poor dogs that encounter him, i mean the programme was looking rubbish but then on top of that at one point he shouted something along the lines of "you picked the wrong day to pick a fight with me, bring it on dog bring it on.." what the HELL! He just yells at the dog, yanks them around on a lead and "life coaches" the one point in the show the trainer said something like "the son feels the dad is going too easy he keeps backing down he yells at him for shouting at the dog and tells him to stop hitting it"..who lets these muppets on tv?
  13. so happy, please please keep up the amazing work
  14. fingers crossed all these doglets are back home soon being allowed to be the dogs they are.
  15. I've seen them do complaints before, genrally it's a black screen with the text of the ruling scrolling past and a narrator reading the short version, usually no more than a minute or so long.
  16. That was soo interesting, i know what you mean about the muzzle/camera contraption but it did just look like headgear with no permanent attatchements..i think i found the cropped eared boxers the hardest to see...why oh why..
  17. gremlin22


    i was told 6 months must be left if you've had confirmed parvo in the house, regardless of the new dogs age
  18. Fingers crossed now someone has paid him some proper attention he'll get the treatment he needs and be back to himself soon. Lots of healing thoughts.
  19. don't know if you've been tot he vets yet but maybe don't hold her yourself, ask the nurse to do it, then you can concentrate on been the "good guy" from her point of view. i've heard t touch is supposed to be very good, and aren't those wrap things meant to be good for scared or timid dogs, i know usually it's for dogs who are scared of the environment, at least i think it is, but from what you said about her feeling safer in her crate with a barrier between the two f you perhaps one of the wrap things would give her some portable security? i'm not sure where you get em but i think it's a t touch thing. good luck
  20. so glad the dogs are safe, in the first report the sspca guy said the owner had known about it for months..i feel bad for the manageress but the owner could have done more.
  21. A bloke i used to work with on the local crew setting up for concerts had a 4 yr old kid. This bloke used to go off on tour with bands and stuff and had loads of tattoos. Apparently the kid had a "what jobs your parents do" day type thing and when asked what his dad did, instead of saying the usual kind of thing and much to the teachers horror, his little lad stood there and said "my dad does sex, drugs and rock n roll"..i laughed so much when he told me that.
  22. well looking at the link you posted it says it's waterproof. it also says it has a belly protector, that to me implies the whole thing should be waterproof.
  23. and whay oh why does the report have to mention staffys and rotties.. whilst were on the topic of stupid things police say.. someone took one of the dogs from our centre, a lurcher, out for a walk to see what he was like with a view to homing him. he was approached by a volunteer cop type thing and told he was breaking the law walking a dog unmuzzled in public...this was in morley in leeds. If the dog had been off lead and out of control I could forgive it a little but the dog was double leaded on a harness and collar, walking at the blokes side along the pavement ( not in town centre) and was very friendly with people...hasten to add he didn't take the dog becuase he didn't want a dog he'd have to muzzle in public, i tried explaining that was not the law but obviously a man in a almost police uniform has a lot more sway than me. made me very angry.this was about 8 months ago.
  24. the woman modelling with the dog, she must feel so so bad about agreeing to that job.. and the poop scoop thing is just plain nasty, i mean the idea of a bag to catch it is bad enough but all that strapping and stuff as well..jeezus, there's some lazy bloody owners out there
  25. gremlin22


    well done you, you shud be so least you give a toss even if no one else does.
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