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Your Birthday

Mrs B

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How do you feel about your birthday? Do you look forward to it as a celebration, or hope that you can open any cards and presents as quickly as possible, and move on to normality for the rest of the day? I definitely and unashamedly belong in the first category, but equally I know people who want to keep their heads down and ignore the fact that they are getting ‘older’.


I love my birthday, and really try to make it a special day for myself. I’m not sure whether this is a natural instinct, or whether it has anything to do with the fact that for years, exam week inevitably included the day of my birthday, with the ultimate insult being my most hated ‘O’ Level subject, Chemistry, being on my 16th birthday. :mecry: Which I failed!


Life has taught me that the only person guaranteed to make the day special is me, and if I leave it to others there’s no guarantee that the day will be little different from any other, so I now make a point of booking the day as holiday, which I’ve managed for most of the past few years, and it is the ONLY day of the year when I actually make me number one for the day, and let household chores and other tasks be done or not at the whim of other members of the household.


Over the years I have done all sorts of things on the day, sometimes planned in advance, sometimes on the spur on the moment – some birthdays have been cheap and cheerful, involving buying myself a bunch of flowers from the market, and finding a book I really want to read, perhaps going shopping for something different to eat, and lounging around the house, or I might splash out for a beauty treatment, and take myself out for lunch. Sometimes I’ve loaded dog(s) into the car and disappeared off to some new location for a good tramp, sometimes I’ve taken “me†shopping for “me†treats …… and so it goes on.


So, I was just wondering whether anyone else was as selfish as me about their birthday, or whether they preferred to ignore it and see it all as a fuss about nothing?


And I shall be :Lurking: in search of some ideas I can steal, as I currently have no plans in place for my next “celebrationâ€. :biggrin: :biggrin:

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its just another day really. I do get cards and presents from family,calls and mails from friends but I have never done anything special. I loved Xmas when the kids were younger and here but even that has lost its attraction now................................I think its the "grumpy old woman" syndrome x :laugh:

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its just another day really. I do get cards and presents from family,calls and mails from friends but I have never done anything special. I loved Xmas when the kids were younger and here but even that has lost its attraction now................................I think its the "grumpy old woman" syndrome x :laugh:


Me too.

My daughters insist on doing something special for me but I'd rather they didn't. Don't want to seem ungrateful though.



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For me birthdays are just another day, I do get cards and phone calls etc off friends and family but I never do anything special to celebrate it. I tend to get more excited about other peoples birthdays but after reading your post you have inspired me to do something nice for mine, which is in 9 days time.


I like the sound of your birhdays :flowers:


Di xx

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my last birthday was the big four oh, and the last

one Lisa and I shared, next birthday is the one I wont

be looking forward to at all :(



I like my birthday, I usually try to do something special for it like Mrs B. Don't bother about the presents so much but I always take time off and try and do something fun.

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