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After both my parents being ill for ages, Bill's mum died the week before Christmas then losing our GSD Jade, my dad died at the weekend. He had been ill for several years and refused to see the doctor or go to hospital. He went to bed and died, my mum was with him and is in pieces, so is my sister, her boyfriend tried to help until the ambulance came but he had gone.

Because he hadn't seen a doctor for months they had to do a post mortem which has deeply upset everyone (it was a heart attack).

He wasn't a religious man and the funeral is on Monday at 2pm, we have taken his favourite clothes that he will wear and his fishing hat and jacket, the tide table was in the pocket so we have left it in there.

He had asked for his ashes to be scattered at his favourite fishing spot on the Menai Straits.

Please raise a glass for my dad, Harold.

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