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Rmf January 2009


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Is Keira telling him she is top dog. Might be worth trying to feed them in a separate room. Stand with Sparky and see if he will eat. Sometimes when there is a hierarchy thing going on those lower down the pack won't eat.


I should have thought of that - norty Flo doesn't always let Como eat, especially if she's a bit grouchy. She's definitely top dog here (or thinks she is!)

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Aw little bubbles. :wub:


I like cheese scones but I'm not sure about blue cheese scones.


When I've had a bitch in the pack the bitch has always been top dog. That's just my experience so I don't know if that's the case every time there is a hierarchy situation going on. Issie was very food possessive when she first arrived and we always fed her separately to the rest. She was a gannet. Real food monster.

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Have you got anyone close by who could look after little one in the day for you?


No, it really is a pipe dream unless I can stop working. Besides which, again, unless I am not working 4 would really be too many.


He will, I have no doubt, get his own lovely home very soon. I just think he he gorgeous and will be most jealous of whoever gets him, the other pups are going to mainly obedience and agility homes.

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:( I didn't win the lottery.


Oh well, off to my bed to try and dream up other ways of being able to stop working so lil blue boy can be mine (nigh on impossible - but I can dream can't I?)


Whats one more mouth to feed in the scheme of things :wink:


Beenzie's new lump in his armpit is definitely causing him distress, I've given him metacam for the last couple of nights but didn't give it to him tonight and he is having trouble walking :mecry: I'm sure its just another fatty lump but unfortunately in an awkward place........ once he's out walking he forgets about it and is fine, but I feel its off to the vets next week to have it removed :unsure:

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Issie was very food possessive when she first arrived and we always fed her separately to the rest. She was a gannet. Real food monster.


Bella (our first Spin and my soul dog :mecry: ) was a very hungry dog, she was v greedy and stole anything within reach. The current two aren't food driven at all or food possessive. We don't know what the signals are that Flo gives that stop Como from eating. We've watched her v carefully but can't see what she does. There's only been one occasion when he chased her off. He hadn't eaten for a couple of days and I put Flo's bowl down and he went to it and did a crouching "I'm a savage wolf" posture, lips right back, lots of teeth, big growls looking sideways at her. There was no mistaking that he meant business. Flo backed down that time.


Generally Co would let her take food out of his mouth!! When I give them sea biscuits (Fish4dogs) he lets her take the first one and will give in if she goes for the second one. He's a big old softie! :wub:

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Offs to bed for me. Have trawled the internet too much for geneology stuff and am now :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


Not to mention the house is looking as if I have done nothing all day ........................ me-thinks I had better be super industrious tomorrow ........................ or I could order a few birth certificates and stuff on-line :unsure:


Night, night. Tell those hamsters to behave tomorrow please.

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Oh bless him. I wrongly assumed all Spins were mad on food. Issie was a divil. She's had 2 Christmas turkeys in her time. She nicked something out of our oven once quicker than you can blink. They pick up on things we can't see. They do have body language they portray but there is something else between them. My 2 Viz can be lying down minding their own business and all of a sudden both will leap up and start playing. Simultaneously.


Night Mrs B x

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Poor Nog has arrived back from visiting Wales with Rob with a nasty graze on his back leg - from what they can work out he's banged into something, it's only shallow but right on the thigh joint and is obviously sore - he walks on it and bears weight on it, but when getting up or down he's very gingerly moving and the fist steps on moving are with that leg held off the ground. He's let me take a look and done the usual look mum it hurts so I need more cuddles and nice fings to eat cos I am a brave soldier thing ... and it's perfecly clean and nothing in it but a wee bit swollen. As it's right on the joint and over the muscle I've given him a dose of metacam to hopefully bring the swelling down a bit and make him more comfy, but I suspect it's bruised - I have arnica cream but am loath to use it as he's been licking the area and I'm not sure if it would be safe for him to ingest - does anyone know if I can use it or sudocream if it's likely to be licked off?

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