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Totally Shocked


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Up until 4.30am this morning I would have said that Rosie the Cavalier was the softest dog going. She lives in a chilled out house and is calm, placid and very laid back. The story goes as follows. Yesterday we had lamb and I gave Rosie the bone which as always she just sniffed at and ignored. So before I went to bed I threw the bone into the garden. Just before half 4am she wanted to go out for a wee. When I opened the kitchen door she went straight to the bone and huffed and puffed and patrolled the garden, had a wee and came back to the bone and stood over it. As it was early I wanted her in so called her which she ignored so I went up to her to shoo her in and growling and snarling she warned me off. Thinking this isn't like her I went to pick up the bone and she did it again so to get her away from the bone and in the house I threw a glass of water over her. I am shocked to the core and will never forget the look of pure anger on her face.


Rosie is my special-once-in-a-lifetime dog but today we seemed to pussyfoot around each other each knowing that something between us had changed :mecry:

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Don't let it upset you. She didn't mean to be nasty to you. My 2 Vizslak are inseparable. If they are separated for the teeniest amount of time they howl for each other. Yet give them a pigs ear each and world war 3 breaks out. So they just don't have them. :GroupHug:

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How interesting that she is not normally keen on bones, but that this one became so much more desirable by having been found by her rather than given to her!


My Mollydog is a bit like that with rubbish, stuff she has found herself is considered hugely valuable and she dances around refusing to let me get close.


Don't let it upset you: you've learned a little bit more about her today.

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:GroupHug: I can understand why you are upset but try not to worry over it. The only one out of mine who I would trust 100% around food is Cooper (cos Cooper is a lover not a fighter!! :laugh: :rolleyes: ), even Sidney who is my soul dog and the sweetest nature around can have a snarl when he's all time favourite food is around. :wink: :GroupHug:
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i echo the others dont let it bother you too much :GroupHug: if theres anything a dog will become posessive about its a bone and as has been said its one that was found so is all the more highly prized.


Our pumpkin who is a hand rear and has never wanted for anything in his life takes great pride in anything he has found or more often has stolen :rolleyes: he takes it to a crate gets in and makes menacing noises at anything approaching. yet if you give him a pigs ear he shares it with rudi who is a male staffie and his best mate :wacko: or tries to put it near my mouth to share with me :unsure:

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Defo don't worry. She's just being a normal dog by the sounds of it. The growling is good as she's warning you she's unhappy with what you're doing. If it happens again, offer her a trade - a lovely treat if she sits and then you can retrieve the bone. Don't reach for the bone after she's already growled at you. :GroupHug:

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I find with Neo if I give him a bone in the house he tends to skirt round it . If he does decide to munch on it, there is no way I can/would take it off him unless he left it as he guards them. Its almost like he knows that its going to 'take over' and he is afraid to go near it. In the garden he is different. I can tell him to leave it and he will, though begrudgingly. :rolleyes: I use distraction to get things off him if necessary. A walk to the back door/fridge often works :rolleyes: :laugh:

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I hope it wasn't a cooked bone.


It was cooked but I knew that if Rosie was going to munch it then it would only be for the meat left on it and not for the bone itself. I think I have some photo's on photobucket of a bone I put down at 6 in the evening and it was still there a million hours later.


I do feel better about things today and realise that my children have thrown more tantrums than Rosie has taken breaths so I guess that once in 6 years is perfectly acceptable.


I will see it I can download the pictures


Thanks guys :flowers: :flowers:

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When I opened the kitchen door she went straight to the bone and huffed and puffed and patrolled the garden, had a wee and came back to the bone and stood over it. As it was early I wanted her in so called her which she ignored so I went up to her to shoo her in and growling and snarling she warned me off. Thinking this isn't like her I went to pick up the bone and she did it again so to get her away from the bone and in the house I threw a glass of water over her. I am shocked to the core and will never forget the look of pure anger on her face.


Hmm, having read this a few times I'm just wondering if she was actually guarding the bone from 'you'. Does she usually get you up at 4am for a wee? The fact that she patrolled the garden first and had a wee before standing over the bone could mean that there may have been another animal lurking. Its just a thought but could explain her out of character behaviour :)

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This is the exact reason why Sky doesn't have bones lol. She did the same thing when we gave her them in the early days. Funny, as she's not food aggressive with us with anything else.


We've just banned bones, and had 7 lovely years with her where there's been no other hint of aggression towards us - so please dont worry, it's just one of those things some dogs do :GroupHug:

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Bones seem to be the one thing that dogs guard.


One of my pups was snarling and growling at the birds flying over the garden, when he had his first bone. He never had another one.


Food, toys, chews, biscuits were no problem.


My current two dogs take food from each others dishes, when they get the chance, without a murmur from the other dog. But bones are jealously guarded from each other. Both will hand them over to us without any problem.

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