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Should Children Play With Toy Guns

Mrs Mop

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I put Radio 5 on to listen to the dogs but got this instead. I can't believe the drivel that is talked. Boys will play with guns even if you don't let them have any, they can make them from their hands, we can all do that.


You can't say to children you can't play with guns when they are seeing so many being used on the tv.


Personally, from my experience with 3 sons, I found that they learnt how to control their aggression playing games with guns, which they wouldn't have done if I had banned them.

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I think in todays society, we should count ourselves lucky when the kids stick to toy guns! :rolleyes:

As far as I remember from being a kid, you don't actually even need a toy gun to play war (or cowboys and indians as it was back then... but I believe that is also no longer pc?). You could use your hand with a pointed finger or a wooden stick. The toy doesn't make the game.

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It never did me any harm, well big Bro was 6 years older. I had loads of his toys. :biggrin:


You can't get hot wheels any more, shame. :offtopic:


I guess I shouldn't mention my 4 lane Scalextric set in the loft on this thread should I.

It doesn't make me a maniac on the road in the Ranger or on the bike.


Just my random thoughts. :flowers:





As far as I remember from being a kid, you don't actually even need a toy gun to play war (or cowboys and indians as it was back then... but I believe that is also no longer pc?).




Love it :laugh:




I think you have summed it up. :flowers:


Kazz xx

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Maybe I'm in the minority but my children are not allowed to play with toy guns. They've asked once or twice while in a toy shop if they can have one and I've said no. I don't see the point in them. Even if I had sons instead of daughters I'd still say no. I don't want to encourage them to play games based on violence. I hate to see little children playing with guns, it's so inappropriate.

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Maybe I'm in the minority but my children are not allowed to play with toy guns. They've asked once or twice while in a toy shop if they can have one and I've said no. I don't see the point in them. Even if I had sons instead of daughters I'd still say no. I don't want to encourage them to play games based on violence. I hate to see little children playing with guns, it's so inappropriate.


Keep them from 'violent' games by all means - but don't expect that to be an instant pacifier for them. As someone said before - they're probably already fashioning their own Uzi's out of lego!!!!


For me, it's what you teach your kids...not what you keep from them. There is always a point in play.


Watch them and talking to them while they play - play with them - and you'll get a great deal of insight into what they're thinking and why they're thinking it. And that's when you can do your job as a parent and start instilling the idea that there is a world of difference between that little cap gun and what real ones are capable of.


Both my two (boy and girl) played with weapon type toys. Both moved on to fencing and archery. My son wants to join a target shooting gun club when he's old enough. Fine by me.


What I DONT like is kids playing age inappropriate games on the playstation etc. There you have very realistic looking violent games that possibly are more damaging than a cops n robbers game. imo there are far too many parents who don't for whatever reason either watch what their kids are playing, let alone think to censor it.

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What I DONT like is kids playing age inappropriate games on the playstation etc. There you have very realistic looking violent games that possibly are more damaging than a cops n robbers game. imo there are far too many parents who don't for whatever reason either watch what their kids are playing, let alone think to censor it.

But surely this also depends upon the maturity of the child and, even though some of the graphics are very realistic, it is still very obvious that they are just graphics and most children can tell the difference between graphics and real-life. It is much the same as watching cartoons. They know that just because Tom bashes Jerry with a saucepan that it's not ok to do that to your little sister.


Actually, to take that further, even though there are people who have apparently committed crimes because they have watched lots of horror/violent films and/or played violent games, there are millions of people who have watched violence in films/cartoons/video games and not suffered any damage from it. I find that it is more harrowing for my children to watch the news and witness the horrors that real people are carrying out or suffering from :(


And yes, they played with toys that looked like weapons (guns, swords, etc) because I felt that there was little point in banning them if they were just going to point their fingers or pick up a stick if they were that determined to play this particular game, but they have now grown out of it and were never permitted to use the toys to cause actual harm.


And just for Kazz Hot Wheels :biggrin:

Edited by dirtychicken
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My brother wasnt allowed toy guns or action man etc as my mum doesnt like them. She wouldnt allow my father to keep his air rifle after they got married either. Its her perogative and I dont think not playing with guns as children did us any harm. I dont know if playing with guns makes children more likely to use them when they are older or not.

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One brave man came on and said that dolls should be banned for girls, especially those that have to be fed and nappies changed because they encourage teenage pregnancies :laugh: I loved it.



I loved that too.


I knew someone who didn't allow her son to have toy guns but they were allowed water pistols.


I didn't see the difference myself.

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But surely this also depends upon the maturity of the child and, even though some of the graphics are very realistic, it is still very obvious that they are just graphics and most children can tell the difference between graphics and real-life. It is much the same as watching cartoons. They know that just because Tom bashes Jerry with a saucepan that it's not ok to do that to your little sister.


Actually, to take that further, even though there are people who have apparently committed crimes because they have watched lots of horror/violent films and/or played violent games, there are millions of people who have watched violence in films/cartoons/video games and not suffered any damage from it. I find that it is more harrowing for my children to watch the news and witness the horrors that real people are carrying out or suffering from


I'd agree about the maturity but I still think there's a world of difference between technicolour tom and jerry and my friend allowing her 6 year old to play grand theft auto vice city.


given a choice, i'd say its better for a child to create a 'cops and robbers' type game on his own terms than to be sucked into 'the rules' of one of these really sophisticated games. again its age appropriiateness. some shoot em ups are fine. others...not so fine imo.


having said that: its not the games fault. kids have to get hold of them somehow. in the case of my friend, she says she cant stop the 6 year old playing when the 15 year old does. fair enough, i say. when 15 year old turns 18 and starts getting trashed (if not before!) will it be ok for the then 9 year old to get equally trashed?!


i dont quite know where i stand on the violence and horror on tv/films begets violence and horror in real life. certainly the world has changed since these games and films became common currency. i dont think its entirely their fault but i cant say i dont think they are blame free. Cumulative symptom of 'modern life' perhaps.


can you really not get hot wheels any more?!

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