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King Update


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Thinking of you and King. My Scampi damaged a disc at Easter and we thought we were going to lose him, though it was lower down his spine, his tail was paralysed and he was in a lot of pain. After several weeks on treatment with steroids he is almost back to his old self with waggy tail and a happy smile. Off the steroids and back on his metacam, so I do hope the same treatment works for King. Everything X'd I really know how you must be feeling. :GroupHug: .



thank you that really fills me with a bit of hope!!!


just picked him up and he is still doped up from being under........ He has to wear harness ALL the time...even walking to car.....cant jump on anything couch, car etc can go up stairs if make him go slow (how to you tell a dog to go slow up stairs and not sleep on his couch) i cant give him hugs by neck and rub his head...... they are really worried about one disc mainly that seems a little worn away but discs dont show up well on Xrays....... but they said the soft part in disc has broken bits off....small peices are ok...but if he knocks anbything and a slightly larger bit comes off it would hit spinal cord and then he would be paralysed......being his neck it would be most of his body :( then it would be emergency surgery!


my head is shot and just dont know what to think!!!! hwo on earth do i keep him still with out ruining his life!!! He cant go for walks for days........just in garden for wee's.... i just keeping thinking the worst :(

Edited by heva
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Ooh Im really sorry for King to have this news :( , hope the steroids will help, lots of healing warm and calming thoughts send :wub: :wub: and a big :GroupHug: to you ,I know how hard it is to not be able to take him for walks,my Mowgly can't go for longer walks any more and short ones only on lead due to bad arthitis in her front leg, so I find myself sneaking out the house with my Papiloons to avoid her begging face ,she so loves to come for walkies,vet has given me painkillers to give in advance (metacam) but it makes her sick for days so it's not really worth it :(

please do keep us updated hun :flowers:

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I'm so sorry to hear your bad news heva! :GroupHug: What else can I say but hope that it will all turn out alright in the end.

My old dag had something completely unrelated, he had what looked like a fit and we were then told that it was a heart murmur, with a prognosis of "a week, a month, maybe a year if that" and we were devastated. Well, oldie proved us all wrong and continued to leave nearly another 10 years on medication. It's taught me to err on the side of optimism - hard I know, but that's what my oldie taught me :)

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My first dalmatian suffered from her discs disintegrating. I happened on five or six occasions moving from her neck down her back.


The first attack was when she was six and the last when she was twelve. By that time her back was rigid and she walked like the woodentops dog.


Each time it happened she needed six weeks total rest, only out for a wee. Every time she moved her head she screamed so it was very waring.


She lived until she was 14 years old and in between attacks led a normal life.


Wishing King a good recovery

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ok, so you know what's wrong,.......... sort of. Sounds like you need someone who can GENTLY put everything back in the right place. You'll need to find out what's available near you, but Craniosacral is brilliant if you can find someone who'll work on a dog, Acupuncture can be great, find someone who has been trained thooroughly preferably the chinese way, possibly even acupressure could do the trick, Bowen can be great I believe, Canine Touch - again gentle and effective, Mc Timoney/Chorley Chiropractic is another possibility, talk to Kimbasmum about that, she'll guide you. My brain's frozen at that lot, there are possibly other possibilities. I'd also talk to a Homeopathic Vet about the longer term, and some of them do acupuncture.



Homeopathic vets



Forgot to say, obviously I'm sending Reiki, but would you mind posting a pic?

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To be brutally honest, I think the best thing that heva can do is going by the suggestions of the vet who knows King and who she trusts. If that isn't the vet you're with right now heva, I'd shop around to find one who you feel comfortable with treating King.

With something this serious I would think twice about heading off and embark on alternative therapies without knowing exactly what they do and what conditions they are suitable for. I would also beware of seeing anyone without knowing their exact qualifications. There are good ones, like Kimbas mum, who will want a vet's referral or at least confirmation that you've talked to your vet and they agree with the alternative therapy you've enquired about. There may also be other ones who aren't that bothered about that and just set out treating an animal - which might go either way.

I have the impression that many of these therapies are still a 'free' (would that be the right term?) profession, i.e. the therapist does not need to have been qualified to a set standard and/or be a member of the professional organisation. Again that doesn't make the therapies 'wrong', but it does leave the risk of not very skillfull people being able to practise.

If the vet has prescribed as little as possible movement in King's neck, the last thing I'd do is check out any manipulative therapies!! :ohmy:

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Alexis, I did NOT advise neck manipulation.


Cranio involves no manipulation at all, nor do acupuncture or acupressure.

The manipulative ones were right at the end of the list and after saying talk to Kimbasmum first to find out whether or not they may be helpful. I also put GENTLE in capital letters. I did say someone thoroughly trained and I think Heather has enough sense to know that herself and be very sure about anyone she allows to treat her dog, as would we all.

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Sorry Muriel but the last thing King needs by the sound of it is neck manipulation/chiropractic treatment which could potentially lead to paralysis.



To be brutally honest, I think the best thing that heva can do is going by the suggestions of the vet who knows King and who she trusts. If that isn't the vet you're with right now heva, I'd shop around to find one who you feel comfortable with treating King.



Cranio involves no manipulation at all, nor do acupuncture or acupressure.

The manipulative ones were right at the end of the list and after saying talk to Kimbasmum first to find out whether or not they may be helpful. I also put GENTLE in capital letters. I did say someone thoroughly trained and I think Heather has enough sense to know that herself and be very sure about anyone she allows to treat her dog, as would we all.


You're all right - McTimoney Corley is a fab technique, but I wouldn't suggest it at this stage - by the sounds of it the disc is in far too delivate a state for that - although it may help at a later date if he is stiff in the region to help with range of movement. It sounds like the best idea is to rest him completely as the vet has said and wait and see what the MRI shows.


Thanks for thinking of me Muriel and Billymalc, wish I could help :flowers:

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