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Everything posted by BrackenMc

  1. Just want to wish you both well and say how brave I think you are being. I have told my husband the story of how Dogstar started and how you originally went out to work with the elephants. Just look at all you have achieved now. If I could give out honours, you would be well near the top of my list.
  2. Old sofa has been removed. Had no joy with freecycle/preloved, so had to call a local removals bloke to remove it. He is taking it to the tip There was nothing wrong with it, apart from it being really chintzy and not to my taste, seems such a shame that it has gone to the tip, but with my new one arriving tomorrow, had ran out of options On a positive note, new sofa is arriving between 8am and 12pm tomorrow, so at least I can get the sofa and then have the rest of the day sitting on it My old sofa is cut up and outside waiting to be taken away. It was the only way we could move it. Couldn't recycle it to a furniture scheme as they couldn't pick it up and we had nowhere to store it either. Dogs don't like the new one and haven't been up for cuddles and if I could bring the old one back in I would as I am so upset.
  3. So very sorry Run free Max knowing you were a well loved boy.
  4. Great photos. The hotel looks very posh. Wish the weather had been better for you.
  5. I wish you both well in your new full time volunteering position with Dogstar. May you go from strength to strength. Will watch for the movie when it is released.
  6. I adore puppies, mischief, accidents and all. They are just so much fun and better than any anti depressants. Hope you have many happy years together.
  7. Voted. She is such a cutie and just my type of dog.
  8. Great news. Been watching for the announcement on Wiggle's Blog and read that this morning too.
  9. Another gorgeous lab My little daxi was blind through pra for the last four years of his life. Never caused us any problems. We didn't move things around and taught him left and right and up and down and he managed perfectly well. He wouldn't be walked on the lead, as he had never been lead walked, so we had to watch him closely in the woods. We also bought bells so he knew where we were.
  10. Sorry double post - too early in the morning.
  11. What a gorgeous boy Only stopped having a lab in our lives when we got old an decrepit and downsized. Wonderful dogs.
  12. Emergency charge is £90.00 plus any medication.
  13. He is just absolutely gorgeous
  14. I have had a look on Paypal and Synflex was: 31.70 for two bottles in May 08 31.75 Nov 08 32.40 Feb 09 I think there has always been a charge for p&p. I thought about purchasing from the US when the exchange rate was in our favour, but didn't know if I would be charged customs/VAT.
  15. Lovely to see all your labs having such a lovely time. They are such a fabulous breed. Wish we hadn't got old an decrepit or we would still have one now.
  16. Welcome little Tia Congratulations to all
  17. Happy Birthday Arran. Your Mum is spreading naughty rumours - shelties don't come in dim. Happy Birthday also to the twins.
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