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Hey guys, long time no speak. I wish I was updating with a happy thread, but it's really, really not.


As some of you might remember, Blu had a few health issues last year with joint problems in all his legs, hips and back plus the beginnings of a dicky ticker, and the vet was surprised he reached Christmas, let alone came off pain relief and got back to his bouncy noisy self.


Last night, he was a bit restless and grumbly, nothing that set off major alarm bells as he's often like that, we just assumed another sore night - stayed up with him til he settled, Mick slept on the sofa so that he'd be there if he was needed. He fell asleep some time after 4am, as did Mick, when Mick woke at ten to 7 - Blu didn't.


We're heartbroken. Blu was such a great friend and major help through the loss of Sky in Sept 2008, he's the only thing that helped me get through that - or start to. Now I dont have either of them and I'm lost.


RIP Blu, we love you very very much, dont let the cranky old cow bite you on the bum at the bridge. :mecry:

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Thanks everyone. I am grateful he didnt suffer, and whatever it was, it was quick.


It's been so hard today. To go from having such a huge (noisy!) presence about, to nothing, it's just all wrong. Nobody barked when I got up, went to the loo, left the room, came into the room (etc etc), when the post came, when someone walked past...etc etc. It's too quiet.


And now there's no-one sat staring over my shoulder as I type, or rolling on his back next to me saying "get off the pooter and tickle my belly, woman!". No-one glued themselves to my leg when I made lunch, or dribbled in it as I sat eating it.


I hate this. Mick is quiet, says no more. He's a tough bloke, but even he cried last night, which is when it sank in :mecry:

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