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Jack And Themagnesium!


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Well I'm in total shock!


Jack has has three days of his Stress-Less tables, that's 1 1/2 tabs in all and he is a different dog! He is not pacing the kitchen barking at every sound, not trashing his crate, not patrolling the fence obsessing at Kipper next door, not barking and freaking out the minute I put my shoes on, not running up and down the stairs, not yikking, not licking, not going mental when we stop at the walk venue and not fearful on the walk and stuck to my leg, in fact he was at the end of his extender all the way! What is even more amazing is that the OH has noticed the difference too! He's not sedated either, (Jack not the OH), he's bright, happy and waggy and is PLAYING!



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Results from giving Wispa Stress-Less: she has been on it about a week and a half, and there is steady progress. I can't say she is less excitable when out and about, but she is more relaxed at home and doesn't kick off so much at the usual kind of noises e.g. people coming and going next door. She is more relaxed around bedtime and sleeps right through from midnight to 7 a.m. without being sensitive to every little noise. This in itself has improved the health and happiness of us all. She has also put on a little weight while eating a bit less, which is no bad thing. She tended to drop weight far too easily in spite of eating like a pack of wolves.

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