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Ollie Not Good - Need Some Advice


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This is going to be a bit of a self indulgent post so apologies in advance but it's been a really bad week with Ollie :mecry:


I thought he'd been doing pretty well the last 6 weeks or so and he'd been back to being totally clean. This week he's pooped in the house the last 6 days out of 7 :mecry: On Friday I was just downstairs eating my brekkie on the sofa, he'd been in the garden about 5 mins before hand and he just went literally right in front of me while he was just walking along - he didn't even stop or seem to know he was going :mecry:


He didn't ask to go out, make any kind of sign he needed to go or scratch the door or anything - I honestly think he didn't know he was going.


On all the other occasions I've just 'found' poops in random places around the house so I've not 'seen' him going :mecry:


I spoke to the vet and she basically said that the neurological disease is now affecting the nerves that control his anus (but not his bladder as that's controlled by different nerves) and it's just a case of seeing how we/he manages from here on in.


He's head tremour also seems a lot worse and he seems like he's constantly 'shivering' - if you put your hand on his head you can feel him trembling and that's pretty constant. I know that's down to the neurological condition but it's not nice to see him like that. His co-ordination is obviously all over the place so the staggering/falling over etc gradually increases over time and he's had some really nasty falls :mecry:


Then at other times he seems really bright and excited when I pick up his lead or when we get home from work - it's kind of like living with two different dogs at the moment :mecry:


It's just horrid as one moment I feel like we can't go on like this and the time is near and then things seem to improve for a while and I feel completely differently. I guess I just don't want to do the wrong thing and just feeling so confused.


I burst into tears when I saw him going as I know he didn't have a clue what he was doing and he looked really 'shocked' when he seemed to realise :mecry: I just feel like I want to rewind time 18 months and get 'my' Ollie back - I miss him :mecry: There's nothing medically that can be done at all, it's really just seeing how things degenerate from here which is just awful as I feels like I know what's coming and it's just constantly looming over us :mecry:


A little pic from last week of my boy who is still looking as beautiful as ever.....



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I don't think he has any feeling there does he so his body is just producing as it would normally and why he's doing it everywhere as he just doesn't know bless him. Is it worth contacting a homeothapist? I know I harp on about this and animal medicine is behind human but my father lost all feeling in his hands and legs and was looking forward to a future in a wheelchair. Went to a specialist and was told there was nothing they could do. He couldn't hold anything, do buttons up. It was horrendous. He was given the number of a chemist by someone he happened to get chatting to. Chemist advised him to take some pills which he did do for several months. He now has no symptoms whatsoever and is fit and healthy. Might not be anything you can give dogs but would hate to not say something if there was a slim chance for your boy. In the meantime I'm thinking of you both and hoping he has a while with you yet and you can enjoy some happy times still amongst the worry. :GroupHug:

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Oh Jules, I'm so sorry that you're having such a hard time with Ollie :GroupHug:

He does still look as handsome as ever though :wub: I know what I mean about you wanting "your" Ollie, back, I felt the same with Mal towards the end. Take it as a small consolation that Ollie himself doesn't appear to be suffering, he seems to be just getting on with it. I hope that the Ollie you've known for so long will keep making appearances, and I'm just so glad for Ollie that he has someone fighting his corner at a time when it really matters :flowers: :flowers:

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We've had a really bad night :(


Olls has had a runny tummy for a couple of days but it seemed to be getting better. I heard a huge 'crash' from downstairs when I was in bed last night and basically Olls had then had the runs, fallen in his own mess (he was covered in it) and when I got into the room he was attempting to eat it :(


I've woken up this morning to poo all round the dining room table which he's walked all through the lounge (thank god for laminate) and another round of poo and footprints all through the kitchen :(


I'm just at a loss for what to do in all honesty - I've booked an appointment with our favourite vet for 2.40 tomorrow but am not sure what she's going to suggest :(

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I'm so sorry to hear this...if he normally isn't a poo eater, it could show some brain degeneration, due to canine senility..or he might simply have been trying to remove the evidence of his accident. I hope the vet had some positive suggestions for help for him :GroupHug: edited to add: unless you (or he) absolute hate the other vets, I'd be inclined to get him seen today, rather than tomorrow.

Edited by suzeanna
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I'm so sorry Jules, I can really sympathise having been there more than once with older dogs Group_Hug_Emoticon.gif Group_Hug_Emoticon.gif


I know it's not a solution, but is there any way you can confine him at night, so at least any accidents don't get tracked through the whole house? Might he settle in a crate or baby's playpen?


I know that's not the biggest issue for you at the moment, but it doesn't help with all the emotional turmoil to have the practical problems of cleaning up to deal with as well.


Sending Ollie and you all my best thoughts Group_Hug_Emoticon.gif

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I'm so sorry to hear this...if he normally isn't a poo eater, it could show some brain degeneration. I hope the vet had some positive suggestions for help for him :GroupHug: edited to add: unless you (or he) absolute hate the other vets, I'd be inclined to get him seen today, rather than tomorrow.


The poo eating started when he was on the steroids as he was so hungry all the time - unfortunately now he's been off them a few months he's still doing it as it seems to be have become a 'habit'. I think the poo eating is probably what's made him sick in the first place :mecry:


The vet on today is completely useless so I'm going to hold on and see Carole tomorrow - I spoke to her last weekend when Olls was really bad so she knows the situation with him and I really trust her advice.


Fee - I don't think Olls would settle in a crate - just lately he's started chewing the bars on the stairgate when I shut him downstairs so I think he'd find it quite stressful. Unfortunately the whole of the downstairs is open plan from the conservatory, dining area, lounge and there's no way to shut any of it off and confine him to a smaller area :unsure: I think, with hindsight, that this house is probably the worse design we could have for an oldie :(

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Can you put a dog gate in one of the doorways to at least give him less space to roam. :GroupHug:


We've got a stairgate across the door into the hall but the lounge/dining room/conservatory area is just one massive open plan space with no doorways at all unfortunately :unsure:


Thanks for the good thoughts everyone :flowers:

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