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Ants Ants Ants And More Ants

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If you don't poison them you'll never get rid.


They were coming up through the kitchen floor last year so, as the builders were in anyway they re screed the floor. This filled in all the gaps. They still got in.


Ant power is the only thing that shifts them. I just make sure I don't put it where the dog can lick it.


Good luck.

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Sam, I've read that coffee deters them - but you'd need to put it somewhere that the dogs/cats couldn't get at it if they're likely to, so don't know if that's any help. I've used it before and we've also tried putting tape down on the bits they've come in - not great to look at but in an old cottage there are various ways in!


You could also try asking them to leave :biggrin:

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Feed them Sam! I know it sounds silly but they are coming in to collect food to take back to the nest to feed the Queen :D Try and roughly locate where they are coming from, you don't need to be too accurate and sprinkle some sugar (a few tblsp)and that should keep them out of the house. Just put more sweet stuff out about once weekly.


I laughed when I was told to do this when I had a problem about 10 years ago and I have never had a problem since. You may get the odd rogue ant but you wont have loads of them.


Every Spring when I notice them getting active I get the sugar out and stop it before they come into the house :)

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The watering works. We had a red ants' nest under the doorstep and it wasn't really a problem until the late great Mojo decided to dig it out. Loads of ants ran up and hid in his coat and bit him, and he was very upset so went and hid in my bed under the duvet. Ants then ran out into my bed - lovely :rolleyes: We poured water under the doorstep and they moved, all carrying eggs and babies. I felt sorry we had disturbed them in the first place, but once the damage was done we couldn't really let them rebuild there otherwise the same thing would have happened again.

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well so far no more ants inside the house, I did have look at some of them having a party in the sugar pile earlier and predict by the end of the day they will all be diabetic but they seemed happy enough so all good :biggrin:


Pleased to hear that :biggrin: Bet they think they have died and gone to ant heaven with all that grub :rolleyes:



my mum always used to put a saucer of jam sprinkled with sugar down in the garden and we never had ants come in.x


I'm glad someone else can confirm that it works and that I am not totally mad :wacko: (please ignore my signature-it is only a joke-honest) :laugh:

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