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Mrs B is back again - sort of.


As I said a couple of months ago, I didn't want to say anything about my weight on here until after my Rowing Challenge was completed in case it gave anyone any inside information on how I might do.


So, to the facts.


I last declared where I was just before we went on holiday - when regrettably I put on 4lbs (mostly be eating gorgeous food though).


Since then, I have been concentrating so hard on training that it has been quite difficult to lose weight, as I never know whether I'm going to training morning, noon or night, and it's been intensive enough for me to need to have "fuel" in me to make sure I can do the training (my excuse anyway).


One thing for sure, if I don't eat 'good' foods, it soon shows up in how I perform during training!


However, I have lost the 4lbs, and another .75lbs. Not sure how I will get on in the next five weeks, with more training to do for the Finals, but I'm back on the "declaration" wagon again. :laugh:

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Yep, I think you could be right - we'll see how much podgy tummy flab there is next time we meet!



but you did'nt have any podgy tummy flab last time ( I think I did )




as I am not working the dogs and I are going out for an extra nice long walk every day this month we have been exploring country walks and paths and even a few hills ! I think thats helping me ( that and the slimming world food )

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I'd love to see Mr Wii as well - but I'm afraid I've not got the space for him :rolleyes:


Looking at a few previous posts, thought I'd post something that you might not know yet and might cheer you up:


When you train lots you might not think that you're losing lots of weight, but this could well be because you're developing muscle - and muscle weighs heavier than body fat! It also uses more energy, ie. "eats body fat", to put it simply. So all you athletes who despair about no being skinny as a rake just yet, now you know why that might be :wink:


Personally I'd rather be a few lbs heavier and well fit than skinny as a rake and too weak to walk up the stairs, although I know that that is an extreme example but you know what I mean.


Meanwhile I've moved up from denying that I eat too much junk food to acknowledging that I do and it tastes good :rolleyes: :blush: :laugh: Next month this new gym that I've already joined will open tho and then I *will* use up the spare calories that I scoff every day!

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apparently in order to lose weight what I need to do is stare threateningly at my scales and weigh myself - it worked last time and today I came in at 11st 8.5lbs *yay*


Am making a bit more of an effort to think about portion sizes at lunch and dinner times, though this week I have noticed that if I eat dinner around 6 or 6.30, by 9.30/10pm I'm hungry again and usually finish off the chilli or whatever I had for dinner :rolleyes:

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When you train lots you might not think that you're losing lots of weight, but this could well be because you're developing muscle - and muscle weighs heavier than body fat! It also uses more energy, ie. "eats body fat", to put it simply. So all you athletes who despair about no being skinny as a rake just yet, now you know why that might be :wink:


I yam finking that my pound of fat may well weigh the same as my pound of muscle, but perhaps just takes up a bit less flobby room. :biggrin:


Lost an actual .75lbs - couldn't comment on any flob loss.


Finding it tough going keeping the balance of food intake at the right level for training - because work demands at the moment mean that my training kit is in my car permanently so that when the chance arises I can just head for the rowing machine - so I always need to have enough of the right food in me to deal with that!


Entered a competition for a Mr Wii Fit at work last month. Don't suppose I'll win that though!

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Right, I've decided a few days ago that lifts are "out" at work. Seeing as I'm on the 7th floor that means 15 flights of steps up on the way in and the same amount (surprisingly!) on the way down. Plus an extra 30 flights if I want to go to the shop or post office, and however many I need to get to a colleague on a different floor. Friday afternoon however, I forgot about the "new rule", so took the lift down and didn't realise until I was actually near home that I'd not taken the stairs ... :blush:


Aaaany case, made up for that today I hope. Helped by a can of the Asda version of Redbull I've walked/jogged a grand total of 4.16 miles! :biggrin: I figured I needed a change of scene so did my old route that I did when I was still running with the club. I've just found out about this handy little tool on t'internet called mapometer, where you can draw your route on a map and it tells you how far it is. "4.16 miles" it said and it took me , all in all, just under an hour. Not bad for someone who's not trained properly for ages :) The plan is now to build on that and aim for a 5K (3 mile) run in a month, then I have another month to add another 2 miles on to it. As long as I keep tanking Asda's Redbull it should work ...

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