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Some Advice If Possible Please!


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Hi all,


I was on here in July/ August as I was in desperate need of a new home for my Staffy Lola. She found an excellent home and is now fully settled with her new loving family :)

However, my other dog Tila, an AmBull now seems very lonely :( She pined for Lola for weeks, even though she wouldn't tolerate her now we're in the new house.

Basically, I'd like your trhoughts - Tila HATES being left alone (even though she's only left for 4-5 hours a day) and has started being pretty destructive. Some of the vets I work with suggested getting another dog to keep her company, as until Lola left she has never been alone. Thye reckon a male one who has experience of being with other dogs and one who is probably of a disproportionate size and age to Tila would be best if I do decide to get another one.

I've spoken to my boyfriend about it and he says if it makes Tila happy then it makes him too. But, being the sensible chap he is he suggested I consult as many people as possible to see if others have had a similar experience and how it has worked out.


Has anyone heard of a situation like this? If so, what happened?


Tila is nearly 2 and about 40kgs. She has occasional problems with her hips but is generally a happy bouncy dog when out n just lie most AmBulls is lazy as anything when in the house.


If anyone hasd any advice to give I'd be very grateful!


Maly x

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Hi there :)


just a wee question, how was Tila when you did have another dog in the house? Was she okay about being left then?


In terms of her being destructive - is it boredom and a case of her amusing herself or real separation anxiety as such? I have to say my little deaf collie girlie was a terror for chewing on furniture/opening and emptying cupboards and drawers for the first year I had her - nothing to do with anxiety in her case but just an overactive collie brain and some teething issues! (and I do have another older collie).


How old is Tila?


hope things are going okay and I'm sure someone else will be along soon :flowers:

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When we first got Yena, when left alone she'd eat anything she could get her paws on, phones, cd's etc. It took us a year before we got her out of the habit. 10 months after she came to live with us Molly arrived and I think Yena was not as lonely. So it could be Tila is lonely or it could be like purple mog suggests it might be something she's just going through.


If you decided to get another take Tila with you when you go. The Dogs Trust were quite happy for Yena and Molly to met so we could see if they were going to been any problems. :)

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I was on here in July/ August as I was in desperate need of a new home for my Staffy Lola. She found an excellent home and is now fully settled with her new loving family :)

However, my other dog Tila, an AmBull wouldn't tolerate her now we're in the new house.


just quoting to answer the OP's question :flowers:

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Jed was VERY destructive when left - even though there were 2 other dogs with him (having nervous breakdowns because of his destruction). One was Lucy Greyhound and the other Toastie Terrier, both calm dogs (tho I had to remind Lucy about the things she had destroyed in the past when she did her superior look).


There is light at the end of the tunnel as now he is 2 he has calmed down a great amount, and his destruction these days is digging holes in the lawn ... Unfortunately there is carnage from Bo who is appx 18 months old Staffie Cross, and that happens whether I am home or not... hopefully he will eventually grow out of it (please!!!!)


Good luck.

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I don't know what to suggest. I'm sure that just because she couldn't live with Lola, that doesn't mean she couldn't live with another dog and she might find the company of another dog beneficial. However I don't think there's any guarantee if she has separation anxiety that another dog would sort that. I remember a friend had a number of dogs (four at the time I think) including one she'd taken on as an adult and she could be very destructive while my friend was out - and the other dogs did nothing to help that :(


How old is Tila?


In the first post it says she's nearly two :flowers:

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i have 2 dogs, my eldest stafford diez was 4 when i got laney, diez has never chewed anything in her life, laney on the other hand has never ever been left without the company of another dog and he trashes the place :( we have no idea why?? i filmed him and my vet watched the tape and he doesn't get worked up at all, i give him a homeopathic remedy now and he can go for months and months without chewing. my pont being another dog may not solve the problem

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I think you need to get to the root of the problem first (ie why she is being destructive) with the help of a reputable behaviourist.


She may benefit from having a male dog to keep her company, but as others have said it wouldn't necessarily stop her being destructive, so best to get that bit sorted beforehand :flowers:

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I think you need to get to the root of the problem first (ie why she is being destructive) with the help of a reputable behaviourist.


She may benefit from having a male dog to keep her company, but as others have said it wouldn't necessarily stop her being destructive, so best to get that bit sorted beforehand :flowers:


Hiya all,


Sorry to pretty much reply to all comments in one thread!

I got both Tila & Lola at the same time when they were very young pups. Up until they were about 6 months old there was a fair bit of chewing going on, but I figured that was pretty normal for bullbreeds! After around the 7 month mark it pretty much stopped with only the occasional chewed up tennis ball as a reminder. They seemed to be far more interested in playing with each other than chewing walls/ carpets etc!

Things pretty much stayed that way until I had to give Lola up (both dogs were in kennels for a while during the move, but once we got in the new house Tila just wouldn't let Lola anywhere near her which made Lola very depressed and caused me no end of worry) As soon as Lola left, the destructive behaviour returned. Only while she's alone though - never if someone else is in the house with her, even if they're in different rooms, locked in the bathroom etc (again, except maybe the odd tennis ball). Now if I leave her toys or anything else, she just chews them up. I've also tried the hormone plug-in thing, recording my voice, leaving the radio on, leaving TV on....

That's why I'm not sure if another dog would help the problem - she genuinely seems to hate being alone!


I hope that helps answer some questions.

I don't know of any good behaiourists in my area. The only two I've found practise methods that I don't agree with (totally ignoring your dog to show it who's boss?! She's depressed enough as it is!)


Maly x

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Whereabouts are you? Maybe someone can suggest someone whose methods you would feel happy with - you could just give a rough area (region, county, town etc).


Have you heard of Tellington Touch? I am rubbish at explaining it but it's very good for anxious animals and while you have to be there to do it, it might perhaps make her more comfortable when she is left alone.


Another thought, though I'm just a dog owner, not a vet/trainer/behaviourist etc. is something like Scullcap and Valerian - I have been singing this product's praises recently as it seemed to help my collie through the fireworks and I think has generally made him a little less edgy. It is described as "A traditional herbal remedy for symptomatic relief of anxiety, nervousness, excitability and travel sickness." I've no idea if it would help your dog but it might be worth thinking about something like that if you've not tried it before? I've not used it for destruction so no experience there but if it relieves anxiety it might help?

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I'm in Leeds - it'd be great if someone can recommend a good behaviourist!


I'll look at the t touch thing, never heard of it before but great if it'll help!


When we leave Tila, she has the run of a large long hallway on the ground floor, the bathroom (much larger than your usual bathroom!), the large landing space where her bed is, the stairway down to the basement level and the large hallway and a half down there. We always leave the bedroom doors shut (she's not allowed on our bed) and I'd be concerned about leaving the door to the lounge/ kitchen open as there's leather sofas in there that could easily be chewed & a plasma screen tv that can be knocked over if it was run into (polished wooden floors, a clumsy dog and a love of chasing balls don't mix if unsupervised!) I've never let her (or Lola) have the run of the entire house while I'm out but it's not like she's stuck in a small space or anything.

Although this is a new house, she had less space during the day at my old place and she never chewed :(

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