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Old Dogs! When Did You Admit You Had One?


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My 2 old rescue labs are 12 and 13 and I've had them for nearly 2 years, both with health problems and very overweight when they moved in. The old girl made wonderful progress, lost weight and became very mobile but now has mammary tumours and is slowing down again; the old fellow, a wonderful boy, has multiple lumps and bumps, monitored by my vet. H e now decides on the length of his daily walks which can vary from 10 to 15 mins. He then just gets his head down and heads home! I've realised there's not going to be any more changes and they're both now in the winter of their lives. I'm just so pleased I can give them the best quality of life until they're ready to go to the Rainbow Bridge.

My previous oldies have lived to 14 and 15 and especially littlies tend to look and behave ilike youngsters well into their middle age.

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Old age has caught up with my girlie too quickly.

She had a suspected stroke last week and her legs havent fully recovered :(

She is tiring quicker and we sometimes need to carry her home from a walk.

She is losing her appetite and somedays doesnt eat at all.

She is my heart dog and I can not imagine life with out her :(

She is 13 this year.

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It hit me that my dog was getting old after going to the vets. We only went for something very minor but it was seeing the other dogs there, and the pups and how active they all were compared to mine,that made me realise how much he had aged.


I had never noticed how much he had slowed down or how he was happy to sit quietly and not investigate everything until then. You get used to their level of activity and it wasnt until I compared it with the other dogs that I realised how much he had changed.


It really upset me and I couldnt wait to get out of the vets.

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Ebbi is only 7 and a half but she is going grey around the muzzle and slowing down,she can't walk as far or as fast as she did before. I know 7 is not old considering the ages of the other dogs on here but rotties dont have a very long life span and I dread losing her. x

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Tasha is 15 and I have noticed her declining over the last 12 to 18 months... :( She has always had super hearing and eyesight, but her ears are no longer working so we communicate with touch and hand gestures. Her legs have gotten quite weak and we have to carry her up to bed now, and most days we carry her down..the hard thing is, some days she sleeps all the time and hardly eats and her eyse look weary and then others, like today she is bouncing around, eating everything in sight and wanting to play ball all day, bright eyed and bushy tailed, fooling us all! :GroupHug:



I luffs my old lady SO much :wub:

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Today! I went out into the back lane to put some stuff in the wheelie bin and George accompanied me. He went for a sniff and I was watching him and realised how much more of a plodder he's become. He just looked like an old dog :ohmy: He's 10 now.


He's never been quite back to normal since my friends dog bowled him over injuring his shoulder and then had a go at him. That was a few months ago and as a consequence of his injuries that day he sometimes limps and is very stiff on getting up. All that said tho I was telling my auntie about the limp and being stiff one day when this streak of lightening thundered past us - and yes it was George making a liar out of me. Long may he continue to do so :biggrin:

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:laugh: Yeap have to admit my old codger made me a liar yesterday too!! He discovered 2 dogs on his 'patch' and flew over to them to see if they had permission slips!! Luckily Sidney did his rounding up act and stopped Cromwell charging at full pelt, and turned out the 2 interlopers were ladies so obviously they were then given the full bouncy young puppy act by my old boy!!!! :laugh: :rolleyes:
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When our floppy puppy arrived! Although my others aren't "old" they are now "older". I have always thought Max in particular will live forever, he's 9.5 but really doesn't look or act it, but I realised when M-M arrived that he is nine years rather than nine months :rolleyes: Although a number of people have commented on him being a young dog and been really surprised to hear he's nine :wub: He's certainly not growing old gracefully :wub: :wub: :laugh:


Sno is mostly white so looks pretty puppy-like still in a way even though he's also nine and Cassie, who's now ten (yep, silly me, having three dogs all aged within a year of each other :mecry: ) gives pup a good run for her money :wub:


Sweetie was a bit of a doddery old lady from the moment she arrived and none of mine are near that stage yet I'm sure.

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Max is officially old this month. We estimate he was approx 3 years old when he came to us and he's been with us 4 years on 14 August, so he'll be 7 by my reckoning. Not that anybody's told him. He is blind and has Lumbosacral Disease, but both started probably before we had him, so it's nowt to do with age.


Timmy is the youngest of my lot at 4 ish, but he's been going grey on his muzzle for over a year now, so he's my little old man in a youngster's body :wub:


I don't want my dogs to get old and die :mecry:

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Whisky is now 16 and going grey, he likes to lay in his box and snores all day, not keen on walks anymore but still likes his food.


Summer is 14 and now takes her time when walking just likes to plod around but find some energy when the grandchildren arrive. She loves them so much she will try to follow them everywhere. Thats when I notice she had grown old.


Sophie is 12 and has trouble getting up due to stiffness in her back legs but then she runs around at a gentle pace but will not play ball any more. Just loves to lay in a sunny spot.


Lucy is 10 and just wants the old one's to play ball and chase her but no one can anymore.

Life moves on so quickly I now have to admit mine are old and they have lost that spring in their walks.


I do love Oldies and would not have it any other way. Bless them :wub:


Cheryl & Mike xxx

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Tessie came to me at age 8 and is 9 now so

is an oldie, but she doesnt act it


she's more active than my boys, quicker off the mark

more feral when cats, birds and small furries come into view


Every time I look at her I remind myself of her age, and treasure

every moment with her


As for a grey muzzle - no chance





:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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