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Good Thoughts Needed For Our Very Special Wonderdog

rufus the wonderdog

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Rufus, our very own Wonderdog, is in need of any spare healing thoughts you might have.


He has really severe arthritis in both back legs and is developing the same in his right front leg, as well as having had cruciate repairs done previously. All of this is as a result of his poor start in life, and that's the polite way of saying things :grrr:


His last set of x-rays staggered our vet Amy, and the other vets in the practice, as no-one could understand how he was still bouncing around as much as he was. They were even forwarded to the Royal Veterinary College, along with details of how mobile he was. This is in part how he has acquired Wonderdog status.


Hs arthritis is now becoming much more difficult to control in terms of pain relief. He has suffered a number of flare-ups in recent months and Amy, our very special vet :flowers: , has managed to bring these under control, with a mix of medication and reduced exercise.


Unfortunately this last flare-up, which started just over 3 weeks ago, is proving difficult to resolve. We had to have an emergency visit to the vets today as Rufus was walking very strangely this morning. He was positioning his right rear leg, almost bent underneath him, and I thought that it was this one that was giving him increased pain.


However, when we saw Amy she said that it was actually his left back leg that was very sore and inflamed. He was putting his right leg in this funny position to balance himself and take the weight off of the poorly left leg, using it a bit like a stabiliser. Amy described him as being a bit like a Reliant Robin and operating on only 3 of his legs. He is putting his left leg to the ground but just not really using it.


He has been on PLT, Gabapentin and Seraquin for the last 3 weeks. Today codeine phosphate has been added into the medicinal mix to further control the pain that the arthritis is producing.


Unfortunately Amy told us today that he is really now at the end of the road pharmaceutically as there is no other combination of tablets that he can be given. He has tried various others over the course of the last 2 years, often with no effect. An operation is not a feasible option as Rufus just could not manage for any period of time on just 3 legs, because of the total damage that there is. We now have to consider how long our Wonderdog can continue like this and still maintain an adequate quality of life.


I am really hoping that he will manage to bounce back again as I just don't want to consider the other option, although I cannot see him suffer either.


He has worked his way deep into our hearts and I'm :mecry: even contemplating the fact that we might have to make that decision sooner rather than later.


So any good thoughts would be much appreciated.



PS Sorry if this is a bit rambling - I'm still shell shocked.

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Oh no I'm so sorry to be reading this. I know from Sheena how they position their legs to compensate. I'm wondering if there are any herbal remedies that might help him. Not sure if physio would. There are certainly a lot of knowledgeable people here to be able to advise if he can be helped by another method. Sometimes alternative treatments can help where medicine can't. Acupuncture maybe. Don't want to falsely build your hopes up. Have you tried a bioflow collar. Or do they not work for those that have severe arthritis. I really hope he's with you for a good while yet. Sending him masses of healing thoughts. :GroupHug: Hopefully someone who knows more than me will be along in a minute. Thinking of you. :GroupHug:

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Poor Rufus - and you :GroupHug: :GroupHug:


Will gladly send him Reiki - and will put a request on the Reiki email lists I am on too if you would like me too? :flowers: If you have a clear photo you can post too I will send that on also if you would like.


While "healing" doesn't replace vet care of course, I just thought I would mention this book: Hands On Healing For Pets by Margrit Coates: It's a great resource for those who are interested in healing and share their lives with animals.


Really sorry you are all going through this :GroupHug:

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Thinking of you and the Wonderful Rufus. Sorry the news has not been the best.


Sending positive thoughts for him to bounce back. :GroupHug:


It helps to share our news and feelings. I do wish I'd been on this forum when my old girl was poorly. It would have helped so much to have the support of likeminded friends.


I expect you've tried cartophen, rhus tox tablets, green lipped messel etc which are the only things I've had experience of.


Hugs to you and Rufus


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Dearest Val as you know my thoughts are with you :GroupHug: Rufus my very very special boy :wub: there has never been a boy more close to my heart than than you, who I took from a truly horrible situation and will for ever be so grateful for Val becoming your loving mum :flowers: With your Mums love and wonderful care you will flourish and anything that can be done for you I know your Mum will do and LRSE&C will support you every step of the way no matter what it takes :flowers:


Take it easy young man, enjoy what you have especially your most wonderful family :wub:

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So sorry to hear about Rufus being so poorly, but please do not apologise for posting about him. There are a few people on here with arthritic dogs, and they might have found remedies that have really helped their dogs - I think it's madmerle's Millie who is doing really well on Synflex if I remember correctly.

Sending all my positive thoughts and :GroupHug: :GroupHug: for both Rufus and you. Please keep us posted if you can on how he's doing.

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