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It's awful that Bob has had such a dreadful time of it. Xmas is one of those times when those that have lost need to have people around them isn't it. Thinking of him.


Pleased Sam is holding his own. Sending him tons more healing thoughts and hoping he improves a lot over the next day or so. Very pleased to hear Jan & Bosun are ok. We've had a right year of what seems like endless visits to the vets with our 2 girls. Will be very glad to see the back of 2007.


I've heard of giving honey to ease sore throats, kc etc. Do you use the Manuka honey for poorly chests and similar or do you use for other ailments as well? How much do you give?


It's the most incredible natural medicine Michelle :) It comes in different strengths. It starts at UMF 5 and can go up to UMF 30-the higher the potency the more expensive it is! We use the UMF 10 which seems effective and costs just under £16 for a 500gm pot. Pricey but has saved us hundreds on vet bills, though we spend a lot at the vets anyway it has dealt with conditions that is beyond the vets' help :rolleyes:


Just a few examples. Bosun started getting wet sticky sores between all his toes. Swabs taken but not really conclusive. He had every antibiotic there was thrown at him. Our homeopathic vet tried everything. We tried applying aloe vera, tea tree, sea salt baths, Mycota powder, everything we could think of. We got some Manuka for him and tried topically dressing his feet and bandaging them all but the taste was so irresistible the dressing only stayed on for a few minutes! We decided just to give him 10ml on a spoon daily and slowly but surely his feet started to heal and they are now back to normal. He had suffered with that condition for over two years. The vet had decided that it was a problem with his immune system due to his age. It seems that the Manuka has given his immune system a huge boost. Vet says it is probably one of the things that has kept him going with his recent crisis.



It has helped sustain Sam while he is trying to get over this terrible pneumonia virus as he hasn't eaten hardly anything since last Friday I think it has kept him going so far.



It is very good for healing cuts and sores if applied topically for both humans and animals, in fact some NHS hospitals are using it on leg ulcers and for patients who have had surgery for oral cancers.



Our rabbit Dusty who has had a series of serious illnesses over the last few months has been kept alive with Manuka honey. She developed snuffles which is a serious illness in rabbits followed by abcsesses in her sinuses, a herniated bladder which she had to have surgery to repair and dental problems. Although she has had to have veterinary attention for all these conditions the one thing that helped keep her going was the honey. When rabbits become poorly the first thing that goes is the appetite and then they can get gut stasis and then that can and usually does kill them. Dusty stopped eating completely on several occasions and along with feeding (by syringe) a supplement she was given 3ml of honey daily and she always seemed to pick up and get better afterwards.

I have never been able to keep a rabbit going with all those problems before and I have kept many rabbits for the last 30 years.

Dare I tempt fate but Dusty is so well and happy now and better than she has been for a very long time. I still give Dusty 2ml daily by syringe to keep her healthy.



I really do believe that it has great medicinal properties and all the animals that we have used it on seem to like it-in fact at 11pm every evening Bosun lets us know that it's time for his honey. We don't get any peace until he gets his spoonful :laugh:

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Sam had a good night last night and is much brighter today :elefant: :elefant: :elefant:


His breathing is still laboured but not so 'rattly' and he ate his breakfast this morning :)


He is still tired and sleeping a lot but I know that sleep is a great healer so we are keeping him quiet and he is lapping it up :)

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