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9 Days In The Life Of George

Amanda Jvv

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George before last sunday...



Last Sunday morning we came home in the early hours after showing a friend the nightlife in Kent :dry: only to be greeted by 3 happy to see us bouncy dogs.


Am about to tuck them into bed when I notice a GAPING 3 inch cut on Georges thigh!!! :ohmy: It had stopped bleeding but there was blood all over the floor. I bandaged him up and took him to the vets first thing in the morning. He had to go under and had 3 layers of stitches...right down to the muscle! eeewww. But a rather groggy George came home that night and snoozed. Turns out he had run behind the greenhouse into a loose pane of glass and sliced, very cleanly, his thigh.


So we borded up the area so he could not get in. But two days later, George forced his way in, only to stand on a piece of glass we had not seen. Straight into his paw!! It didnt look to deep (or so OH said, who is now in bad books for not taking George to the vet immediately!) so we bandaged it up for a couple of days. He was running around and it wasnt bleeding, so we just kept it clean. I was acting like a panicky mother while OH and his parents just went on and on about animals in the wild having to heal alone. :ohmy: :( My boys is NOT in the wild I tell you!! :rolleyes:


Anyway George goes to get his stitches in his thigh out today and she looks at his foot, only to book him in again!! He went under AGAIN and had stitches on his paw this time!! You'd think he'd learn! OH has now been doting on George and George is milking it!!


Do you think my silly boy will ever learn not to force his way through places?? We've now triple borded the place up! :laugh: But 4 vets visits later (AND A whopping near £1000 later!!!!!) - all I can say (aside from thank goodness for insurance!) is thankfully Georgie is ok! :wub:


George really posing to show you his wounds!



Another angle, just incase you missed it



George feeling sorry for himself and Charlie about to pounce on the camera!



And well Revel thought he better try look cute to get some attention too!


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Your boys are stunning :flowers:


they are labs though and if they can blunder into it ! knock it off! bash through it! and most importantly THINK they can eat it , its fair game! and all carried out with A :biggrin:




Oh so true, I believe he went a crashing through to get to the guinea pig and rabbit droppings!! :wacko: I really can't see how getting cut twice is worth that!!

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What a GOOD BOY Gearge is for not bothering his bandages or his wounds!




Thats very true really. He hasn't tried to take the bandages off at all and only had a one or two fiddles with the stitches on his leg! the vet said he should wear one of those plastic collar things. :biggrin: I had to laugh and remind her I had 2 other dogs who would happily either take the buster collar off for him or bandages, whichever he preferred. :rolleyes:

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