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No Walkies For 1 In 4 Dogs!


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Found this today and was quite shocked at that percentage :(


No walkies for 1 in 4


Nearly a quarter of dog owners never walk their pets, a poll claims.


One in ten simply can't be bothered, while 15 per cent say they are put off by the miserable weather.


And around 20 per cent of parents pay their kids extra pocket money to get out of doing the chore.


Dog owners in the South East are the worst for going walkies, while those in Scotland are the best, the esure Insurance survey of 1,300 dog owners found.


Daily Mirror

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:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:


That's just shocking, those poor dogs!!! (although I have a good mind to showing this to our lot when they complain about being taken out late or not for as long as they'd have liked!)


The survey prolly didn't bother asking why 1 in 4 people actually had a dog, if they can't be bothered providing them with their basic needs and pleasures. Just makes me really sad.....

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:ohmy: That's horrible!! What a sad boring life those poor dogs must lead. That's it though...the next time my lot complain cos I'm 10 minutes late taking them out in the morning I'm going to remind them of this!!! :laugh:


Funnily enough talking to my neighbour over the weekend, and she was saying how amazed she was how quiet the rabble are in the house, her JR x makes more noise than them 4 put together. Then she said how she doesn't walk her dog (even though she goes out walking every evening with her mum!!) because she pulls too much on the lead!!!!!!!!!! :( I've given her one of Tiz's old halti's but I doubt she'll use it. I also offered to take her with me on a walk but she made excuses! I guess if the poor dog went for a walk she'd stop yapping all day.

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There are dogs that can't cope with going outside their homes, these dogs are better not walked. Some owners may have something wrong with them like I did earlier this year and 5 years ago when I had a hip replaced, and can't walk the dogs. I used to exercise them in the garden my throwing things for them and putting up obstacle courses and kind neighbours would walk them when they could. It took several months of physio to get me walking again earlier this year.


It is lovely to be able to walk my dogs, especially as I live in the country and can see it changing daily, but is letting a dog off lead in a park any different from exercising in the garden? These dogs just run free with no interaction from their owners who are normally gossiping to others and ignoring what their dogs are doing. I suppose that as they have taken the trouble to take their dogs to the park, that is ok.


Please don't judge others by your standards, many people can't live up to them and shouldn't even be trying. Yes there are lazy people around who can't be bothered, I see it round here, they only take their dogs far enough to empty their tanks then it is back home and when the weather is bad, the dog doesn't go out. These owners may be letting their dogs down by not taking them proper walkies, but in every other respect the dogs are fit and healthy with lots of loving attention.


Nobody is perfect, but please, let us be more tollerant of others and if we see something like a dog not being exercised, try and find out if there is a reason, you may be able to help.

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I don't think any of us were commenting on situations such as yours, :unsure: the general reading of that article (by my understanding) is people didn't walk their dogs because they couldn't be bothered or because of the rain, and that's who I was commenting on. My neighbour is a perfect example, I've given her the equipment and I've offered help and she can't even be bothered to accept it.

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One in ten simply can't be bothered, while 15 per cent say they are put off by the miserable weather.


This is what I was commenting about, not on the exceptions such as yourself, Mrs Mop




And around 20 per cent of parents pay their kids extra pocket money to get out of doing the chore.


Again, this annoys me no end! There are a couple of 9-or-so year olds, who walk dogs in my neighbourhood, and 2 of those dogs are uncastrated males. There are also a few 'latch key' dogs in my area and we've had a few occasions where the dogs weren't as dog friendly as their owners thought they were. It doesn't take a genius to come up with the head lines in the local rag if these kids with dogs, earning their extra 50p or so, would have been caught up in an encounter between 'their' dog and one of those other ones.


i'm just sick to the back teeth of people wanting a dog but not being asked to treat them well and responsibly, i.e. according to the dog's needs not their own :angry:

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I didn't mean to cause any offence by posting the article :flowers:


Of course there are people who cannot walk their dogs for various reasons (which aren't mentioned in the article) I was more shocked by the can't be bothered reason.


You haven't caused offence by posting the article, it is very interesting and shows that not all owners are very caring to their dogs needs and it looks like the problem is bigger than was thought, but sometimes when we read something we react first and that comes over as if everyone is being put into the same catorgory. There are many occasions when I have put my mouth into action before my brain and regretted it :rolleyes:


I know I am now very sensitive to this type of thing as not so long ago I was attacked for my lack of ability to walk my dogs earlier this year, what this person didn't know was the amount of work I was putting in with them in the garden. No it wasn't on a message board, it was by email.0369B312.gif

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Up till about 18mths ago i used to see my neighbour with her little Westie as i was coming back from my walk with Murphy she was just going, then her daughter ,who lives at home had a baby and the dog walkig stopped now she takes the baby out and the poor little dog is out side more and more barking and crying its not out all day by any means or i would have said some thing its just that the poor little thing doesn't go out at all.I dropped the hint about where we go at weekends but it fell on deaf ears I think its a case of here is a new baby there goes the dog :mecry: I keep hoping i will see her with both child and dog :(

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It's one thing not walking yoru dogs if you are putting time and effort into other ways of exercising and stimulating them. The problem here is that people who 'can't be bothered' to walk their dogs presumably can't be bothered to do anything else with them either, and expect the dogs to sit around like stuffed dummies all day. Then I guess they wonder why they have out-of-control hyper dogs. :angry:


We have two springers at the end of the road, over several years I've never, ever seen them out of their garden where they bark constantly at people going past. Their back gate literally opens straight onto the fields where I walk my dogs, they wouldn't even have to put leads on just open the gate and step outside. Why the h*ll does anyone who can't be bothered to step outside their gate a couple of times a day get a dog, let alone a springer (and let alone two)? :wacko:

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I cant walk mine due to being disabled, and if I do take them out one at a time, its so short and slow it isnt much lol

They have the ball thrown all the time till they go and lie down tired. I dont let them bark in the garden.

Id be so grateful if someone came and walked them for me.

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i think this is terrible ,i couldnt possibly do this ,firstly i wouldnt dream of it ours have 3walks/runs per day ,with out fail ,they know when its time they tell us . but secondly its very wrong in deed i have border collies they love and i feel need to run for there own wellbeing .i love walking mine and i see it as apleasure ,watching them enjoy there self its great and keeps me fit allso . i know of a few in our area who i know for afact dont get walked it really makes me angry ,why do they have them ,these people are youngish people and fit healthy . :angry:

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due to my illness my dog walking varies. Sometimes mine get walked 3 or 4 times a day,sometimes more for my pleasure than necessity as I love walking with them, but on a bad day they might only get out once and on rare occasions not at all. But they have 24/7 access to a large garden,dogs who like to play together and plenty of toys so I don't think they suffer unduly even tho they love their walks. I know the article pinpoints people who can't be bothered (calm down Margaret or you will get a hernia! :biggrin: ) but some of us have genuine reasons not to walk our dogs sometimes and I for one do feel guilty when it happens. x

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Im a golden lab junior, i am very good looking but i never get walked, im the only dog in my house, i have a large garden and have been chained up to the patio table...


At the back of me is a lovely forest and large park you can imagine, i see owners pass my gate with their dogs and never am i taken out... in fact this year whilst my owner was out and their was high winds, i was in the back garden and the fence blew down... i was no chained this time and i got loose, i had a wail of a time, my owner was at work and was unaware of me roaming the streets...


In fact the lady who lives on the corner of our street passes me most days when she goes this way and she came out to catch me and said come on no ones in at yours, lets take you into the park, i ran free as the wind... it was great to excercise my boundiness, i ran in the forest and played in the long grass..


In fact I was a dog...


I then came home and went to this ladies house, she has lots of dogs, even when she poorly she will take em out, she walks passed my gate and i say hiya can i go out with your dogs, i feel it in her heart as she wants to take me... her dogs must have a load of fun... they come back wet and muddy, they look at me with great sadness as though to say wish you could come...


They pass by and i return back to my garden...


This is true... the poor lab live two doors away from me, and i hate going past the house as i feel so sorry for the dog, how close does a park have to be, its such a long way from their house, all of 50 meters... and have started going round the other way to the park... ok so they work... bid deal, night time or morning or even the weekend... but all i see is this poor lab.. he should be in the park bounding around having fun...

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