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I have to mention that




Was worming the shetlands and didn't lock baby Lilli's syringe properly resulting in her getting 3 or 4 times the normal dose. Cue serious panic and wild phone call to the vet who was out on an emergency!!!! He called me back 3 hours later, by then I was gibbering! His first words were




Apparently there is a huge failsafe with wormers and it would have taken a massive amount more to have done any damage. At the worse she could have had a bit of colic or a runny bum but she's had no symptoms at all which is a huge relief. Can't believe I was so carless!

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Poor Lilli baby :wub: you are such a bad mum :biggrin:

Hopefully no runny bums :GroupHug:


Milo is gorgeous :wub: and riding him sounds like hmmmmm fun :ohmy:


I do love reading this thread for my horsey fix and very envious of you all.


Im still having lessons, though due to being fully booked cant get into my favourite school regularly so take what I can get there and have been trying other places further afield inbetween times.


Lesson yesterday was good, doing trot/canter transitions, trying not to lean forward when asking for canter and relaxing.


Biddy is a strong girl who will tank on and I have to learn not to pull her back as she thinks its tug of war game and pulls on anyway. There was some improvement by the end of the lesson.

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I rode this afternoon, I got my sister to come with me and take photos. She was blimmin awful and majority of them were blurred. She took over 150 photos (i only schooled for 20 mins!!) so ive whittled out the reasonable ones and made 3 little collages for you :)

The first one is walk, 2nd one is trot and the 3rd one is stretching and cantering.

I think hes going really nicely, he was actually really well behaved. The first trots I did with him were lovely and slow and chilled out, its just after he's cantered once he starts to rush off again. Definately getting there, cant believe hes only been with me 2 weeks! Enjoy the pics, sorry most of them are awful..







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Its a tough one regarding bitting, I tend to agree with PW's comments but appreciate you need to be safe and have breaks :flowers: Lunging him with the "Ho" sounds like it might really help him, my friend borrowed it for her very chunky tank like cob who also fixes through his neck and she couldn't believe the improvment. I also find poles really free Loki up in his back.


Fab news your instuctor will travel Gooster :biggrin: Did you contact the other YO in the end?


Saddler came out was lovely and sorted the saddle on site. I did have a bit of a fright as before I rode in it she couldn't see much wrong with it, but saw the problem immediately when ridden, and now its better than it has been for months, so very chuffed :biggrin:


I had to do a second clip yesterday,I hate clipping but at least its done. We then did some canter work with poles which he normally finds really hard and ends up jumping the poles but he actually cantered over them properly bringing his hind leg underneath, so I was very pleased with him :wub:


I am currently changing his feed so waiting to see if it sends him off his head :rolleyes:

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Biddy is a strong girl who will tank on and I have to learn not to pull her back as she thinks its tug of war game and pulls on anyway. There was some improvement by the end of the lesson.

That is so hard, Loki loves to set on the right rein and I really struggle not to get into a tug of war.


Glad Lilli is non the worse :wub: We must be due updated pictures of Lilli and Banner :biggrin:


Milo looking lovely :wub:

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Pendlewitch you are right - we had quite a lengthy discussion about it. Its a catch 22 situation because he needs to relax and lower his frame but at the moment he just sets his neck and is quiet unresponsive to half halts so needs smething extra. If you throw the contact away he gets faster and faster and its ridiculously difficult with him to slow him with the seat, and the more you pull the more he pulls. So open to suggestions :)



I might be tempted to see how the lunging went first before buying another bit..... if you could borrow a 'breaking bit' with keys to lung him might get him to relax into his work a bit....

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Am going to ring the other YO tomorrow Clare, am going to ask her a couple of questions about trailer parking etc.

One of the other liveries made me feel like crap yesterday. We were chatting, and they said they don't think I ride Blue enough. I have my lesson once a week, but because of work etc, sometimes he will only get ridden in my lesson. Also because there is no turnout, when he does come out of his stable, he's full of energy and more likely to be naughty, so I like to have the reassurance of my instructor being there when I ride, and spend the rest of the week lunging and clicker training. They say if I rode him every day, he'd be better behaved, and I'd get my trust back in him sooner. I can't see it though, as he'd still be shut in his stable for 23 hours of the day, and still want to have a roll and a buck, which he can't do if i use my ménage time to ride. I think I would ride a lot more if I knew he'd been out in the field to be a horse, and expend some energy, than just stood eating haylage all day.

They have time to turn out and ride on the same day as the mum works in a school, one daughter is at college and the other one is at uni.

I just hate being told that I'm a crap owner and blue would do so much better with a different owner who did have the confidence and time to ride every day.

Sorry for the rant, am just feeling a bit down at the moment.

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Gooster its never easy! :flowers: Im sure there are many people who cant ride as much as they would like to. If you're short for time during the week, why dont you try lungeing him for 15 mins in the morning or evening, just to give him some excercise and let off some steam? That way he might not be so exciteable when you ride.


I lunged Milo yesterday, my god he looks awful on a lunge :laugh: He just 'runs' around with his head in the air. I only lunged for 10 mins and by the end he was starting to acknowledge that he should lower his head but I think we've got a long way to go!! I have a pessoa that I used on Earl but I think it will be far too restrictive for Milo, so will look into getting myself a Ho - in the meantime I will stick to just lunging him in a bridle.


Milos fieldmate is being a total plank at the moment and is wrecking our fences. He's leaning on them in an attempt to get the berries off the bushes behind the fence but ive noticed this morning several fence panels have snapped from the bottom so will need to be repaired. I hate having to moan at people and ive already moaned at the owner for his 'gate guarding' and so I feel bad about having to moan about him wrekcing fences too. I know its him thats doing it because ive watched him do it whilst ive been poo picking and he just stands there looking longingly at the berries. So looks like I will spend my weekend putting up electric

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Aww Gooster :GroupHug: At least you do something with him on the days you don't ride. There is no point in you riding him if you don't feel comfortable doing it. I think the key is getting to a yard with turnout as then it won't matter if you don't want to ride, I think once he gets some decent turnout he will be much more chilled and the riding will come, and you will reap the benefit of all the ground work you are doing at the moment.


I really feel for you as have been on a yard with no winter turnout and its horrific and looking back now I could never do it again, and am sure you will feel the same once you are able to move.


You certainly are not a "crap" owner, you are doing the best for Blue in a tricky situation :flowers:

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Thanks guys, I rode him this morning, and he was awful. He just kept throwing his head around and then tried to rear. I persevered with him doing lots of walk/trot transitions and circles to try and keep him thinking, but it didn't help at all. I ended up getting off him and lunging him, and he was the same on the lunge. Even when I had untacked him and he was tied up whilst I did my jobs, he was throwing his head about. His physio is due in a few weeks, but tbh, I don't think it is a pain issue, as he was absolutely fine on Sunday.

I think as you say Clare, he has got that much energy, he's just getting frustrated. Am going to ring other YO once I have walked the dogs, and see if she has any news.

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Just got off the phone with my new YO!!! She has a stable coming up within a fortnight, I just need to go up and see it to make sure I like it!!!

Even if it is slightly smaller than his current one, it hopefully won't have 2 other horses wee running through it as his current one does, and if he gets to play in the field, he won't need a massive stable anyway! Am kicking myself though as I have to go to work training tonight, so I can't go and look tonight!! Rubbish!!

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Just got off the phone with my new YO!!! She has a stable coming up within a fortnight, I just need to go up and see it to make sure I like it!!!

Even if it is slightly smaller than his current one, it hopefully won't have 2 other horses wee running through it as his current one does, and if he gets to play in the field, he won't need a massive stable anyway! Am kicking myself though as I have to go to work training tonight, so I can't go and look tonight!! Rubbish!!

Fantastic news!!!

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