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The Horse Update / Pic Thread


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Wanda would agree with Kane that sheep are dangerous! She always regards them with great suspicion and thinks they are likely to explode at any minute! :wacko:


How lovely to be able to go to the beach, although we are very near the sea I'm not happy to ride there, our beach is not the safest in the world, we are where the cockler's drowned and we have many deep and varying channels and the tide comes in like a train up them. I walk the dogs there and people do ride there, I just don't feel at all safe out very far.


Wanda is seriously bored with me at the moment, I haven't bounced back from the knee surgery anything like as quickly as I would have liked to. Sam took her for a canter in the back field yesterday and she came in with her veins up, sweating like a bull but so happy, she looked like a Grand National Winner! If I pop her in a jiffy bag can she come and stay with Kane for a while, she would love your glorious beach! :biggrin:

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Well, we are finally back to the real world, have spent the last week and a bit in a tent, Sat - Friday in Anglesey then Fri - Sunday on the Wirral. Great time, just missed the ponies.


Wellllllllllll.....went for a hack yesterday afternoon with Kimbasmum and Gooster!


Had a fantastic time, thanks again Jacky, it was so relaxing to be able to go for a canter along the beach without having my arms pulled out of the sockets and being able to let him go and even push him on - defo an experience I can recommend for anyone going anywhere near Anglesey!!! And can you thank Lynn again for the lend of Danny and Misty - we both had such a lovely time and Jayne came away saying how much it had improved her confidence and how much she had enjoyed it.



I want too - he is gorgeous - beautifully marked and fab build etc :wub:

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I was so proud of you Jayne! I couldn't believe you'd not ridden on the road before or cantered that much!! You did brilliantly!! Minty is a lovely girl and does give confidence ...shame the same can't be said for Kane (although I was rather impressed by his behaviour..he only had one little moment!!)


Definately let me know next time you are here. :flowers: Oh and Katherine your quiet easy ride bucked someone off on friday!!! :laugh: :laugh: Apprently they were riding with someone new and her horse go too close to Minty and Danny wasn't happy so he did the biggest buck...she said she felt his bum on the back of her head! :ohmy: Unfortunately at the time she'd taken her feet out of the ended up summerstalting!!!!!!! :laugh: (She's fine btw!!)

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Had the most spectacular spook on the way home!! A proper sideways leap and then head down gallop!! :laugh: :laugh: Helen was absolutely gob-smacked that I stayed on and so was I!!! I love my new saddle and new bit!!! Pulled him up, looked back and saw it was a very scarey sheep that had spooked him!!! I mean...bless him he only lives on a sheep farm so how can he be expected to not be scared on them!! :huh:


Kane may live on a sheep farm, but they don't hide in the undergrowth/hedges and blow raspberries as he goes past!! :rolleyes: :biggrin:

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Great to hear everyones news. Beach riding sounds great but I would worry about getting tanked off with. Do you have to worry about people digging holes and building sand castles or do you keep to the new stuff made by the tide? :biggrin:


I hacked out today for the second time. Dexter was a bit put off by a man in a lorry tipping aggregate on the pavement. Later on he didnt like the look of a recovery lorry with a car on the back. Both times the nice drivers switched their engines off and then he was happy to walk by with another horse in front. Then on the way back he didnt like the piles of aggregate on both sides on the road. One being guarded by cones and the other by sticks with flapping tape. Afterall they werent there when we went out. Must say though so far he hasnt done anything drammatic. No leaping about. He just stops and stares and awaits instructions or takes a step to the side.


We havent met a sheep yet. We hacked past all the polo ponies out in their post and rail paddocks enjoying a day off.

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Great to hear everyones news. Beach riding sounds great but I would worry about getting tanked off with. Do you have to worry about people digging holes and building sand castles or do you keep to the new stuff made by the tide? :biggrin:


No I'm lucky the nearest beach is pretty much untouched by anyone other than local dog walkers or fishermen so it's just a big flat beach!! :biggrin: There is one bit at the beginning that can get abit soft but apart from that its really good solid sand. The only problem is the tide, it comes in very fast and does leave sand banks so we have been known to have to wade back after a long canter!! And I do get tanked off with quiet often! Kane loves the sea so much sometimes he just can't help himself but run!!! TBH it's so safe there it doesn't scare me, I just run him into the sea and he stops ....eventually!!! :laugh: :laugh:


Dexter sounds such a good boy! :wub: :wub: He allowed to be scared of things like that! Kane is bombproof with traffic but if something is different on his rides he knows it! Even a stone out of place on the walls and he walks around it like it's going to jump out and get him!! :laugh:

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Loki says sheep are in the same league as cows, and they can NEVER be trusted, and nor can things that weren't there before and then appear :evil:


Errmm going to look at the yard I mentioned last week, landlord apparently is still keen on renting to polo but his friends are trying to talk him out of it, and have persuaded him to talk to us, which he has done and we are going tonight at 8.30. It isn't where I thought it was, and is further away than I thought and hoped but not so far away as to be discounted immediately.


I have a feeling it is a place with two yards top and bottom and a shared school between the two yards, which puts me off slightly as the whole point of having our own place would be not to have to worry about what other people were doing, am I being daft?


I feel a bit nervous! No doubt I will be back on here tomorrow morning with a list of questions :rolleyes:

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I love reading this thread, im so jealous of everyone who gets to ride alot. I havent been on a horse for years but i would think i can remember enough to have a good time. I keep saying i will get round to it again but its £20 for 30 minutes round here to ride :wacko: and i cant afford it lol

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Well if you are ever near Wokingham and fancy a play on Loki just shout :flowers:


Didn't get to see the yard last night as friend cut open her foot, so rescheduled for tonight :)


Had a lesson last night and he went really well, was very proud mum :wub: Hopefully we have now worked out how to halt on the centre line without being very crocked (sp?), that is my mission on Sunday, not to get wobbly and crocked as a comment on my centre lines :laugh:

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