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Duhh :rolleyes: I know what that is :rolleyes:


Sorry for being such a thicko :huh: :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh:


Thanks for all the advice everyone - may try a neck strap - a bucking strap would probably be in the wrong place for me. We are also working on some serious desensitising of flappy and moving things anywhere near his back. We will get there, I am sure :)


I am so lucky with my farrier - he is prone to forgetting out of synch calls ( to replace a lost shoe etc etc), but he is generally reliable(ish!) and is a superb farrier. He even dropped me back home last year when I did not have a car :)


Avon's "skin so soft" is meant to be good for sweet itch - althouhg I have never tried it. They were goign on about Marmite and mozzies on the BBC breakfast show yesterday - meant to work :)

Would be interested to know about the dettol too!

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I tried skin so soft last year. Don't know if it worked or not really...but smells disgusting!!!! :laugh:


Not heard of marmite, but he'd have a fight gettting a marmite buttie out of my hands in the first place!! Yumm yumm!!


Farrier turned up......this morning at 8am!!!!!! :huh: :huh: :huh: Lynn is going to have a word and see if there is a reason he's been so crap recently! Its a shame because he is the man that got Kane through his complete and utter fear of farriers and has helped massively with his fear of men, so I'd hate to stop using him because of him being unreliable.

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My horse is broked :(


His love of lumps has returned, this time it is a chest lump, looks like he has had half a boob job :laugh: It was there last night, and has spread today underneath to his girth area, YO will look at it in the morning and vet will be called if in doubt. Well it has been a few months since I have had a vets bill :rolleyes:

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oh no! poor loki. Am going to see the potential share horse on sunday - have to remember questions to ask....


routine (eg. do i need to go up there for feeding etc)

days i will have her

obviously stuff about her - whats her little quirks etc



erm......what else should i ask - i know i'll forget half of it! am not riding her when i go up as the current sharer is away and she wants me to try her when sharer is back mid august. luckly her current sharer doesnt leave till sept so have a month to get things organised etc IF it does all come together.

Am a little concerned that it takes about 25 min to get there but once there it is the most beautiful countryside for such a short distance out of glasgow and not far from beach. Turns out the owner lives in the same area i do and goes up after work so am hoping we could share lifts or something.


when i first started at the stables we used diluted dettol - just poured a bit in a bucket and filled the bucket up with luke warm water.

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When I went to see Dexter with a view to sharing I asked all the questions that I would have asked if he was for sale. When it came to sharing I wanted to know his routine - doesnt have one!!! How flexible things were if I couldnt get there for any reason. I am lucky the owner lives just round the corner from his yard so she is happy to turn out or get in etc. What yard rules there are. What I am expected to pay/share cost wise.


Have just had a phone call from owner to say she is going away next week and I can have all the extra riding I want for no extra cost. She has put him a different paddock and I dont know where it is. LOL She said up past the horse walker. (I didnt know there was one.) Up near the outdoor school. (did know there is an outdoor school but havent found it yetl. have only used the indoor school). So as I dont know where he is she is going to get him in and turn him out and I have to go and find the field in the meantime LOL Am having a lesson tomorrow


she has written out our agreement and I have to bring it home to type up tomorrow. so I will probably be asking all your opinions to find out if its a standard one and reasonable.

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Hope Loki is okay :GroupHug:


Good luck Phoenix. :flowers:


Hope you find Dexter Bobbysmum!! :laugh: :laugh:


Meant to hack out last night. Lynn forgot!! So I popped him round the field in an attempt at schooling! It was too hot and there were loads of flies so I was getting annoyed and bored! Then Paul shouted over the gate that I could have some fun in the 'big field' if I fancied (not allowed in there's 60 acres but is used for hay), they'd just collected the bales that morning so he said I have 2 days to mess around in it before I'm banned again!!! :biggrin: It was's up hill so had a great long canter up it, Kane really extended nicely and seemed to be enjoying getting away from the flies! But unfortunately enjoyed it so much he wanted to canter all the way back down as well and I don't do down hill in anything other than walk!!! :ohmy: So that was fun...a bit of napping and alot of snorting and we got home in one piece!!! :laugh: Hopefully will get to play in there tonight if it doesn't rain and Lynn has said she'll join me so we'll have a race!! :wink:

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Meant to hack out last night. Lynn forgot!! So I popped him round the field in an attempt at schooling! It was too hot and there were loads of flies so I was getting annoyed and bored! Then Paul shouted over the gate that I could have some fun in the 'big field' if I fancied (not allowed in there's 60 acres but is used for hay), they'd just collected the bales that morning so he said I have 2 days to mess around in it before I'm banned again!!! :biggrin: It was's up hill so had a great long canter up it, Kane really extended nicely and seemed to be enjoying getting away from the flies! But unfortunately enjoyed it so much he wanted to canter all the way back down as well and I don't do down hill in anything other than walk!!! :ohmy: So that was fun...a bit of napping and alot of snorting and we got home in one piece!!! :laugh: Hopefully will get to play in there tonight if it doesn't rain and Lynn has said she'll join me so we'll have a race!! :wink:


:angry: No fair!!! I wanna play races!!

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Fingers crossed Phoenix :flowers:


It sounds like you have found a lovely person to share with Bobbysmum, and a lovely horse, so pleased for you :biggrin: Hope you find Dexter without too much trouble :laugh:


Oooh galloping fun, I am also very jelous. We do have some nice canter tracks but with Loki's stride it feels like we start go a few strides and stop again :rolleyes:


Lump is no bigger no smaller, vet is at the yard today anyway, so YO will get him to check Loki over, boss has taken pity on my coldridden state and said I can go at 3.30pm. Mind you he gave me the cold, and he has already gone home due to his :rolleyes:

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cob racing sounds fun :biggrin: :biggrin:


we turned the 2 mares out together today and it went really well. Normally they'd be together by now, but we were hesitating because Surprise was so tiny, and we were scared he'd not be fast enough, or get caught up too far away from his mum or something.

The foals have been looking curiously at each other for weeks, but today both were too shy to actually meet, even though the mares were grassing right next to each other :happy: :happy:

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aw bless the little foals :wub:


sounds really good fun jacky!! there are a few big farmers fields round us at work just crying out for a good gallop along - oo but cantering downhill.....eek i hate going faster than a walk as well. At work we used to have a belgium ardennes. I had to catch up with a trek one time and quickly had to jump (haha - seen the size of these things) onto helga and go down the field with v steep muddy hill. I wanted to walk...helga could see the trek and wanted to trot....if you have ever been on an ardennes its like riding a rhino - wasnt the best experience!!


she has since been sold to be a surrogate mum for throughbreds :wacko:

Edited by phoenix21
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:angry: No fair!!! I wanna play races!!


:ohmy: Downhill is def a walk only for me.


Had a lesson today. My first offical one!!! As my lesson was lunch time it was very hot even though we were shaded in the indoor school. We worked on the mounting problem, as although I have cracked it in the school, when I used the block in the yard he wouldnt stand. So we used a portable block and every time he moved the block moved with him. After about 5 times he gave up and stood like a statue for me to get on. Well I only have to work on everything except my leg position. Lesson was fine until Dexter thought this was like a schooling session and he should be on a canter by now. At which point the trot got a bit fast and uncontrolled and he was fighting at the corners for a canter. So we did lot of walk to trot and trot to walk transitions although one of them was walk to canter. :huh:


Having another lesson same time next week. Probably going for a hack tomorrow afternoon or evening. I now know where the horse walker and other school are and the new paddock. Apparently he is in this paddock as he decided there wasnt enough keep in his starvation paddock and he jumped the electric fence twice this week. Apparently his companion (also a cob) couldnt work it out and got very upset about being left behind :laugh:

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