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Everything posted by Katiebob

  1. I'm surprised that you (and others) have said that This picture is of my show dogs - they both compete at Champ shows although we weren't at Crufts this year. I could find you other similar pictures of them both getting thoroughly filthy - it's much more difficult to find pics of them both at shows looking their best Most exhibitors allow their dogs to be dogs when they're not going to a show the next day. As for grooming them to look their best in the ring, it's what you do. If I'm going somewhere special, I generally prefer to brush my hair so that I look tidy before I go out I thought Mary Ray was excellent as usual. Her performance with young dogs was amazing and the thing that always brings a lump to my throat is how happy her dogs are when they're working with her - their tails never stop wagging and their eyes are sparkling with joy
  2. Really pleased to see he's home Continued positive thoughts being sent for Snatch
  3. Well if bc's have now learned to read, I am going to be even more fascinated about how Mary Ray intends to teach Hizzy He'll be reading the news instead of herding the goats while we're trying to train him
  4. Great day Sarah has her cats back, my friend won her class at Crufts and it's Mel's birthday Good news all round for this household
  5. Katiebob


    for you Kay. Don't torment yourself - you did all you could. I've been in a similar position (quite a few years ago,) and made the same decision and whilst I don't ever quite forgive myself, I still think I did the right thing. Run free Kai
  6. I was hoping that Snatch would be home with you when I got to the end of this thread and I'm sorry to hear he's still not well Sending loads of positive thoughts and hoping for a better outcome tomorrow.
  7. Very, very sorry Theresa Sleep tight Loppy
  8. Thank you Sam I actually feel quite guilty that we won - especially as I know you were one of the bidders. I promise we'll let everyone know all about the day.
  9. We are just sooooooooooo chuffed. Hizzy, our slightly wayward bc, who came from RSPCA Derby, will be going on 1-1 training day with Mary Ray. courtesy of the Wiccaweys Auction. His a a sweet natured boy who needs so much help - not because he's horrible but because he needs for us to become more focussed on his needs. He's found it's easy here becaue he can focus his attention on our cats, or goats or horses - whichever is the nearest!! It's quite difficult to get him focussed on us. So for the next few months, until his -1-1, he will be getting intensive clicker training from us in a confined area and then, hopefully, Mary will be able to give us some really good advice on moving his training forward. I'm really sorry for everyone we may have outbid but believe me, we won't be wasting this opportunity Pic of Hizzy, for anyone who doesn't know him:
  10. Erwine - play always by the light and enjoy your freedom and fun. Look over your children and bless them with a better life than you had
  11. I'm so sorry for both you and Winnie You did everything you could for him, I can't imagine your pain Run free Erwine - you'll never be shut away from the light again
  12. Jackie - I am so very sorry. I know how much you loved Ailis and you offered her a home she could but dream about when she was in Ireland. I'm so glad that she went with dignity and peacefully. Sleep tight, sweet Ailis - now you can be young and free again
  13. What a very well constructed and thought out post My thoughts entirely.
  14. Just remembered, Sue & I are going on a micro-chipping course next Sunday afternoon. We need to find some animals to chip (poor devils). Looks like Bambi & Josie at the moment As they're pups and driving us totally nuts with their puppy behaviour they probably deserve it more than most Alternatively, (or maybe as well) I've got 2 kittens here ................................................... Better go and check their paperwork to see if they're chipped already ...............
  15. I am so very sorry Run free at the Bridge little one
  16. Lovely to see how Erwine is coming on I agree it's amazing that a dog who's lived in a shed all his life can adapt so quickly.
  17. Sorry to appear to be controversial but if I'd researched a breed and I definitely wanted that breed then I have to say I would not get a rescue of that breed as my first choice, unless perhaps it came via a breed rescue who could ensure that I got one who showed the characteristics of that breed and no other undesirable characteristics. I'm sure most of you will be up in arms at this remark but in my own breed (rough collies) I have fostered quite a few rough collies for both breed rescue and general rescues and some are as unlike typical rough collies (i.e. from a reputable breeder with a sound upbringing) as you could imagine Some have been extremely difficult - not for the faint-hearted in any way; most have needed someone with experience of the breed to ensure that they don't bounce out of their home. I think I can honestly say that I've only fostered one who would have been fine for someone who hadn't owned the breed previously. There are exceptions to this of course such as pups (unless from a byb) or from a home who have had to give their much loved dog up for personal reasons. The sad thing about all of this is that a well-bred rough collie (i.e. free from genetic problems), from a reputable breeder who has socialised their pups and fed, wormed, played with their pups is an easy dog In many cases, the ones who turn up in rescue are genetically unsound and have been deprived of a normal puppyhood in one way or another. I'm NOT saying this is true of all rescue dogs which appear in the breed and I'm certainly not saying it's true of ALL rescue dogs - far from it. Just speaking from my experience of the ones I've had here. To be fair, someone who was experienced with rescue dogs would also be a suitable home for most of these dogs, not just those who had experience of the breed. I think if I'd researched a breed and wanted one, I'd buy one from a reputable breeder first - get to know the breed and everything about it - and then I'd go look for a rescue dog of that breed.
  18. Ok, I'm probably the 'expert' on spray collars since I own 5. However, none of my are working at the moment (at least, the ones I can find so if I come across one that is still working, I'll happily lend it to you, but don't hold your breath because I've been looking for the 2 missing ones for 2 years!!). I haven't used them since we moved because our neighbours are a bit further away here and don't seem to get rattled by the dogs barking. However, none of my dogs suffered any long term ill effects from their use and it did help with preventing the barking which was causing problems when I lived in a more built up area. I think it would be worth a try - you don't have to use citronella - you can use the odourless spray - so Logan won't be disturbed by the smell. It's not the smell that is the deterrent anyway, it's interrupting the unwanted behaviour (i.e. barking). I've never used one when I've not been around so I can't really comment on that - and it wouldn't be useful if Logan barks because Heidi would be sprayed when Logan barked so she couldn't learn anything positive from it. If you decide to try one I believe you can hire them from various places - you could certainly approach the Company of Animals who developed the collar (give them a call - they are very helpful) and ask if they hire them out. If you explain the behaviour you are trying to prevent, I think they will advise whether an anti-bark collar would be suitable. Good luck! I know you're doing your best for Heidi.
  19. Hmmm just tried to go to bed. The duvet is soaking, so is the sheet beneath it and the mattress. One of the dogs has peed on the bed. I am more than a little cross I have now turned the mattress over, removed all wet bed clothing, replaced with clean dry bed clothing. I will try to go to bed again. 4 of the dogs can't jump on my bed - which reduces the possible culprits slightly. Night all
  20. Katiebob


    Glad to hear that Holly is stable at the moment. for her family.
  21. Thinking of you both and wishing Poppy a more comfortable time once the drain has done its work
  22. Sorry but - do they deliver to Shadoxhurst?
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