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Everything posted by lester

  1. Are you going to need regular printing. I have a printer going spare if you want it. It was going well and was only decommissioned when I needed one for printing DVDs. If its annoy good to you I can fettle it up and start hassling for someone to take it to post office or what ever it is these days. Let me know but dont expect anything resembling speed ( from me that is the printer is quick) Gratis for the Oldies of course.
  2. What a good photo library stock photo. I think I read about this one in a photo journal . I took them three dogs and 9 hours to get a good shot ie with the teeth.. But worth it in the end. This should really frighten people away from our parks so that the druggies can have them all to themselves. Well done daily mail be afraid be very afraid.
  3. lester

    Amazing Story

    Incredible... but are we sure that they weren't trying to shoot him ?
  4. Most social housing estates have the right to choose their own management committee. Has something gone wrong here?
  5. WHAY A victory over the AntiDogiban and the loonies that ruin run everthing !!!!!!! But it still has value to them as a ploy --withdraw a blatantly stupid threat but slip many smaller ones in unnoticed., when the press are bored with the subject.
  6. Doesnt seem to be any mention of the involvement of bankers deals or the megahuge amounts paid to friendly " consultancies" a lot of the old London Communists of the post war squatters movement will be turning in their graves.
  7. Well this is the next step following the ghettosation; now comes a period of undermining cultural values; turning people against one another and the reinforcing it with authoritarian violence. Dont worry though most of us will hear very little about it.
  8. Yep the word has gone out. The AntiDogiban are flexing their muscles all over the country, in the run up to the elections. Watch out for further dirty tricks, and sell outs by politicians.
  9. Tragic and absolutely awful but .....did I spot the word " grandmother"?
  10. You need a trailer type and a harness for the other dogs to pull it.
  11. A bit narrow in the chest , but he has the same shape and colouring as Teddy Texas; so there might be a bit of Feist /Rat terrier in him. Has he got any weird habits/ does a lot of scenting. Any associations withe Up Norf?
  12. The main reason I gave up riding was because of the stableyard gossip/insinuation/backbiting thing. ( for which I blame Wimmin. sorry). I could never quite get used to the " are you a bloke or a girl?" stuff, which I mainly blame on tight jodphurs. Bit why did people think just because I was incongruous that I was leading some weird lifestyle. I seldom got hit on by a " lebanese " person, to quote my mum; in a stable setting;;pubs and clubs being a different matter ( as in the old adage..".the prettiest bloke at the bar is always a lesbian, and the handsomest girl is usually a tranny" Now that I am old and suffering from dementia...people dont ask , they dont ask me how old I am. They dont ask if I am daft. Now an dthen they ask if I am lost. I dont get many sexual advances either unless you count other old people ( both sexes ) trying to run me over with shopping trolleys.
  13. Good on you!!! The police advice to us about people laying on benches,, was ..."poke them with a stick if they are dead call us" my mates reaction was to chalk an outline of a body on the ground with an appeall to " please overdose here" We started to stick up signs saying " this drug area has been sanitised for you health and well being" and hung a used needle tub on a tree.; as we thought all people should be able to use the park and we should engage with them and talk to them---- they dont come so much now and avoid conversation - I must be boring. Joining existing schemes works well if only for the brightgreen bags that are free.. The Big Tidy up is run by Keep Britain tidy and then the CPRE has a scheme. I think its important for dog owners to be seen on these things. Its all part of reclaiming the dog walks. The Antidog cant really attack the only people that are keeping theplaces clean can they??? I have just joined Birminghams attempt to become the City Of Culture now doubt I will be labelled as a mischief I am thinking about a brochure. I cant stand the double standards. Bham has £70 fines for dropping a cigarette end but there are thousands around bust stops and outside pubs on public land. I just walked around our little park - no dog poo but 14 chicken and chips bags and untold confection litter 6 cans and three bottles ( it was clear at 7.00 lastnight .I know cos me and Texas did it.)
  14. Thats agood idea. I have some signs warning people about possible spikes in drug taking areas, maybe I should start putting done flags for the needles
  15. dog dancing--- a sort of street theatre thing---people walk up to you and when quite close start leaping up and down in a sort of mock fright thing. or other weird activities --like walking out into the middle of a very busy road to go around you. You dont actually need a dog. I ended up at the hosp with aanxiety attack after two of them came right up behind me while I was poo picking in the park..i thought I was being mugged. Litterpickers, disabled and religious minorities are also targetted , being all three as well as a dog walker is a pain.. At first it can be funny but after ten or so episodes a day it gets really annoying. The main culprits are those that use our parks as thoroughfares rather than parks.
  16. look In fact our second machine has just been acquired,,,, Dog walk clearing is made possible by people paying for a garden depooping service and by the support of local pubs whose smoking areas get vacuumed for a regular donation. The machine have to have a smaller pipe arrangement for poop.
  17. Sadly most people are just happy to be pushed around and the anti dog taliban know that they are not going to fight back. many people refuse to accept that the antidog taliban exist or are organised. It is part of a cultural process; its the same one that meeds rubbish left evrywhere for drugs to be hidden in . Its important toi drive the dogwalkers away as they offer the most nusiance to the drug dealing. The law that they are using are only workable if the signs are present. In Birmingham we now have our own stickers that go over any antidog stickers. Its time to fight back against the ADT and the druggies and dogdancers its no use just sitting back .. dog owners must reclaim the dog walks and take them over and offer some form of responsibility for all of thwe dog owning users. We have clubbed together to depooping equipment and quite happily keep the areas clean. Ok hassle with the dog dancers are getting worse, I have been hassled 12 times on one day but half of those incident I was lifting poo without a dog. I kow blow a loud whistle at them. A solicitor has suggested taking photos of the offenders with the pressuring the council to take out Asbos. Yes iots an election . Sadly I am a bit peeved I am a Green Party candidate (council) for the 5th year.but cal party organisation has made a deal not to field a candidate against a Respect Parliamentary candidate --- on of the most ardent of antidog campaigners and related to ADT on the City Council. Dont sit back ---open your eyes . get leafletting
  18. A driving lecence is for a person not a car. I cant help thinking that it should be the same for dog owning ---with a test!!!!!!! ( and the same treatement for not having one )
  19. Welcome... ( coventry is such a nice place for dogs)
  20. Oh dear ! Crabby old men and their "status" dogs.. Been ther five minutes and then there is talk of barricades!
  21. If you live in a big city- all kinds of services will click in after an initial assessment, automatically - house cleaners , laundry service, bed makers and aid assessors. In a rural or seaside area, it might be very different, The most important thing to do is to apply for Disability Living allowance ( if applicable under pension age) carers allowances and anything else that is available . , even though it can be a bit of a minefield. cash can often help out where good intentions fail.
  22. there is a US element to this .The stuff they mention is illegal as a filling in Europe , look for the CE mark on the washing label.... its very like those polysterene like chips that are used for parcel packing. Dangerous but will seldom get farther than the throat before they expand into foam.European standards are so very different to what is allowed in the US, where you can get away with anything. Here we have some of the strongest protections supported by some dire retribution, although often seen as excessive. The standards we have are based on German laws from pre-1900 ( they were the great stuffed toy makers and had very stringents standards)
  23. very nice indeed , well done. My house looked like your dairy when I moved in. Still does.
  24. The two small amounts for eaxample 45 pence amd 06 pence are the code ==4506. I always pay via a credit card and have the backup as another credit card, and pay at the end of the month to get the credit card protectiona and also stop lot of Direct debit -paypal" entries on the online banking., and avoid any costs on direct bank payments.
  25. I didnt know they charged for registration. ok when you make a payment , you get a sort of invoice thing with "pay " at the bottom but if you click the small" other funding options " you can change which account you pay with ...its defaults to your bank account if it has those details. but you can also choose any credit card that you have added using "add a card" Sometimes it will not remind you if your credit cards are out of date until you use them. Oh and they have done away with ratings for buyers anyway.
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