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Everything posted by ingipops

  1. not sure yet I love my slow cooker too, it's fab in the winter
  2. Mindy Phebe...what a fright Jules... I *think* I followed that
  3. I have a neice called Olivia ........ however she is only 15 days old
  4. What a lovely picture I'm off to my reiki share Christmas party, see ya later
  5. I still have my friend Jacquelines number on my mobile and she passed away 2003, I can't bring myself to delete it
  6. Poor Dharma, give her a gentle squidge from us
  7. Sorry to hear about Robs uncle For KathyM For Alex and Max mmmmmm, chocolatey goodness!
  8. fantastic Well done the Squiggs (Sam you look so slim!! )
  9. I've ordered one too, and just had a confirmation email that its been sent Thanks Snowy
  10. I am home, and now it's time to go for my Dads shopping and walk his dog
  11. It's 30 hours a week for 13 weeks! However, my training provider has something else up his sleeve for me thankfully! He has found a placement in a busy office that has a job available at the end of 10 weeks if I get on well ..... just gotta do well at the interview now! Enjoy your wood fire We stayed over at my sisters at the weekend, she has a real fire. Tommy, Keelah and I spent ages staring into the flames thaere's always one Snow your little boy is all growed up
  12. Just as well the staff were there to sing the 'happy birthdays' Alicia Glad you had a good time
  13. Lovely to see all the lurkers poking their heads round the door Why not pull up a chair by the fire and stick around a while
  14. Happy birthdays all round, I hope today is a smashing day!
  15. well done for working it out!
  16. Sorry to hear this Night night Precious, you were loved
  17. hello again Ange, I am on a training placement to brush up on my office skills and confidence in order for me to re-enter the land of the employed (gulp!) I'm working for a really fabulous and worthwhile charity, I'm in a lovely warm modern office, there's a kettle and choccies, we are based directly in a busy shopping area so handy for last minute Christmas bits and bobs during breaks(all sounding good so far?) but.................... I am completely on my own, there is no one here to 'train' me In fact there is no work to do! I've done all the tasks I was asked to complete before Christmas in 1 day! I've also tidied the pc's, the filing system, listed potential funding sources et etc etc and hoovered the office to within an inch of it's life I think what the charity needs is a volunteer adminsitrator who does a few hours a couple of days a week, not a full time admin worker who is supposed to be here on a training placement
  18. morning I have to go out soon and I don't wanna
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