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Everything posted by BilRed

  1. BilRed


    To be surrounded by genuine, caring people I can trust and call friends.
  2. Regarding the house training thing I was just wondering about why certain animals live with us in the house as pets and others don't. I thought intelligence and willingness to bond maybe but then I thought well why not a horse then, so then I thought maybe you can't house train them but then I thought well they are meant to be really intelligent so why not house train them? So it was only a theoretical could you house train one rather than an intending to try it question. I don't know about all these freezemarks, it's a bit like graffiti-ing on your horses, could you have a nice pattern done on their rumps instead? I may have had a little drink this evening
  3. My post in no way refers to anyone one this forum or any other that I am aware of. I really appreciate the people that answered me and thank them for it.
  4. Maybe a type of Orb Spider? Look at the shape of some of the spiders towards the bottom of this page. I'm definately not an expert though.
  5. Actually, this is good timing as I have been worrying about a situation recently where someone I used to count as a friend has spread and is still spreading lies about another friend. I have tried to be understanding but really what has been said is pretty unforgivable. I spent a lot of time and energy at one point trying to sort it all out but really the person that is in the wrong is now not prepared to back down and is repeating their story at every opportunity especially as it makes them out to be the hero. This has caused my friend and her family a lot of pain and still is. I haven't publically defended my friend and I know she doesn't expect me too but I feel I want too however part of my reason for not doing is I don't want to have to face this persons spite myself. I know it's cowardly but things like this really distress me and I already have a significant problem with depression. I have put people straight individually when I've had the opportunity which is not that often but is that really enough?
  6. You need Suede dye for Suede Sorry if that sounds a bit obvious but I meant to tell you that there is special dye for it.
  7. Loved Mattys video, he's obviously been training hard. I bet your a little bit proud underneath all the worry ;)
  8. If you were feeling uncomfortable about it there was probably a good reason, always trust your instincts! Glad you managed to cancel.
  9. Awww, poor Kane! Do you think that he has something that is making his teeth/mouth hurt and that's why he kicked up a fuss?
  10. I've never had any connection problems with a Vaio and move about with them quite a bit, it may just be a problem with the specific model you got though, I seem to remember there was a model with overheating problems.
  11. It sounds to me like someone who is jealous of your success because it was quite a personal attack. I'm glad you have taken the course of action you have and I think you are right not to deal with that rescue again. Always, always get the money before they get the goods, people can be very disappointing. Also, I really think you should be making some money out of it for yourself, it helps to keep you going through rough times like this otherwise it is all too easy to pack it in and then the rescues and the people who do appreciate your beautiful collars lose out. (hugs)
  12. But if you are going to go down that line of reasoning, how many serial killers, wife beaters, animal abusers and pedophiles are also being aborted?
  13. We were promised more pictures weren't we?
  14. I'm thinking that rather than getting rid of 10 celebrities, if I could get rid of 10 dubious publications (tabloids and the like) that should have the effect of getting rid of 100's of annoying people made into celebrities with the aid of these journals.
  15. Sorry to read this, it must be a very uncomfortable feeling for you.
  16. I've never been able to understand why we apply such different rules to horses as we do to other domestic pets.
  17. It's fabulous! I'd definitely join you for a cuppa. I think I would have to add a couple of tons of sand around the hut* and some round beach pebbles. I hope you enjoy many happy hours there :-) *So you can sit on the veranda and twiddle bare feet in the sand
  18. Cycas and ReikiAnge (and others I might have forgotten) are right to point out that there are differences between dogs and children in this context and I wasn't thinking about the need for a child to learn how to be independant in the world. I was thinking with that analogy to highlight similar fears that we might have for our dogs based on my own feelings which take a constant battering from the frequent reports of animal abuse these days but it was only intended to try and illustrate a point which is that the idea of someone hurting those you love is very frightening and unpleasant. I'm not sure whether as a parent I would be able to put the greater interests of my childrens social development above my fears. That means that I find it very easy to understand parents who don't let their children out and I guess I find it harder to understand parents who do have the confidence to give them their freedom - not that I think they are in anyway wrong to do that but looking at it from my perspective (which is probably behind the settee with a cushion) they must have nerves of steel! There again I would have thought with the advent of mobile phones parents might feel a bit more reassured. With regard to been afraid to interact with children, I went for an interview a couple of years ago at a school - as auxillary staff not teaching - and was asked what I would do if I was working in a class room and I suddenly found I was there alone with a group of children. I said I would just carry on working and was told the correct course of action was to leave the room as quickly as possible - because of the danger of the children making allegations against me when there were no adult witnesses to what had actually happened. I was very relieved not to be offered the job!
  19. Now even I can see theres something special there
  20. Things are increasing been said these days about protective parents who don't allow their kids out to play etc these days but I can really understand where they are coming from. It's all very well to say 'stranger danger' has not increased since the 70's but it does happen and even if it was only one a year, the idea that the one a year might be your child and what they may go through before they are killed must be unbearably terrifying. Ignoring the problem with roads, how many of us here would allow our dogs to run loose if we could? I wouldn't, I would be too frightened of what might happen to them.
  21. BilRed

    Fish &

    When my Zebra Danios bred I put the male and female in a small plastic tank floating in the main tank with a good layer of glass marbles in the bottom. The eggs are fertilized as they are laid and then fall between the gaps in the marbles which stops the parents eating them. Remove parents once the breeding is over, the eggs will develop into fry which will require a special food while very small - you can get this from a pet or fish shop, just make sure it is for Egg Layers. It will be a while before they are big enough to go into the main tank without been eaten. The Guppies will eat their young as soon as they are born given half a chance. Fish shops sell special plastic tanks for live bearers (fish that give birth to little fish rather than eggs) which act in a similar way to the marbles described above - the babies fall into a trap where the parents cannot get them, you can then rear them until they are big enough to fend for themelves. Other than that heavy planting or lots of rocks or ornaments in the main tank will help to provide cover for the babies. However without any of those methods Guppies will breed at such a rate that the tank will soon be over run with them and you are giving them away.
  22. Great! Thank you and thank you for the previous link. Would still enjoy spottie pics when you can manage it
  23. They can be persistant can't they?
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