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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. Bach Flower Essences would help stress-wise - Star of Bethlehem for trauma, Walnut for change for starters.
  2. It's so true. No way could I ever give up a dog for any of those reasons, I'd have to be incapable of caring for her properly and even then it would break my heart.
  3. Masses of Reiki for him, and you too.
  4. Muriel

    Reiki healing

    Masses on the way to both
  5. Muriel


    oh, I'm so sorry, but at least she went peacefully at home, loved.
  6. I used to give my girl a Rennie, actually she only usually needed a half one, she was 25 kg. Charcoal biscs can help if they'll eat them. Toast is rarely refused. Basically you just gotta find what works for your dog. If you can see a Homeopathic Vet, they would probably have a better chance of fixing it.
  7. Muriel

    Fur Loss

    If I read that right, she's losing fur where the collars/harnesses are, if so, I'd only have them on when she's outside so that most of the time she's not wearing anything. I wouldn't bath her at all. Rub her down with a towel if need be, then she'll finish off cleaning herself. If she has a good diet and is healthy, her hair should be fine. If she's a nervous dog, Bach Flower Essences could help a lot - you said she spooks very easily, I'd think about Aspen, Star etc....
  8. agree - get him checked just in case. Hope he's been drinking.
  9. Muriel


    Masses of Reiki on the way
  10. I would stick to chicken and rice till normal poos a re resumed, could be a few days, remember her system was totally emptied out which is not normal, usually there's a 'backlog'. Try not to worry, she'll pick up on that which could 'clog her up' too.
  11. Muriel

    Reiki healing

    And more............
  12. Who knows - perhaps something was out which corrected itself when she fell? I assume you gave her arnica. As long as she's fine now and you've caught up on your sleep Reiki for any who wish it.
  13. I'm so sorry Treasure the time you have. Sending masses of Reiki to all. Rescue remedy may come in handy for all. If she gets stressed you can rub it in her fur.
  14. Perfectly alright and good for him like all veg, fruit etc. As green potatoes are poisonous to us too, she's hardly going to feed them to the dog, they belong in the bucket.
  15. Raw hide can do it too with some dogs. Sounds like she's just about got everything up now, fingers crossed. Sounds like you might be interested in some reading then Try Give your dog a bone by Ian Billinghurst and/or Natural Nutrition for cats and dogs by Kymythy Schultz, and here's a couple of links for you
  16. agree - I'd prefer unrefined if I had a choice.
  17. I wouldn't feed her for 24 hours and certainly not for a good while after the last sickness. It could be the bone was too rich for her, it could be a bug and coincidence. I'd just keep an eye today and think about food tomorrow. She does need to drink some water though. Same happened with Millie a while back, she was fine after a while.
  18. who knows, she could also have eaten some rubbish while out. If she hadn't been on the Burns long, I wouldn't think the AG should have done it, but we never can tell. I'd go to chicken rice and yoghurt for a few days, then to Ag once she's ready to eat again. Sending Reiki if she wants it. Have you thought about real food?
  19. The would-be dog police at it again! What about the people who are unable to go out without their dogs for company/protection/security? Would you prefer they are shut in their houses for the rest of their lives? The kid would not have been bitten if she'd left the poor dog alone. I used to take Hannah everywhere with me and tie her outside safely. I have enough common sense to judge a situation and obviously there were places I would not have left her. Cassie freaked out if tied anywhere, as does Millie so I simply can't go many places now. If dogs weren't banned from so many places there wouldn't be a problem.
  20. Muriel

    Reiki healing

    Loads of Reiki on the way to both Maria's friend and Salem. For both of them, there are loads of natural things can help - Homeopathy and others, have a read...... To find a Homeopath/Homeopathic Vet try here
  21. Ligaments mend, and Homeopathy can help that process. To find a Homeopathic vet try here Also worth seeing someone who does gentle 'putting things back where they shoud be' - craniosacral, connective tissue massage, physio, bowen, acupuncture etc... Hydrotherapy may help.
  22. Homeopathic Arnica 30c, one tablet 3 times daily for a few days aids recovery. Rescue Remedy for both of you, just rub it in her coat as often as you like, every few minutes if need be. Sending Reiki if wanted.
  23. Before you decide on an operation, please talk to people who do things like Craniosacral therapy, or Bowen, or Connective Tissue Massage or acupuncture - there are lots of things out there can gently and non-invasively put bodies back to where they should be. I'd also talk to a Homeopath rather than have him on steroids.
  24. Masses of Reiki on the way, hope he's a bit better now.
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