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Our Boy Bru


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I remember when the lady at Babbington brought you out, you looked like a collie but you had this funny thick sticky up tail and when you jumped up to say hello we thought we just might fail as fosterers. You made the big chair in the back room your throne and made us laugh when you, Bob and the cats would play musical chairs in it. I can't believe I'm never going to cup your furry soft ears again, have you bounce up and down nipping my nose with your teeth and stinky breath when I get home from work or listen to the thud of your tail on the bed when we come in. You melted the heart of everyone you met with your sad face Bru dog, none more so than mine, when we said goodbye last Sunday, your head in my hands I thought mine was going to break. You're coming home for the last time tomorrow Bru dog, we haven't chosen your tree yet but when we do you'll be with it, reminding us of all the happy times you brought us. Find Lucy at the bridge at look after her for us.


Paul and Allison xxx



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