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Healing Thoughts And Good Wishes Needed Please


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I know most of you are aware that my mum is terminally ill with bone and liver cancer :(


Up until now she has fought it every inch of the way, mentally if not always physically. :)



Whilst she was away in Ireland two weeks ago she started suffering more pain than usual in her hips and legs and this has got continually worse since then despite her being on the biggest dose of morphine and other pain killing drugs that she can have. Along with the worsening of her pain has been the lowering of her mood and for the first time yesterday she said to both my sister and me 'I can see why people who have this disease want to kill themselves or wish the disease hurry up and finish them off' :mecry: :mecry:


We have been to the consultant oncologist today and the news is not good, whilst her liver cancer is not worsening, her cancer markers in her blood are rising more rapidly than the doc is happy with and her bone scan from last week shows a further marked deterioration in her bones and bone density, now well under 50%. She is struggling to walk and is in constant pain regardless of how she sits or lays and cannot now walk more than a few stumbling steps.


It may be selfish of me but I can't bear the thought of losing her yet, it's just not allowed and I'm furious that I cannot do anything to help relieve her suffering but I'm truly worried for her mental wellbeing now as well and I was hoping that a boost of good thoughts and reiki may boost her for the oncoming fight.


this is her on the left of this pic at my wedding




The consultant has started her on chemotherapy again today but is also looking at radiation therapy too but due to the amount she's already had they are struggling with that they can give her.


Please, if you can spare a thought or even a prayer I'd be most grateful

Edited by doggy.lover
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I am so very sorry to read your news. My mum also had cancer and I can understand so well the frustration of not being able to make things better.


I asked for Reiki for my mum, it was amazing. She became so calm. She didn't know I had asked for it to be sent to her, but it started working within hours.


I will be thinking of you and your family at this very difficult time. :GroupHug: :GroupHug: :GroupHug:

Edited by greys mum
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Thank you all for your good wishes which I am pleased to pass on to Mum who will need them more than ever today as is our life of hell continuing,


this morning my uncle's neighbour rang to say that he had fallen in the night again (mum's only brother who had a blood clot on the brain last christmas and has since been very ill) and they found him trapped under a large chest of drawers. He is now admitted into hospital waiting to see consultant and just what the damage is.



so if your thoughts could spread to him as well, he is the only close family left on mum's side and i don't think she could cope with losing him now

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