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Requesting Good Thoughts For Mrs Mop'S Ellie


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Ellie is home, it has taken me 2.5 hours to get her to lie down, she doesn't stay down long, she keeps falling asleep sitting up and nearly falling down. I have put an old pillow under her chin so there is a gap between the pillow and her chest so she can breath easier. She is really tired, the vet warned me about that because she has been in intensive care and they are working 24 hours a day in there. Last night they are unusually busy as well.


The nurse who has had most of her daytime care I know really well, she also does hydro, Ellie has been giving her the run round, pretending she needs help by coughing then sitting grinning at her, she couldn't take a chance of her needing help so is much fitter now than she was at the beginning of the week, that sounds like my Ellie. :laugh:


No exercise only toilet breaks, she is to be kept calm all the time and is on skullcap and valeria, they have also given me some other tablets in case she starts to get stressed. Ellie is back at the vets on Friday for a check-up.


Thank you so much for your support, yesterday I was waiting for a phone call to say she had gone, thankfully it it was she is doing well instead.

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Ellie has had me awake most of the night, she couldn't settle, she isn't eating either and won't take her tablets. She has been given skullcap and valeria to help keep her calm, as she wouldn't take them I gave her Stay Calm during the night as she was getting upset. Stay Calm is a liquid so was able to put it into a syringe and into her mouth, she did start to settle then.


Just spoken to the vet, Ellie is also on Metacam which needs to be take with food, he has asked me to put it directly into her mouth, he thinks she really needs this, tomorrow is another day, hopefully she will be eating then.


Ellie is exhausted, she keeps falling asleep sitting up, I have to move her front legs so she can lie down, she has just fallen asleep now and is resting, think the Metacam is working. If I can't get her to eat I am to take her back to the vets this afternoon. My other 3 dogs are very willing to eat the food I am making for Ellie


This is the first time anything like this has happened since she had the tracheotomy put in, she had to have this chance to live, I can cope with it blocking but don't think I can cope with this again. I don't think it would be fair to Ellie to put her through this again. I don't know her age, she must be at least 13 and could be older, she is an ex breeding bitch that was kicked out when she needed help.

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