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Products Of The Year


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Apparently some dull household cleaning product has been 'voted product of the year by thousands of you'. I don't know where they get these 'thousands of you' that vote for dishwasher cleaners. Nobody has ever asked me this question.


This made me wonder: if someone asked YOU what product you would nominate for 'product of the year' what would you say? Feel free to nominate any kind of product and tell us all why it is worthy of nomination in a comment. laugh.gif


You don't have to stick to products that came out this year - it's YOUR product of YOUR year, so it's fine to nominate a product that has been available for ages, as long as you have discovered it during YOUR last year.


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Ok it's in the last 2 and a bit years................but for me it's the iPod, love it, love it , love it :biggrin: . I know they've been around for ages but I take time to get there :laugh: . Also because I love to go a wandering but never have a map (or perhaps I'm just so carp at map reading :wacko: ) I luffs my Satmap.


I really can't get remotely excited by cleaning products :rolleyes:

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Yeah, I can't either. The past few years I've found myself increasingly getting in touch with my Inner Slob laugh.gif


I decided that the best new item in my life over the past 12 months is a book : The City and The City, by China Mieville. I reckon it counts as a 'product' after all, you can go and buy it in a shop!

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can i have 2?? am i allowed 2?? firstly netbooks.....brilliant cheaper alternative to a laptop... does mostly the same stuff (well everything i need) at a fraction of the light and neat :biggrin:

secondly.... those wireless usb connector thingys.... brilliant.. surfing the internet lying in bed during the middle of the night instead of being tethered via cables to the telephone socket :biggrin:

oooooo number 3 dog rocks..... my lawn isn't patchy anymore (i was very sceptical)

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I have a bit of a list and some of them I have used for more than a year, but they have certainly saved my sanity this past year.


1) ipod classic. Massive storage which means I have at my fingertips all my training dvds (and important music). It gets taken everywhere and whenever I get a free few minutes I get to watch the DVDs I've had hanging around for ages and not yet watched. My favourites at this time are seminars by Kathy Sdao - she rocks!


2) ebook reader - same premise as above, I can put journal papers as well as books, and i've found a few free textbooks on line too. Again goes everywhere and I can read for pleasure or for college or even work wherever I am.


3) Garmin - running has never been the same since I bought this gadget. It records everything, heart rate, pace, gps positioning, has sensors for my bike so I can track cadence etc. I get to look at all my stats and see how I'm progressing - my inner geek (that isn't so inner really) loves it.


4) Turbo trainer - although it is a love/hate relationship. It saves me from cycling outside in horrible weather, or from leaving the dogs for hours to go for a ride, but it does mean I often have a bike set up in the middle of the living room, and you do get extraordinarily hot and sweating when riding on one and if I use a fan it means I can't hear the TV - which is another reason I like it, I'm all for multitasking as frankly there aren't enough hours in the day for me.


5) Fizik Arione Tri 2 saddle - it's saved my butt! Plus the red and white goes well with my white frame.


5) Blue roll - we no longer use kitchen roll, we use the enormous rolls of blue paper that you see in garages. Kitchen roll doesn't last 5 mins in this house with all the mess the dogs manage to make. Blue roll is my saviour and has been used so much since Talyn arrived you wouldn't believe. Fortunately he is piddling less now that he is gaining confidence but I did consider buying shares....


I have no feelings about cleaning products, but anit-bac and/or bleach spray gets used in similar amounts to blue roll, I have no allegiances though and get whatever is cheapest when shopping.

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Ummm it would have to be Fabreeze for me!


Or or, Vax Carpet Cleaner solution. The ammount of foster's I have through the door over the years who have had accidents in the early days. Saved my carpets it did! :biggrin:


Oh oh... or my Ipod. Nothing better than a summers day walk with the dogs bopping away to AC DC :happy:

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Errr didn't think to mention my iPhone which is so brilliant cos I can use it as a tiny puter, it has an iPod thingy in it so I can listen obsessively to my favourite music and it has an app called Whatsapp which cost £4.99 and allows me to text and phone anywhere in the world free (as long as the other person also has it on their phone). Brilliant for those I text obsessively. It also has other apps which keep me amused in times of boredom (not v frequent these days!!)

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I second the Febreeze, but would also like to give Asda Floor Cleaning Wipes a mention, excellent for housework phobic 's like me to clean the kitchen floor without all the arsing about . Silicon baking trays were a bit of a revelation, still amazes me they don't melt.

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The Furminator! Best thing I've bought this year!


I also agree about the Ipod. Saves me having to run the laptop or computer to browse the web at home and waste hours playing on various apps! Though their durability needs to be questioned I'm on my third one due to software failures!

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