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bela foster is a darling, but im not enjoying housetraining now its freezing out. I gave her a bone today to help clean her teeth as they are filthy and stink, so the others forced themselves to have one too. fresh today from the butchers,of course


massive hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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JulesB we need pics of nooo puss please flowers.gif


I have been to college, left at lunchtime (it was only revision day so going over essay writing and I could hardly keep my eyes open :tired: ). Went shopping on the way home, so at least I have proper food now - have been eating rubbish for the past few days including kebab last night, Maccy Ds this morning, lump of cheese the night before last cos I had nowt in rolleyes.gif I don't like eating carp for several days on the trot, it leaves you bloated and minging :sick01:


Group_Hug_Emoticon.gif for those missing their babies. I bought some lamb ribs for mine and gave them a raw one each when I got in. I still counted out 5 instead of 4 sad.gif

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This is the house of lurgy at the moment - hubby has serious man flu - actually he really isn't well as he's being very quiet most of the time and telling me he's dying and asking if I know where his will is the rest of the time rolleyes.gif He's got a fever, aches, deeeeep Barry White voice, sore throat and horrid chesty cough I on the other hand feel pretty much OK asside from the fact I didn't get a lot of sleep due to having a leaky nose which a tissue stuffed up it soon cured laugh.gif I cannot stop sneezing and my nose is like a drippy tap but other than that I'm fine. I've taken an antihisthemine and am hoping that I have caught it before it developes into hubbys lurgy. For once I know hubby really can't be well as he's said if he still feels like this in the morning then he won't be up to going to the rugby tomorrow ohmy.gif it's a "must win" game and we have very good seats which we've already paid for so for him to say he doesn't feel he can go shows he must be feeling really crappy. Naturally sods law means that no doubt he'll feel better tomorrow and I'll be the one suffering and we'll end up at the game because he's much better rolleyes.gif

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Just going through the camera and found a picture of my son on his way out to a 70's night last week, and I thought bloody hell, where has all the time gone, this is a man. Really shocked me and made me feel terribly old.

Plus he looked like a cross between John Cooper Clark and some one out of Boogy Nights

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Feeling rather teary this morning. Suppose its the first morning since Sir H left that I've not been rushing around, getting ready for work and just had time to sit. I don't half miss Sir H :wub:


Raining here, suits me today


Wendy Group_Hug_Emoticon.gif I saw this earlier and thought of you


"He took my heart and ran with it, and I hope he's running still, fast and strong, a piece of my heart bound up with his forever"

--Patricia McConnel


wub.gif Jack & Cherry wub.gif

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Sorry to hear you're no longer able to go Jazz. If you just ring up the site and say you need to cancel the room it will be fine and you won't be charged. Just say on the camping thread that there is an extra room free now incase someone wants to book it.

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Had a bit of a :ohmy: :mecry: time, when I went to put the chooks to bed. Angel and Melody came running but no Rosie Posy. I looked everywhere for her, even in the neighbours' gardens which I thought I had blocked off all possible break out points. Called her, rattled corn in a cup - nothing. I gave A&M a couple of grapes so they made 'mmm, we're eating something yummy' clucky noises and I've kept going back out. 15 minutes ago I heard a very loud, cross baawwkk and it was Posy :biggrin: , most put out that the run door was locked and she wanted to go to bed. She's even more cross now as I gave her a great big cuddle but is safely tucked up in bed :wub:

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