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Coldsore Every Month


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This is fourth month in a row that the day i have come on i get the biggest cold sore coming up....

last months one scared my top lip quite badly and this time its top lip and bottom of nose bit.... and its very very sore .....more so than any other month!!


Anyone any ideas of either how to not get them at all...or getting them healed up quick as there getting more painful each month and also marking skin badly!!!!


I currently stuff to keep immune system etc up... take oil evening primrose to try and help hormones, zinc, vit C, echinacea, cod liver oil and glucosmide for joints!!!


cheers guys!!!

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Yo Hev, i get them vey badly as well (usually when I am due on) and nothing ever works for me so I'd be interested to see what people say!


My mum always said they were caused by me biting my nails and having dirty hands - so I was my hands OCD-like and try never to touch my face! x

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If you're getting them monthly its likely there might be an underlying cause to a trip to the doctors might be a good idea. I used to have eczema around a bit of my mouth and with the topical creams i now have a weakness there and prone to the odd coldsore. I just use the coldsore creams you can get in Boots and they go within a week or so.



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I get Aciclovir (Sp?) which is the same drug as Zovirax cream but in tablet form, if they keep reoccuring then the doc might suggest a course of these to help you along a bit. Gone are the days now when you go to the docs with the biggest coldsore in the west and they look at you and say "it will go away on its own", now they have drugs it's great and they go much, much quicker and take away the pain too. Same drug, but larger doseage is used for shingles/chicken pox in adults too.

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I've found that when you get that first tingling, if you hold an ice cube against it for as long as you can it helps a lot, seems to stop it in its tracks! I would take the earlier advice and go and see your doctor though, as they can probably give you something.

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yeah i know its been always in my system since was a kid but its gone from a few a year to ....well......this is about 6/7th this year and its the worst ever had..... nice to know all details i know but its all up inside of nose and so bloody sore for such a little thing...

Got cream from chemist and he said go docs and get anti viral drugs to blast away and take care as immune system must be low... which aint good with so many people having bugs and flu's at moment.......and me moving in 16 days!!! eeekk,,


Sadly the docs are few weeks wait for appointment which means i will either be gone by then or it will be gone!!! hoping warmer climates might help!!!

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I have the same virus in my rt eye- i have had it for 2 years and it has gradually knackered my eye, nothing stops it. ive had aciclovir cream and oral tablets. My eye is so bad that i need a graft- but i cant have a graft until the virus has stopped!!!!! which means my eye sight will deteriorate even further with every flare up.

Before this i never had a cold sore in my life.

Its a truly awful virus and i pity anyone with the misfortune to get it in any of its forms

uv light it a main trigger for it.


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