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Four Years Ago


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Four years ago, I was obsessed with getting a Westie. I googled some rescues and none of them would rehome to me as I worked full time.


So I resorted to scouring the free ads and I came across one advert for a 7 month old dog in Barnsley.........I called the number on the ad and the woman said for £225, I could pick him up the next day.


My now ex OH and drove over to Barnsley the very next day and I was so scared and worried....I wasnt sure what I was letting myself in for. When we got there, I was greeted by a snarling, snapping little Westie who peed on the ex's shoe :rolleyes:


We took him home and over the next few days Henry began to settle into a routine. After having had him for two months, Henry was joined by Honey from Beagle Welfare and Datsun beagle from Lizzie's Barn, quickly followed by Louie from Beagle Welfare.


The ex and I went our separate ways a year or so later, him taking the beagles and me taking Henry.


Over the last few years we've had our ups and downs, what with moving around 6 times before we got our own home with Adam, Henry's various illnesses and me losing jobs etc so its been quite an eventful time!


Anyway, sorry about all that rambling, but I just want to share with everyone that I have had my gorgeous wee(!) man for 4 years exactly :wub: :wub: :wub: Happy gotcha day :wub: :wub:







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