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Non Doggy


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does anyone else have a "non doggy" husband? My Chris is good in the fact that he will feed them if I am having a bad day,he will top up or refill the water bucket if its empty or got food in it,he will let them in and out if they can't use the flap but he really is not "doggy".He cannot understand why I have four dogs,he would rather we were dogless or one at a push. x

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My husband was not at all doggy when we met, he'd had no family dogs or much to do with dogs at all before meeting me. I had The Spotty Dog (who was not an easy dog - food thief extraordinaire, accomplished escape artist and complete nutcase) at the time, so he had a rather steep learning curve. Although he was generally kind to Spotty Dog and would feed him or even walk him at a push, I think he tolerated him rather than really loved him.


Over the years things have gradually changed and he's as involved with the dogs as I am now, and is probably much soppier with them. I have to be the one who says 'no', otherwise we'd end up with every sad case on the internet here. The role of 'sensible one' doesn't come naturally to me at all, so it's a wonder we haven't got a dozen dogs :rolleyes:


He's also (and I want this on record) MUCH WORSE than I am about letting foster dogs go. It was his decision to keep Musky, I had to practically prise Ernie the Corgi out of his arms, and he's going to be just the same with little Beni, our current foster :huh:

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OH tolerates my three, and says Barney goes over his dead body, but doesn't put any effort into his interactions with them - for example, he cleared the table off after dinner and put all the dirty plates on the worktop, right near the edge - Barney (Labradoodle) helped himself to some cooked rice, OH went to man handle him off, and got bitten - hit the roof and banished Barney to the passageway. With a little thought he could have avoided all that simply by putting plates with food on at the back of the worktop. He also doesn't handle any of them with any kind of though - makes them jump when they are asleep and he wants to fuss them etc. I don't think he even knows where I keep the dog food or how much each of them is fed.

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my hubby was a farmer and says that all dogs should have a use or they are useless ! :wacko: A jack russell to catch rats,a collie to herd sheep and any dog to bark and guard the yard and thats it apart from service dogs. When i first met him he really disliked "pet" dogs and hated me doing rescue. His answer was "if nobody wants them then have them pts" :mad: you can imagine the rows we had!! Now he still says he doesn't see the point in dogs but is getting so much better but I wonder if they ever actually really change their views or just get used to it !! x

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when I started going out with hubby, I had a dog and he had one 'inherited' from his sister. Welly was loved in his own way, but did wander etc


when we got married he said we weren't having a dog, 2.5 years later he got me Keira, then added Tia and now Glen :rolleyes: he loves the dogs to bits but isn't so good on the training side

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does anyone else have a "non doggy" husband? My Chris is good in the fact that he will feed them if I am having a bad day,he will top up or refill the water bucket if its empty or got food in it,he will let them in and out if they can't use the flap but he really is not "doggy".He cannot understand why I have four dogs,he would rather we were dogless or one at a push. x


That could have been Paul you wrote about.


He never had dogs as a kid, his mum kept cats. He was all for me getting a dog, then a second but then decided he didnt like dog walking etc. I do all the walking, training etc (except if we take dogs camping which he doesnt enjoy). He will let them out for a wee and often fills their water bowls and feeds them if I am ill/ late home and does fuss them but just doesnt get the passion I have for dogs. It does cause arguments at times as he is usually the one to forgo things like holidays / days out but then I am always too tired dealing with the dogs (who are walked individually) single handed. :(

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Mark isn't a dog person. He is an animal person though, he was never allowed a pet as a child, which I think is one reason that we now have 6 cats, but he says that dogs are too big and messy and not pretty enough. :mecry: I think it would be hard to form a relationship with someone who really wasn't interested in animals...


Part of the problem is that when he was knocked over by a black labrador at the age of 3 his idiot mother made a huge drama* (and repeats this every time she is reminded of the event) and naturally enough, he grew up with a fear of dogs, particularly large black ones. He is improving though, he's not scared of our 2 (carefully selected to be non-threatening!) and is a lot more confident with other dogs than he used to be. He came with me to transport Butch for the Oldies Club recently, and I was a bit worried about that given that Butch is a GSD and had a reputation for lunging, but after a while Mark agreed he was 'really quite a nice dog' - result!


He will walk our dogs if I am ill, is generally OK with the dogs coming on holiday with us, and he probably comes with us dogwalking about 2-3 times a week. I think he does get a little jealous of the amount of attention they get, but frankly he spends more time cuddling his Bungles than he does me so I reckon he doesn't have a leg to stand on!


*she says he was bitten, but there was no wound or blood, and none of them can remember exactly where he was bitten. I think somebody's overgrown puppy mouthed him then got overexcited when she went into hysterics.

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After reading this and talking about OH with people from college I'm feeling more and more blessed to have Colin.


He isn't into their training as much as me (but frankly I wouldn't expect very many people to be quite as sad as me either with respect to that :rolleyes: ) but he walks, feeds, plays, cuddles etc without the need for any input from me. I trust him completely to be able to look after them just as well as me when I have to go away with work and college. Some things he does I think "I wouldn't do that!" but not very often and I think only because of the training/behaviour stuff I've done has become rather ingrained now - not that he does anything *wrong* just that I wouldn't do it because I think there are better/more efficient ways IYSWIM. He does do some (what he calls) training, but really it is just practicing cues that I've already taught the dogs and then he rewards them for a job well done. It has actually done a lot to enhance his relationship with the dogs, they have become more used to responding to him so they recall better when he is out with them alone, they are more affectionate towards him now too because of it.


He is supportive of my desire to do my college course and to start a behaviourial business. He understands why I can't do some things that he would probably quite like to do because I have college work or I need to train the dogs or I want to go to a seminar or training day etc. It's give and take though as he is the same with the air cadets so don't feel *too* sorry for him! I think sometimes he would like to have fewer dogs, but I get days like that too and it is really only when he has had a bad day and the dogs are hyper and it all just feels too much.


I'm lucky I know, Col is into the dogs as much as me really and has never said no when I have mentioned taking on another dog. He didn't even bat an eyelid when I mentioned getting a shepherd puppy the other day, infact I was the one who said I needed to think about whether I could manage another dog to train. Not sure I would manage very well with someone who enjoyed the dogs less or was less understanding about my obsession.

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My ex was not into animals at all. Thought they belonged outside and couldn't understand anything I did that involved animals. He showed tolerance but only when it suited him. This caused huge amounts of fighting and disagreements - needless to say he is my ex for a reason.


Tony my now husband is a complete animal person. He says to favour cats more than dogs but isn't selective with his fussing. He can often be found talking to the dogs or sitting on the floor fussing them. He takes it upon himself to feed them and walks them more than I do as he has more time. He is also better with training as they seem to listen to him more (I'm a soft touch apparently :rolleyes: ) Having had both sides I am afraid I would never go back to someone who does not share a love of animals. It means when we are planning on moving, holidaying or any changes in our lives we both ask the same questions "What about the furry family"? :wub:

Edited by Amanda Jvv
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