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The Gardening Fred 2009


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Freeeeeeeeeeeedom :biggrin:






Fab :wub: :wub: :wub:


You're gonna miss Orca the porker :rolleyes:

It'll seem awfully quiet with only Bran chasing around although I'm sure Flora would be more than willing to join in with some fun :rolleyes:



Note to Flora - Mummy is not being cruel and mean to you by not allowing you to play. Mummy is looking after you so that you can play and play and play and play............................................but in a few weeks time :rolleyes:

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I bought some Lavender and some Thrift today and put them in pots, ably supervised by Taffy and Beau :wub:


L to R : Lavender, Thrift, Rhodedendron which I potted last year...






Note how everything has to be in tall pots so as to avoid being peed on when the dogs c*** their legs :rolleyes:

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Can anyone tell me what these two plants are please? :unsure:


This is some sort of ground cover plant which is currently flowering...




This is a climber which is growing on my arbour...




This is a horse chestnut which seeded itself in one of my pots year before last and which I am growing in a tub :wub:




I am trying a sycamore in a tub to see how well it turns out, but I have just moved it from the front garden where it seeded to a tub and where I have tried moving them before, they usually just die off, so fingers crossed.

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I had a honeysuckle in a tub which has never really done well, so I have planted it alongside the garage where I killed off the passion flower. Am hoping it's going to grow all over the side of the garage and give me lots of sweet smelling flowers. Had to remove a lot of the root ball though, so crossing everything that it still grows.

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The yellow one is a cultivated variety of dead nettle but I can't remember the name just at the moment. It's pretty isn't it, I've got some in my garden.


ETA Just reminded myself of the name - it's Lamium, more commonly known as Archangel.

Edited by Karen
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My holly and passion flower that shared a pot are dead :ohno02:


I have two furry suspects, who I think have peed them to death. :grrr:


They are no longer allowed on 'our' bit of the balcony.


I now have red cabbage plants as well as green ones :elefant: and my mum is bringing me tomato plants this week.


I must must must plant some seeds tomorrow...

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I sowed the veg patch last week, so fingeres crossed will get some nice peas, beans, spinach etc. I have had to fence it off from the chickens though, but they still have free range of the rest of the garden.


My other half suggested that I use one of our old barbeques to put herbs in and call it herb-b-que :wink2: So far we have mint, basil and I sowed parsley, thyme and chives.

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Oooh I've just remembered! We unearthed (or should that be unsanded???) a lobster pot on the beach that I've been eyeing up for ages and brought it home.


I'd love to plant strawberries in it if the metal won't be too salty

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