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I've been having a bit of a distrastrous time with my chooks. One of my brown hens died, and then a White Star and then my 'chick' - the Maran. All very sad and in some cases, quite unexpected. I think the Maran may have had a few problems though because it took 9 months to come to maturity which isn't normal for a Maran so it was probably not that well. The White Star and Brown hen were probably quite old by thier standards - around 4 - so although they can live longer, it's not totally surprising they died young.


I've got some more - (another 8 to be exact, just don't tell the breadwinner!!). I've now got a black Orpington hen, two Buff Sussex bantams, two Brown Lehmans, another Silver black laced Wynadotte, a blue speckled Orpington bantam (the same size as most of the hybrids!), and a speckled Sussex. We've named the black Orpington hen Whoopi :laugh: I'll post pics tomorrow. Oh - and we've finally given a name to our Amber Star cockerel who has decided he's a bit of a lad (he tries to take us on if we go near his hens :rolleyes: ). He's called Dave (or Rodney). No difference!

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JulesB - better get building quick!!!!


Katiebob - sorry to hear about your girls.


Why is it that when I fill up the 4litre water container with just water the top and bottom go together beautifully, and when I turn it right way up there is only a little splash - but when I give them Ribena for Chickens (??Batties poulty drink??) the top and bottom decide they are not slotted together after all and I get a kitchen + myself splashed with 3 litres of red liquid?

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I'm so egg-cited I can hardly breathe. :pinkie:


My coop and run-building friend is going like the clappers and will deliver everthing at the weekend. I need to run out and buy food, drinkers, bedding and all sorts before I pick up my three ex-battery girls on Monday.


Hang on in your little cages girls, I'll see you soon :biggrin:

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Why is it that when I fill up the 4litre water container with just water the top and bottom go together beautifully, and when I turn it right way up there is only a little splash - but when I give them Ribena for Chickens (??Batties poulty drink??) the top and bottom decide they are not slotted together after all and I get a kitchen + myself splashed with 3 litres of red liquid?

Yep, same here, only it's ACV instead of Battles :laugh:


I'm so egg-cited I can hardly breathe. :pinkie:


My coop and run-building friend is going like the clappers and will deliver everthing at the weekend. I need to run out and buy food, drinkers, bedding and all sorts before I pick up my three ex-battery girls on Monday.


Hang on in your little cages girls, I'll see you soon :biggrin:

Can't wait to see your new girls enjoying life :wub:


Big Chicks have outgrown their run so I want to move them into the bigger run that the Little Chicks are using in the garage. Little Chicks have been weaned off the heat so I either just swap them all around or I persuade them all to live together in the big run. I'd prefer to do that so they met for the first time today. It didn't go well :rolleyes: Big Chicks still want to beat up Little Chicks. The Little Chicks had only been outside the garage while being carried by me and the shock of being able to flap about on the grass was too much for the Light Sussex boy :laugh: He just stood there, frozen to the spot for ages. The other Little Chicks had a rare old time running around while he just stood there :huh: Now he's either incredibly thick or a great thinker. I think he's thick :laugh: Ian had called him Prisoner number 2870 but I think Forrest Gump suits him better :laugh: One of the other boys is Stuart Little because that's who he's looked like for weeks. The other boy still hasn't got a name and neither have the girls.







With some of his friends, and you can see where my norty chooks have poked their heads through the netting to eat my new grass!



Egeltine gets a cuddle:



Poppy who I'm still not convinced is a girl:



Wally, and I'm glad he's not dinner because he's such a lovely boy with a lovely nature :wub:



His gorgeous Welsummeresque feathering:


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The thing with Poppy is she's bigger than Wally, and he's big! She has chunky legs but then again so does my Maisy and she is similar to her in many ways. Maisy is a Sussex cross, not sure what she's crossed with but whatever it is Poppy is crossed with it too I think. Poppy has no head gear whatsoever but her face has gone a bit more red this week. If she had head gear I'd have no doubts that she was a boy but the lack of it is confusing.

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:bigsmiley: How much did it weigh?


I've just moved the Little Chicks coop & run out to the garden. Big Chicks are now in there with them too. Little Chicks are all sat huddled in the house looking disgusted. Big Chicks are enjoying the extra room and the copious amount of feeders and waterers there are dotted about :laugh: I shall keep a close eye on them but I think they'll all be ok.

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The Tuesday egg (normal one) is 2.75 oz and the big one (today's) is 4 oz. don't ask me in grammes cos the scales were my Nan's traditional ones with the pan and weights.


aha - googled conversions and


2.75 Ounces = 77.96118859375001 Grams


4 Ounces = 113.3980925 Grams

Edited by buddyboy
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