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In 2002 I picked up a stray whippet cross. She was scrawny, stinky and desperate to be loved. Nobody claimed her or reported her missing and she stayed as companion for my first hound Penny. Many other hounds have come and gone since then, some fostered, some rehomed and most stayed here. Skeeter was friends to all of them, playmate and guardian and always at my side.

Skeets was a very affectionate and very clingy girl, she hated anything being moved around in the house and hated being away from home. She was definitely 'my' dog, always with me whenever she could be. Earlier this year Skeeter was found to have a mass in her chest, pressed up sgainst her heart and it was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make not to put her through surgery. She had another 3 months with us and they were happy ones. I wish she'd had more time with us but I don't regret not putting her through the operation. The outcome was uncertain and the degree of surgery needed would have been very severe. Skeets would have had to be sent away to specialists in Edinburgh and that in itself would have been terrible for her. At 10 years old I wasn't prepared to put her through that, especially as we stood a very great chance of losing her anyway.

On Friday 5th September Skeeter started having trouble breathing and on Saturday morning Steve and I took her to see her 'Uncle Tim' for the last time. She went to sleep with dignity and peacefully.

I miss her terribly.


Sleep safe my sweet girl, we'll never forget you :mecry:





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