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The Many Faces Of Georgia On Holiday.


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Day 1, looking pensive by the pool:



Day 2, a little light reading with Jane Austens Northanger Abbey :laugh:



Followed up the next day with Mansfield Park :laugh:



Looking cool:



And then getting stroppy:



Enjoying playing with water in the pool:



Having a temper tantrum because she had to wait a few minutes for breakfast:



Yet another strop:



Contemplating her actions:



Her extreme close up:



Very happy though with her nanny and poorly grandad :wub:


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It was the holiday that made him ill :rolleyes: He suffers terrible problems with his lungs, they were irrepairably damaged about 25 years ago by double pneumonia and a large re-occuring abcess. He still has a lot of scaring on his lungs and gross bits that shouldn't be there. Dry, hot weather makes them play up and he then needs mega strong antibiotics to shift the gunk and make him feel more human. He also needs to use inhalers daily. So knowing the weather in Tunisia would make him ill, mother told him to get some antibiotics before he went. He wouldn't :angry: And he also didn't pack his inhalers :angry: So by day 3 he was really ill. He's been to the doctors today and been prescribed useless antibiotics instead of the ones his consultant says he should have. They'll not make an ounce of difference and next week he'll need to go back and pay for yet another prescription for the ones he needs :angry: Mother asked him why he didn't tell the doctor they were the wrong ones and he said that the doctor knows best :angry: He doesn't :angry: He always makes dad suffer for weeks before giving him the right ones :angry:

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