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Happy 4th Birthday Holly Monster Of Wexford


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No one really knows when Holly's birthday is , what I do know is that she turned up on the doorstep of Wexford pound in early feb 2004 with some other puppies. They were homed and she was left on her own it was thought she was an accidental farm litter and was born outside with minimal human contact. I can only imagine how terrifying she found her week there


she was so scared that if anyone came near her she growled and wet herself, after 7 days she was booked for euthanasia , the day before she was due to make her visit to the vet Holly met a real life angel called Lorraine who volunteered for a local rescue and had just come to collect another dog from the pound and noticed a scared , frightened little puppy cowering in a corner






Lorraine went into the kennel and looked at Holly and Holly looked back ( and growled and wet her self ) the people at the pound told Lorraine that Holly was vicious ( because she growled ) Lorraine understanding Holly was a scared lonely little puppy said she would take her and the people at the pound said she was mad as the puppy was unhomable


Lorraine did not belive that for one moment but and she took her home and fostered her herself, she took the puppy to a vet who guessed her age and she was given December 1st as her birthday and as she had been a Christmas puppy she was named Holly


a few weeks later Mark and I joined DP looking for an old dog so naturally we ended up adopting Holly who was 15 weeks old :laugh:






Lorraine ( who also later fostered Beastly Beast Monty ) had made a fantastic start with Holly but she was still a very nervous girl when she arrived and was scared of people, other dogs and well just about every thing


fast forward 4 years and Holly has 2 mad lurcher brothers and has been a sister to numerous foster dogs, she loves every one ( sometimes too much ) and although she can be a tad nervous at times overall she is a pretty confident girl who loves going for walks, playing ball and just having squirrelly fun




Happy 4th Birthday Holly Monster of Wexford , we love you very very much



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