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Dog Inflicted Injuries


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This morning my solid little wonky old man Cooper did his usual staffy hard headed run into me...and cracked his rock skull against my previously broken little finger (broken by the horse may I add!). Owch!!! :mad:


It got me thinking of all the injuries I've recieved from my dogs, and also of my mums humourous (for her) story of one very snowy winters evening when she took the dogs for a walk with her friend on the golf course in their village (very very naughty cos the golf course was strictly off limits and my dad was a well respected member there!!). Anyway my mums friend had her legs taken from under her by her huge rottie x lab and unfortunately slipped down a snowy hill and ended up in the stream with a broken leg!! So of course mum had to phone an ambulance (only after laughing alot at her friend..until she realised she was actually hurt!!!) which of course bought to the very irate golf club members attention that two women were exercising their dogs on their precious course!!!!!! My dad never lived it down and alot of posters were put up highlighting NO DOGS on the course...oh yes and a lovely big article in the local paper too!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


So anyone else had any injures bought on by our beloved pets.

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I was in bed the other day, joey sleeps on the end of it. I usually wake up before him but that morning he woke up first i was still half asleep, he decided to jump up and stretch smacking me full force in the nose, i thought someone had dropped a brick on my face, there was blood everywere, all over the bed and the floor :rolleyes: this was my first proper nose bleed and it didnt stop for an hour, i had to go into work with tissue stuffed up my nose and explain id been beaten by joey. Hes a thug :rolleyes: and it still hurts now when i touch the side.

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The most embarrassing one was many years ago from my GSD Sabre I was swimming in the sea and he decided to try and swim out to me however having a thrashing GSD trying to get close to you in sea water is NOT to be recommended. He wasn't a cute dog paddling type he was vigourously thrashing about and his paws caught me right down the front of my body, from breasts to inner thighs the more I tried to push him away the more I got scratched - and trust me sea water burns like billyo when it meets scrapes and scratches :wacko: By the time I got to shore I was scratched in deep long ragged lines all across the front of my body and down the insides of my arms and thighs (the thighs hurt the most) as if I'd been in a wresting match with a Bengal Tiger. What made it embarrassing was that I worked at the time with a domestic violence project and had to go to work next day covered in scrapes and bruises and not one of them would believe me that the dog did it! The more I protested the more pitying their looks were! :rolleyes: :laugh:

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I was stood at the bottom of a slope that Nala came charging down and crashed right into me and sent me flying. I torn ligaments in my knee and it's still painful now. The worst injury she inflicted on me was when we was walking along the pavement and she decided to walk in front of me and stop!! I went straight over her, my face hit the deck and I landed full on my shoulder, all my chin and lip was bust wide open and something got torn in my shoulder which still hurts sometimes now :rolleyes:


She used to have a habit of sitting on your lap and throwing her head back to look at you, I've lost count of the number of times she's headbutted me, she doesn't sit on my lap very often anymore :rolleyes:


The funniest injury she's ever inflicted was when she jumped on the OH while he was watching TV and she landed on his nads :laugh: It was quite serious because she winded him quite badly and caused some bruising but inside ( & outside) I struggled to breath through the laughter but I survived :biggrin:


Nala needs to come with a hazard warning I'm sure :rolleyes:

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Beau and Timmy have both caught me with their claws in my eye, causing serious scratching to the cornea and necessitating a trip to A&E :angry:


Ex OH separated Taffy and Scooby (his GSD) once while they were scrapping and Taffy bit him on the arm, causing suspected tendon damage and a nice stay in hospital :ohmy:


I have been pulled over a few times, lots of scratches and bruises from dogs running into me and lost count of the times Taffy has headbutted my nose and made my eyes water :rolleyes:

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Harry once took off after a football at great speed (OH had just kicked it for Ceri to run after) and I was holding his extended lead which wasn't locked. For some strange reason I didn't let go & was thrown arse over tit and landed in a heap to a round of applause from some other dogwalkers. Luckily I escaped with a bruised hip & dented pride :laugh:


I still can't use my hand properly after he accidently bit me a while ago - I can't even hold a cup of tea with it :unsure:


And I've lost count of the number of times I've been bowled over like a skittle :rolleyes:

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I'd had Thomas about 3 weeks and was saying to everyone at training how he doesn't like being kissed in public, to demonstrate I picked him up and tried to kiss him, he took umbrage and bit my nose which bled for ages.

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Murphy used to hold onto my arms with his dew claws. :ohmy: Looked as if I was a self harmer. :rolleyes:


Blue head butted me. That broke my specs (not the lens, the nose grippy bit) which embedded themselves into the side of my nose. :mecry: Blood everywhere!!

Have a sneaky suspicion, but no proof, that Blue dancing on the end of his lead is the reason my shoulder froze up.


Love 'em really. :wub: :wub:

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Tried to make Barney (now at the Bridge) chase me down a slope to stop him going in a different direction.


Slipped down the slope, came crashing down on my ankle, broke all 3 bones in it, 2 night stay in hospital, no visitors as did it on last day of holiday, 3 months off work.



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I've got a small line of four scars on my fingers that perfectly match Smudge's teeth :jealous: I was bitten when I somehow got in the middle of a fight over a quality street wrapper.


Mum has two 'amusing' dog created injuries. First one, in Canadian winter, took our dog Biggles to the offlead area for a run around. He started playing with another dog, and they ran through a patch of ice, tangled together and slid at high speed into mum's knee. Mum ended up with a dislocated knee. Second one, Morse was a puppy, playing with another lurchery dog, and they were running madly in circles, paying no attention to where they were going, and ran straight into mum's knee - dislocated it again. That time they sent a helicopter ambulance thing, which was quite impressive - totally unneccessary with her being about 10 yrds from a car park.

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The injuries I've had haven't ben too terrible - both little fingers dislocated and broken middle finger - on separate occasions . The broken middle finger hasn't healed well, has a big lump on it and doesn't straighten. The worst thing was having to walk home through loads of kids on their way to school with two large, boistrous dogs on the lead in one hand and the little finger on the other hand sticking out at a very strange angle and looking like it was dead (sort of whitish- grey colour).

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Charliegoo uses my shins to push off when he does flyball, as a result, when we have a nice summer and I wear shorts, I end up with scratches all over them, most of them quite deep. Adding to that is Eddie, who likes to launch himself at me when he comes out of the run, and digs his claws into my thighs, so my legs are usually a right mess at this time of the year :rolleyes:

Other than that, I don't think they have injured me too much :biggrin:

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Years ago when Jerry my Jack Russell was still with me I stopped at the lake one evening to let him have a paddle. I was standing right at the edge of the lake admiring the view when Jerry came full pelt behind me with a huge tree branch in his mouth. It caught me in the back of the knees and I toppled over into the water. I was soaked thro and got several cuts and grazes from the stones in the water. I had to walk home soaking wet too and got a chest infection :rolleyes:



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Apart from getting a couple of grazes through a wax cotton jacket when I tried to seperate Digger and Blue when Digger took exception to a Jack Russel, my worst was similar to Snow's - when Missy decided to join me in the hot tub, and then used me as a step ladder to get out double quick!! I don't suppose cholorinated water stings as much as sea water though.....

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It wasn't the dog that caused my worst injury but the lead he was attached to. Piddling with rain, man with his new dog on a flexi, dog runs, man lets go of flexi, I very kindly stopped the flexi with my gob. Teeth started to go black and three weeks later they were taken out and a lovely set of plastic ones were inserted, man and dog were never seen again.





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