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Pete - A Special Dog


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Dear All,


It is with very heavy heart that I am writing another tribute. Pete one of the oldies club sponsor dogs started his last journey in the arms of Gil his foster mum on Monday 04/06/2007 :mecry: :mecry:


Pete came into the care of the Oldies Club at the end of 2006 and was being fostered by Julie and her family in Hampshire. Unfortunately it was only a few days later that we discovered that Pete was terminally ill and so as with all our sponsor dogs, the decission was made to give Pete the love he deserved until his time came without moving him on again.


A few months ago, Julie had to make the hard decission to put Pete first and ask for a new foster home as her family was just to busy for him and he needed more quiet and peace. I can only imagine how hard it is knowing that he has only a little while left and still asking to put him first. Gil and her family came forward and offered to give Pete the quite life he deserved.


His foster mum Gil held him in her arms when he crossed over to the bridge and she has written this wonderful tribute to remember a truly wonderful oldie.




Where do I begin............................


The first time I set eyes on Pete, I was struck by how handsome he was. Beautiful soft fur, almost ginger, and the most gorgeous of eyes. Big, round, kind, deep, wise brown eyes.


He was passed to us by a lady who was obviously very fond of the old boy.


He barked for ages whilst in the car. Eventually, after much fussing, he settled.


He jumped out of the car when we arrived home, and walked boldly into our home, passing the cats and our own dog, to venture into our small but safe garden, which was to be his territory for the next 58 days.


There are many words you could use to describe Pete, but they wouldn't really give you a picture of what he was know........................


He was a fool, a joker. a smiler, a dog to bring you up if you were down. He was a hunter, a stroller, he didn't chase, he outwitted, he didn't snore. he didn't scare, he welcomed. he was patient, upon my word the most patient of dogs. he aimed to please, obeyed, when he got bored of the game, he went 'deaf'. he was totally deaf anyway, but he'd stop watching my hands, and turn the other way.


He ate everything you gave him, and lots that you didn't.


When he used the garden to go to the loo, he had a little dance that he done down the path, as if to say "oh yeah baby, that's better"


He was a joy to know, a wonder to watch. in the weeks he had here with us, his personality unfolded. He had every faith that whatever treats our dog got, he would also receive, so hey...........why rush? he waited and received.


His eyes were forever watchful, missing nothing, but in fact missing most things, because he was often asleep.


He enjoyed himself. He loved his walks, he loved his food, he loved my dog, he loved my cats, he adored my husband and children, he relished being groomed, but mostly..........mostly he savoured life.


Whilst he was with us he grew stronger, faster keener and happier every day. He didn't falter in his step, he didn't give up on trying to eat those damn dogs biscuits when he had no teeth.


The one thing Pete wasn't was a victim.


He NEVER complained to me. Even in his dying hours, he just looked at me with those great big eyes and said...........a million things.


As he took his final breath, I told him not to die with his eyes open, and i gently, very gently stroked his nose until he closed them. Because I couldn't bear to see the light leave the dog that had made me remember what life is all about. Life is for living.


He was never my dog. he never belonged to me, he was only ever on loan. but he will remain a part of me for the rest of my life. As I grieve for Pete, for all the things I'd planned to do with him..............swim in the sea, river, throw snowballs, share a picnic, walk a mile for charity, have a holiday with him, buy him a Christmas pressie, I am reminded that Pete has probably done all these things, and so much more. They were done without me, but Pete's way.


So my tribute to Pete would be...................


Priceless. That's who he was, a hero who shall never be forgotten, and always always remembered with a smile.


Love you old fella




Pete :wub:



I and everyone at the Oldies Club will be forever greatful to both Julie and Gil for being there when Pete really needed a friend and family to love.


My heart and thoughts are with both of you and your families and I am sure Pete is smiling down at you from the summerlands of Rainbow Bridge in the knowledge that he didn't have one but two very special people loving him very much. :flowers: :flowers:


Pete - A old dog who made a huge impact :wub:




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Gil has said it all :wub: . Thank you Gil :angel:


A few pictures of Pete and his stay with me.


The one thing that shone through with Pete was his patience and trusting nature.


He had two operations whilst he was here and at neither one did he go for his stitches or worry. Such a gentleman.


He had Christmas with us and ate a christmas dinner and when the snow came he played outside with my dogs. Those memories are with us always and my children have a special place in their hearts for him always :wub: .





Run and play Petey without any pain in those old legs.


Julie,Rob, Liam,Matt and Rianna xxxxx

Edited by Julie1504
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That's such a beautiful tribute & very apt for one beautiful boy :mecry: :wub_anim:


Run free & happy dear Pete. Thank you for making his last few months so happy Julie & Gil :angel: :angel:


Beyond The Rainbow


As much as I loved the life we had and all the times we played,

I was so very tired and knew my time on earth would fade.

I saw a wondrous image then of a place that's trouble-free

Where all of us can meet again to spend eternity.


I saw the most beautiful Rainbow, and on the other side

Were meadows rich and beautiful -- lush and green and wide!

And running through the meadows as far as the eye could see

Were animals of every sort as healthy as could be!

My own tired, failing body was fresh and healed and new

And I wanted to go run with them, but I had something left to do.


I needed to reach out to you, to tell you I'm alright

That this place is truly wonderful, then a bright Glow pierced the night.

'Twas the Glow of many Candles shining bright and strong and bold

And I knew then that it held your love in its brilliant shades of gold.


For although we may not be together in the way we used to be,

We are still connected by a cord no eye can see.

So whenever you need to find me, we're never far apart

If you look beyond the Rainbow and listen with your heart

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