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Everything posted by chickentikka

  1. Night night Erwine, may you finally have some fun and learn to play and be a happy dog.
  2. She's free and running now, be happy at the bridge Ailis
  3. She is such a good girlie (but what happened to that ickle squishy pup with the serious face!)
  4. Dear Jess You need to get the hang of 'rest', 'quiet' and 'no running around'
  5. We feed our Mastiff/GT Dane cross on Burgess sensitive as she can be prone to skin allergies. Her problem is the opposite to yours tho - we have to keep her weight off . You could also try adding pilchards or sardines.
  6. for Melps - do you want a glass of red wine?
  7. So pleased for you, keep up the singing Sam
  8. Maddie has such a 'serious' little face, she cracks me up
  9. Morning My flu has entered phase 2 and I am a cough/snot monster. I need to be better by Tuesday as I have got an important presentation, I am dosed up on penicillin and beechams cold and flu capsules. Any fugee flu cures out there please. RMF My washing machine finally died last week and we went out looking yesterday afternoon armed with Which! We found a good one but it was £600 in the shop so came home to have a think. I got it for £150 less on the internet last night so I am chuffed. Is it sad to be excitedly waiting for a delivery date for a new washer I am so sad about Skellie Has Poppy eaten yet Mrs soontobesooslim Oook, good luck with the viewing And hugs for all poorly and sad fugees
  10. Eat all the sausages going at the bridge, you dear little fat lurcher Marian
  11. It's always so much more reassuring when you see a vet you know and trust. Hope that you manage the resting OK and Ollie will soon be able to out with his bestest friend again
  12. So sorry Kelly I lost my lovely Laika in similar circumstances, she went in for a milogram (sp) and never came round. Run free little Lacey Marian
  13. If you could do the killing then so be it. I personally could not kill anyone and would not expect anyone (or on behalf of a country) to do it in my name, again who draws the line about what is an offence which warrants the death penalty and what does not. Are you capable of killing someone or do you want 'someone' (who?) to do it for you and wash your hands...............where do you put Bush and Blair in this slaughter of innocent people who blatantly lied for their justification of the war (or was it just that Iraq happened to have oil and Zimbabwe, Darfour and Rawanda doesn't)
  14. No - how can you chose what is barbaric and what is not, where do you draw the line at who should die and who should not, is there an acceptable barbaric line and where do you draw it. I agree he is a shittin monster, but killing him takes you down to his level. I am against the death penalty full stop - you are either for it or against it - no ifs or buts imho
  15. Hi from another dobie owner Your 2 look lovely
  16. Carole - I'm so sorry Run free and fiesty little Sooty Marian
  17. The 'I've just got home from work so please all feel sorry for me ' bump
  18. Congrats on your landmark bump *bump*
  19. It's OK I found a reasonably 'flat' skirt in the wardrobe....................bye bump PS an iron is a dusty lump of metal that rarely sees the light of day
  20. The I'm going to be late for work and still haven't ironed my skirt bump
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