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Everything posted by Ruby1Nic

  1. Ah, that must be much cooler for him now
  2. Here's another report - with video of the poor little dab stuck
  3. Great pics . You have some lovely adventures don't you? Hope you're all doing ok
  4. Talk about a lucky escape wasn't it ?! I read this earlier, and like the new name for him, Dyno Thanks goodness it all turned out ok though.
  5. Great pics, smashing dogs
  6. Just thought I'd update. Ruby has been on Previcox since last Saturday and I will say (quietly and whilst knocking anything wooden!) that it seems to be working. She is much better - her limp is far less pronounced and she has much more energy. It could be that this would have happened anyway, even if we had continued wIth the Rimadyl, who knows. Whatever it is she is much much better than she was this time last week and for the 1st time I feel more confident that we are turning a corner. She is on Previcox until this Friday 19th, when we take her back to Vets for follow up. In meanwhile we'll keep her in as we don't want to tempt fate or have her put herself back a week again by jumping/knocking herself etc when out. Fingers and toes, eyes and whatever else are all crossed !
  7. Has matey on the left mis judged his hand signal - or maybe not?! Great pic
  8. Awe all cwtched up Mind you, I don't fancy the black one's chances too much. One false move from the other one and s/he's off
  9. That's great , well done Rudy and Caleb.
  10. As a child, we had a Yorkie, Staffy and a Toy Poodle. The 1st dog OH and myself had as our own was a Lab/GR and then a Lab/GSD. Now we have a Yellow Lab and I think I'd always like to have a Lab. However, I would like a Standard Poodle or a Rottie.
  11. Yes, I saw that the other day. Isn't it wonderful
  12. What lovely pics, they really are best of friends
  13. BilRed - Thanks for that link. I'm aware of this lady, but didn't know about the pet side of things. We're on new tablets for a week now as Ruby isn't responding to Rimadyl. We're on Previcox until next Friday. If there is still no improvement we will be referred to the orthapaedic expert in Bristol and she may need an 'osteoscopy' (sp?) which is where they can go into Ruby's bones and see what's what. At the moment she is now under house arrest for a week It shouldn't be too bad, as she's quite content. So it's going to be a case of trying to check the best course of treatment - and doing it asap. Thanks very much again all.
  14. Thanks Karen We've actually got an appointment booked again for today at 3pm as last night she struggled to get from the living to the back door to go to the garden We really feel that there is more going on. Her xrays went to an orthapaedic expert last time but he didnt actually see Ruby. I've been trawling the web (as you do ) and found that , yes, elbow replacements are fairly new and are carried out at The Royal Vet College - although criteria has to be met and there is a highisn % rate of complications. I'm not knocking our Vet at all, and I don't want to appear dismisive of their expertise but I think I will ask for a proper referal to an orthapadic place/person. Let's see what happens at 3pm
  15. Thank you Vonny Ruby will be 6 in Sept and we really want her to have back what she seems to have currently lost now. I appreciate that she will probably get worse as she gets older, but she's still so young. One of our neighbour's dogs is on Metacam and they favour it so maybe that may be another route of this Rimadyl doesnt kick in soon. I must sound like such a moaning minnie
  16. Hi All, As a follow on from my other thread - see here Is there anyone on here whose dog has not been responsive to Rimadyl/Metetam/Cartrophen injections/Previcox or others and then had to have an elbow replacement? I'm just gathering all the info I can at the moment as Ruby's limp is now more pronounced than ever and her walks now consist of going just across the road to the green to do her toilets and back again OH and I have spoken with Vet as she has been prescribed Rimadyl. I do understand that 9 days (how long she's been on Rimadyl) is perhaps not long enough to know whether it's effective or not. However, we really feel Rubes is getting worse, not better. She has gone from walking the beaches and coastal paths of Cornwall only 3 weeks ago this. Maybe we're clutching at straws but OH and I wonder whether she has sustained an injury somehow as well as having this dysplacia/arthritis and that the Vets may have missed this. The Tuesday after the Bank Holiday is when we noticed her limping. Neither of us saw her have an accident. She went to the Vet on the Friday, had X-rays the following Tuesday and now she can barely walk at all on that leg. Do the symptoms of arthritis come on as quick as that? I have been told that Vet wants to do all medication options before surgery is considered, even then she may not be a 'suitable candidate'. OH is due to speak to Vet again 2mrw to voice our concerns. Oh I don't know, we just feel that something is not right. Having said all of this Ruby doesnt exhibit any pain. By that I mean, no wincing, yelping etc. She is not grumpy or off her food. She is still happy, waggy and eats, drinks and toilets normally. Sorry for going on, I just feel so helpless about it all and worry that she'll never be better.
  17. Me either, she's horrid and a stirrer (Probably the best sort of housemate though ). I'm not too keen on Siravash (sp?) either. I'm liking Dogface and Halfwit. Mind you the way Halfwit talks and ends his sentences as if he's always asking a question is a bit frustrating - bit like those dim American girls from 'The Valley' I like Saffia and Kris and Charlie. What's with Angel sucking that egg through it's shell as well?!
  18. Hi there - I hope Rosie picks up soon and that the Metacam works for her. We've got our Lab, Ruby, with limping probs also and she is on Rimadyl. However, I've been reading up on Metacam , amongst others, also. I've got a thread running about it all. Can I ask, how old is Rosie and what breed/type is she?
  19. He's a star isn't he? The best looking swamp monster I've seen
  20. Hello again folks - thanks for the additional experiences. I've just spoken with the Vet again today as it's 7 days on Rimadyl now. Sadly there is no improvement to her limp that I feel anyway The expert has looked at the X-Rays and to be honest her original 'bad' leg isn't the main problem. He has said that yes, she has "obvious deformity on the humerous, yet the old fragmented bone has made a good fibrous union and is not displaced". So although her gate looks odd, it doesn't have arthritis. However, she does have something called "bicipital tenosynovitis" in her left shoulder - which is an inflamtaion of that joint Moving to what we always thought was her good leg. It seems that she has elbow dysplacia in that joint The bone is fragmented and not joined properly. The expert has said that at this stage he would not recommend surgery to Ruby's elbow. He would only do this if she was unresponsive to medication I told Vet there was no improvement IMO on the Rimadyl but was told we need to give it a month not a week so we're back up later this evening to collect a further 2 weeks of Rimadyl tablets. Also she has advised we could try Metacam if Rimadyl not successful and also the Cartropehn injections and something else beginning with "P" which I blooming didn't write down and can't remember now either We need to keep eye on her weight - that's ok, she's not overweight. Also need to only do short lead walks for the next few weeks. This is a real shame since we have York here and up until now enjoyed some lovely walks. I just can't believe that these syptomns have been dormant until now I just feel maybe they are missing something? But then, they are the experts and maybe I'm just wishing agaisnt the bad news. We've got our holiday to The Lakes coming up and at this rate we'll be spending it in the pub rather than on the Fells Thanks so much everyone. Will keep you all posted bit by bit. The good thing in all this is Ruby doesn't actually seem unhappy in her self/attitude etc. She is still as happy as Larry (whoever he is!), eats and drinks as normal and toilets as normal. I am so conscious that things could be much worse, but we are both feeling a bit sorry for ourselves now and what the future holds for Ruby's walks and lifestyle etc.
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